
干燥一些Rails/HAML/jQuery视图代码,jquery,ruby-on-rails,refactoring,haml,dry,Jquery,Ruby On Rails,Refactoring,Haml,Dry,我在屏幕顶部呈现一个警报条作为一个部分,向用户显示成功/失败/注意闪光消息 我终于让它适用于大多数场景,但代码本身在一些部分是重复的,我不确定如何更有效地拆分它,因为我对所有这些都比较陌生。我的目标是尽可能不重复我自己,或者至少尽量减少重复的次数 例如,有没有办法将一些javascript放入可重用的部分或辅助函数中?有没有其他明显的方法可以减少代码的重复性 我对Rails/Ruby还不够熟悉,无法理解如何改进代码,因此非常感谢您提供的任何提示 / top alert area #topAler





/ top alert area

- if flash.empty? && !current_user.confirmed?
  - # User has yet to confirm their account
  - # and there AREN'T any flash messages to show

    / placeholder for alert bar offset

    // Set the flash box content
    $('#topAlertBar').html('Please confirm your account by following the instructions sent to #{current_user.email}.  To resend your confirmation email, #{escape_javascript(link_to("click here", user_resend_confirmation_path(current_user), :class => "inlinelink", :method => :post, :remote => true))} #{escape_javascript(image_tag("ajaxOrange.gif", :class => "soft-hidden mls mbs"))}.');

    // Slides down the top alert bar after page load
    $('#topAlertBar, #alertBarOffset').delay(250).slideDown("fast");

    // Shows & hides AJAX loading GIF when necessary
    $('#topAlertBar a').click(function() {
      $(document).bind('ajaxSend', function(e, request, options) {
        $("#topAlertBar img").show();
      $(document).bind('ajaxComplete', function(e, request, options) {
        $(document).unbind('ajaxSend', 'ajaxComplete');
        $("#topAlertBar img").hide();

- elsif !flash.empty? && !current_user.confirmed?
  - # User has yet to confirm their account
  - # and there ARE flash messages to show

    / placeholder for alert bar offset

  - [:error, :success, :notice].each do |key| 
    - unless flash[key].blank?
      - @msg = flash[key]
      - @key = key

    // Set the flash box content
    var $that = $('#topAlertBar');
    $that.html('#{@msg}').addClass('#{@key}').delay(250).slideDown("fast", function() {
      $(this).delay(2000).slideUp("fast", function () {
        // Remove any CSS modifiers

        // Set the flash box content
        $('#topAlertBar').html('Please confirm your account by following the instructions sent to #{current_user.email}.  To resend your confirmation email, #{escape_javascript(link_to("click here", user_resend_confirmation_path(current_user), :class => "inlinelink", :method => :post, :remote => true))} #{escape_javascript(image_tag("ajaxOrange.gif", :class => "soft-hidden mls mbs"))}.');

        // Slides down the top alert bar after page load
        $('#topAlertBar, #alertBarOffset').slideDown("fast");

        // Shows & hides AJAX loading GIF when necessary
        $('#topAlertBar a').click(function() {
          $(document).bind('ajaxSend', function(e, request, options) {
            $("#topAlertBar img").show();
          $(document).bind('ajaxComplete', function(e, request, options) {
            $(document).unbind('ajaxSend', 'ajaxComplete');
            $("#topAlertBar img").hide();


- elsif !flash.empty?
  - # User is confirmed
  - # and there ARE flash messages to show

  - [:error, :success, :notice].each do |key| 
    - unless flash[key].blank?
      - @msg = flash[key]
      - @key = key

    // Set the flash box content
    var $that = $('#topAlertBar');
    $that.html('#{@msg}').addClass('#{@key}').delay(250).slideDown("fast", function() {




  =javascript_include_tag :all





    - if signed_in?
      = render 'shared/top_alert_bar'

= display_flash_messages

/ top alert area
- if !current_user.confirmed?
    / placeholder for alert bar offset

- if flash.empty? && !current_user.confirmed?
  - # User has yet to confirm their account
  - # and there AREN'T any flash messages to show


- elsif !flash.empty?

    // Set the flash box content
    var $that = $('#topAlertBar');
    $that.html('#{@flash_msg}').addClass('#{@flash_key}').delay(250).slideDown("fast", function() {
      $(this).delay(4000).slideUp("fast", function () {
        // Remove any CSS modifiers

        #{!current_user.confirmed? ? render('shared/js/confirm_user') : ""}

/* ******************************** */
/* Top Alert Bar for Flash Messages */
/* ******************************** */
// Description: Shows & hides AJAX loading GIF when necessary
$('#topAlertBar a').click(function() {
  $(document).bind('ajaxSend', function(e, request, options) {
    $("#topAlertBar img").show();
  $(document).bind('ajaxComplete', function(e, request, options) {
    $("#topAlertBar img").hide();
    $(document).unbind('ajaxSend', 'ajaxComplete');

  $('#topAlertBar').html('Please confirm your account by following the instructions sent to #{current_user.email}.  To resend your confirmation email, #{escape_javascript(link_to('click here', user_resend_confirmation_path(current_user), :class => 'inlinelink', :method => :post, :remote => true))}. #{escape_javascript(image_tag('ajaxOrange.gif', :class => 'soft-hidden mls mbs'))}');

  $('#topAlertBar, #alertBarOffset').delay(250).slideDown('fast');

= display_flash_messages

/ top alert area
- if !current_user.confirmed?
    / placeholder for alert bar offset

- if flash.empty? && !current_user.confirmed?
  - # User has yet to confirm their account
  - # and there AREN'T any flash messages to show


- elsif !flash.empty?

    // Set the flash box content
    var $that = $('#topAlertBar');
    $that.html('#{@flash_msg}').addClass('#{@flash_key}').delay(250).slideDown("fast", function() {
      $(this).delay(4000).slideUp("fast", function () {
        // Remove any CSS modifiers

        #{!current_user.confirmed? ? render('shared/js/confirm_user') : ""}

/* ******************************** */
/* Top Alert Bar for Flash Messages */
/* ******************************** */
// Description: Shows & hides AJAX loading GIF when necessary
$('#topAlertBar a').click(function() {
  $(document).bind('ajaxSend', function(e, request, options) {
    $("#topAlertBar img").show();
  $(document).bind('ajaxComplete', function(e, request, options) {
    $("#topAlertBar img").hide();
    $(document).unbind('ajaxSend', 'ajaxComplete');


顺便说一句,这个问题最初是发布在上的,但显然没有人真正去那里查看代码,所以我将它迁移回这里。如果我不在HAML jQuery代码中设置Ruby对象,部分问题对我来说是可行的: