
jMeter>;使用beanshell调用测试片段,jmeter,beanshell,Jmeter,Beanshell,我可以从beanshell取样器调用jMeter测试片段或任何其他取样器吗 我继续搜索,但未找到任何可用于此操作的方法。您可能无法从Beanshell sampler调用取样器。我不知道你为什么要那样做。因为JMeter一个接一个地调用采样器,所以除非有一些逻辑控制器,否则不能更改顺序 The full list of BeanShell variables that is set up is as follows: log - the Logger Label - the Sampler l



您可能无法从Beanshell sampler调用取样器。我不知道你为什么要那样做。因为JMeter一个接一个地调用采样器,所以除非有一些逻辑控制器,否则不能更改顺序

The full list of BeanShell variables that is set up is as follows:

log - the Logger
Label - the Sampler label
FileName - the file name, if any
Parameters - text from the Parameters field
bsh.args - the parameters, split as described above
SampleResult - pointer to the current SampleResult
ResponseCode = 200
ResponseMessage = "OK"
IsSuccess = true
ctx - JMeterContext
vars - JMeterVariables - e.g. vars.get("VAR1"); vars.put("VAR2","value"); vars.remove("VAR3"); vars.putObject("OBJ1",new Object());
props - JMeterProperties (class java.util.Properties)- e.g. props.get("START.HMS"); props.put("PROP1","1234");