
jquery类=";精选;在基于url路径的一部分的导航中,jquery,navigation,Jquery,Navigation,我有一个导航巫婆,看起来像这样: <ul class="main-navbar"> <li><a href="/folder1/index.php">folder1</a></li> <li><a href="/folder2/index.php">folder2</a></li> <li><a href="/folder3/index.php"&


<ul class="main-navbar">
    <li><a href="/folder1/index.php">folder1</a></li>
    <li><a href="/folder2/index.php">folder2</a></li>
    <li><a href="/folder3/index.php">folder3</a></li>       


<ul class="main-navbar">
    <li><a href="/folder1/index.php">folder1</a></li>
    <li class="selected"><a href="/folder2/index.php">folder2</a></li>
    <li><a href="/folder3/index.php">folder3</a></li>       

<ul class="main-navbar">
    <li class="selected"><a href="/folder1/index.php">folder1</a></li>
    <li><a href="/folder2/index.php">folder2</a></li>
    <li><a href="/folder3/index.php">folder3</a></li>       



var url = window.location.pathname;
var url = url.split("/");
if(url[1] == "folder2"){


$('.main-navbar a').addClass(function(){
    // caching for future use:
    var that = this,
        // retrieving the pathname, and splitting it on the '/' characters
        // to form an array (for easier removals later):
        path = that.pathname.split('/'),
        // so we're only retrieving this once per iteration over the collection:
        winPath = window.location.pathname;

    // 'len' (the number of iterations) is 'path.length - 1' because if
    // we remove the last element from the array, they will *all* match:
    for (var i = 0, len = path.length - 1; i < len; i++){

        // testing to see if there's a match at the start of the pathname:
        if (winPath.indexOf(path.join('/')) === 0) {
            // this is entirely unnecessary, and serves only to show
            // (in the demo) what was matched:
                return oldText + ' (found match at: ' + that.hostname + path.join('/') + ')';

            // if the pathname, or the truncated pathname, matches we add the
            // 'selected' class-name to the element:
            return 'selected';
        else {
            // otherwise we remove the last element of the array, and try again:


  • jQuery:
  • JavaScript:

  • 。我给工作的代码。只是它在www.mysite.com/folder2/somethinge_else.php(例如)上不起作用。谢谢你,伙计。我在我的网站上解决了这个bug,现在它可以正常工作了。你的脚本需要在网站的底部(现在我觉得很愚蠢)。剩下2个问题:我可以将代码包装成:$(document).ready(function(){your code HERE});?问题2:如何在
  • 中选择类。我发现将您的“return'selected';”替换为我的“$(this).parent().addClass('selected');”是在
      $('.main-navbar a').addClass(function(){
          // caching for future use:
          var that = this,
              // retrieving the pathname, and splitting it on the '/' characters
              // to form an array (for easier removals later):
              path = that.pathname.split('/'),
              // so we're only retrieving this once per iteration over the collection:
              winPath = window.location.pathname;
          // 'len' (the number of iterations) is 'path.length - 1' because if
          // we remove the last element from the array, they will *all* match:
          for (var i = 0, len = path.length - 1; i < len; i++){
              // testing to see if there's a match at the start of the pathname:
              if (winPath.indexOf(path.join('/')) === 0) {
                  // this is entirely unnecessary, and serves only to show
                  // (in the demo) what was matched:
                      return oldText + ' (found match at: ' + that.hostname + path.join('/') + ')';
                  // if the pathname, or the truncated pathname, matches we add the
                  // 'selected' class-name to the element:
                  return 'selected';
              else {
                  // otherwise we remove the last element of the array, and try again:
      $('.main-navbar a').addClass(function(){
          var that = this,
              path = that.pathname.split('/'),
              // retrieves the hostname, including the subdomain,
              // eg: 'subdomain.domain.tld' from the link.
              pathHost = that.hostname,
              winPath = window.location.pathname,
              // as above, but for the window.location:
              winHost = window.location.hostname;
          // if the hostname from the path is exactly equal ('===') to
          // that from the window.location then we test the pathname:
          if (winHost === pathHost) {
              for (var i = 0, len = path.length - 1; i < len; i++){
                  if (winPath.indexOf(path.join('/')) === 0) {
                  else {