Javascript 为什么这个正则表达式在传递到php/mysql时失败? 公共静态bool CheckFields(如\u AccountInfo regInfo、字符串密码confirm、, 字符串电子邮件确认,参考字符串错误消息) { errorMessage=“”; //验证字段中的数据(确保它与其类型匹配 如果(!regInfo.fields.CheckMySQLFields(ref errorMessage)) 返回false; 如果(regInfo.GetFieldValue(“密码”)==null | | (AS_Preferences.askUserForEmail和®Info.GetFieldValue(“email”)==null)) { errorMessage=“帐户信息设置不正确..!缺少字段..!”; 返回false; } //密码必须匹配 if(regInfo.GetFieldValue(“密码”)!=passwordConfirm){ errorMessage=“密码必须匹配…”; 返回false; } //如果已输入电子邮件 else if(AS_Preferences.askUserForEmail&®Info.GetFieldValue(“电子邮件”)!=“”){ //它必须是有效的 如果(!new Regex(@“^[\w!\$%&*+\-/=?\^ `{124;}~++(\.[\ w!\\$%&*+\-/=?\^ `{124;}~+])*” +“”).Match(regInfo.GetFieldValue(“电子邮件”)。成功){ errorMessage=“无效的电子邮件…”; 返回false; } //并匹配其确认 如果(regInfo.GetFieldValue(“email”)!=emailConfirm){ errorMessage=“电子邮件必须匹配…”; 返回false; } } //一切都好。。! 返回true; }

Javascript 为什么这个正则表达式在传递到php/mysql时失败? 公共静态bool CheckFields(如\u AccountInfo regInfo、字符串密码confirm、, 字符串电子邮件确认,参考字符串错误消息) { errorMessage=“”; //验证字段中的数据(确保它与其类型匹配 如果(!regInfo.fields.CheckMySQLFields(ref errorMessage)) 返回false; 如果(regInfo.GetFieldValue(“密码”)==null | | (AS_Preferences.askUserForEmail和®Info.GetFieldValue(“email”)==null)) { errorMessage=“帐户信息设置不正确..!缺少字段..!”; 返回false; } //密码必须匹配 if(regInfo.GetFieldValue(“密码”)!=passwordConfirm){ errorMessage=“密码必须匹配…”; 返回false; } //如果已输入电子邮件 else if(AS_Preferences.askUserForEmail&®Info.GetFieldValue(“电子邮件”)!=“”){ //它必须是有效的 如果(!new Regex(@“^[\w!\$%&*+\-/=?\^ `{124;}~++(\.[\ w!\\$%&*+\-/=?\^ `{124;}~+])*” +“”).Match(regInfo.GetFieldValue(“电子邮件”)。成功){ errorMessage=“无效的电子邮件…”; 返回false; } //并匹配其确认 如果(regInfo.GetFieldValue(“email”)!=emailConfirm){ errorMessage=“电子邮件必须匹配…”; 返回false; } } //一切都好。。! 返回true; },javascript,c#,php,regex,Javascript,C#,Php,Regex,我认为有些括号放错了地方。缩进并美化了PHP代码的一部分: public static bool CheckFields(AS_AccountInfo regInfo, string passwordConfirm, string emailConfirm, ref string errorMessage) { errorMessage = ""; // Validate the data in the fields (make sure it matches their


public static bool CheckFields(AS_AccountInfo regInfo, string passwordConfirm, 
string emailConfirm, ref string errorMessage)

    errorMessage = "";

    // Validate the data in the fields (make sure it matches their type
    if ( !regInfo.fields.CheckMySQLFields (ref errorMessage) )
        return false;

    if (regInfo.GetFieldValue("password") == null || 
        (AS_Preferences.askUserForEmail && regInfo.GetFieldValue("email") == null))
        errorMessage = "Account info not set up correctly..! Missing fields..!";
        return false;

    // Password must match
    if (regInfo.GetFieldValue ("password") != passwordConfirm) {
        errorMessage = "Passwords must match..!";
        return false;
    // If an email has been entered
    else if (AS_Preferences.askUserForEmail && regInfo.GetFieldValue ("email") != "") {
        // It must be valid
        if (!new Regex (@"^[\w!#$%&*+\-/=?\^_`{|}~]+(\.[\w!#$%&*+\-/=?\^_`{|}~]+)*@"
            + "").Match (regInfo.GetFieldValue ("email")).Success) {
            errorMessage = "Invalid email..!";
            return false;

        // And match its confirm
        if (regInfo.GetFieldValue ("email") != emailConfirm) { 
            errorMessage = "Emails must match..!";
            return false;

    // All good..!
    return true;

 <? php
   $link = try_mysql_connect($databaseHostname, $databaseUsername, 
$databasePassword, $databaseDbName, $databasePort);

$from = $emailAccount;

$info = $_POST['newAccountInfo'];
$requireEmailActivation = strtolower($_POST['requireEmailActivation']);

$fields = explode($fieldsSeparator, $info);

$fieldNames = "";
$fieldValues = "";
$email = "";
foreach ($fields as $field) {

$words = explode($fieldNameValueSeparator, $field);

$fieldName  = $words[0];
$fieldValue = $words[1];

$fieldName = stripslashes($fieldName);
$fieldValue = stripslashes($fieldValue);
$fieldName  = mysqli_real_escape_string($link,$fieldName);
$fieldValue = mysqli_real_escape_string($link,$fieldValue);

if ($fieldName == "")


if ($requireEmailActivation == "true") {
    if ($fieldName == "username")
    $username = $fieldValue;
    if ($fieldName == "email"){
    $email = $fieldValue;

// Store it
$fieldNames  .= "`$fieldName`,";
if ($fieldValue == "")
$fieldValues .= "NULL,";
    $fieldValues .= "'$fieldValue',";

$fieldNames = rtrim( $fieldNames, ",");
$fieldValues = rtrim( $fieldValues, ",");

$query = "INSERT INTO accounts 
(" . $fieldNames .")
VALUES ( " . $fieldValues . " )";

try_mysql_query($link, $query);

foreach($fields as $field) {
    $words = explode($fieldNameValueSeparator, $field);
    $fieldName = $words[0];
    $fieldValue = $words[1];
    $fieldName = stripslashes($fieldName);
    $fieldValue = stripslashes($fieldValue);
    $fieldName = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $fieldName);
    $fieldValue = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $fieldValue);
    if ($fieldName == "") continue;

if ($requireEmailActivation == "true") {
    if ($fieldName == "username") $username = $fieldValue;
    if ($fieldName == "email") {
        $email = $fieldValue;

    // Store it

    $fieldNames.= "`$fieldName`,";
    if ($fieldValue == "") $fieldValues.= "NULL,";
    else $fieldValues.= "'$fieldValue',";



    if ($fieldName == "") continue;

要确保轻松修复代码,请将错误信息作为解决方案的起点。 您的具体情况如下:


if ($var.split("@")[1]!=="")
//alert invalid email



$query = "INSERT INTO accounts (" . $fieldNames .")


$query = "INSERT INTO accounts (" . $fieldNames .")
$fieldNames  .= "`$fieldName`,";