Javascript 如何在现有Express项目中使用Angular 4

Javascript 如何在现有Express项目中使用Angular 4,javascript,node.js,angular,express,Javascript,Node.js,Angular,Express,我有一个位于~/Documents/projects/Express project的现有Express项目,我想使用Angular 4。我试过使用 ng new express-project --directory express-project 虽然在my projects目录中,但它不会创建Angular所需的文件,并给出以下消息: $ ng new express-project --directory express-project error! express-project/.

我有一个位于~/Documents/projects/Express project的现有Express项目,我想使用Angular 4。我试过使用

ng new express-project --directory express-project
虽然在my projects目录中,但它不会创建Angular所需的文件,并给出以下消息:

$ ng new express-project --directory express-project
error! express-project/.gitignore already exists.
error! express-project/package.json already exists.
Installing packages for tooling via npm.
Installed packages for tooling via npm.
Project 'express-project' successfully created.

ng build

但它抱怨angular-cli.json文件。我需要做什么才能使Angular 4处理我现有的项目?


    -server <-- copy the existing files from your project here
    -client <-- ng new here and set the build directory in the .angular-cli json to your desired path in the server dir.


    -server <-- copy the existing files from your project here
    -client <-- ng new here and set the build directory in the .angular-cli json to your desired path in the server dir.

-这里的服务器是我的angular 4 with express项目,可能您会发现它很有用:。它被称为“angular 2”,但里面有一个angular 4。这是我的angular 4与express项目,也许你会发现它很有用:。它被称为“角度2”,但里面有一个角度4