
Jquery自定义函数未在ajax加载的内容上定位div,jquery,css,ajax,callback,positioning,Jquery,Css,Ajax,Callback,Positioning,我编写了一个自定义函数,用于在容器中定位绝对div,计算顶部位置和高度: $.fn.gridB = function() { var o = $(this); //EDITED from var o = $(this[0]); o.each(function() { var a1top = o.find('.article1').position().top; var a1height = o.find('.article1').height();


$.fn.gridB = function() {
    var o = $(this); //EDITED from var o = $(this[0]);
    o.each(function() {
        var a1top = o.find('.article1').position().top;
        var a1height = o.find('.article1').height();
        var a0top = o.find('.article0').position().top;
        var a0height = o.find('.article0').height();
        var a2top = o.find('.article2').position().top;
        var a2height = o.find('.article2').height();
        var a3height = o.find('.article3').height();
        var a4height = o.find('.article4').height();
        var a5height = o.find('.article5').height();
        if (a0height > a1height + a1top) {
            $('.article3', o).css('top', a0top + a0height + 20);
        } else if (a0height < a1height + a1top) {
            $('.article3', o).css('top', a1top + a1height + 20);
        $('.article4', o).css('top', a2top + a2height + 20);
        $('.article5', o).css('top', a2top + a2height + 20);
        $('.article6', o).css('top', a2top + a2height + a5height + 40);
        $('.article7', o).css('top', a2top + a2height + a5height + 40);
        var lastChildPos = o.find('div:last-child').position().top;
        var lastChildHeight = o.find('div:last-child').height();
        o.height(lastChildPos + lastChildHeight + 20);



 <div id="content">
<div class="fours">
  <div class="article article0">
     <div><img src="url" /></div>
  <div class="article article1">
     <div><img src="url" /></div>
  <div class="article article2">
     <div><img src="url" /></div>
  <div class="article article3">
     <div><img src="url" /></div>
<!-- Next ".fours" div is loaded here with ajax function -->

编辑2:在gridB函数中,我更改了var o=$(此[0])行;to var o=$(这是);并将函数调用从$('.fours:last').gridB()更改为;到$('.fours').gridB();。它起作用了,但现在脚本将所有绝对div都放置在ajax加载的下一个集合中,并使用第一组文章的值。我认为这更接近解决方案。必须有一种方法以ajax加载的容器为目标:last不起作用。


success: function(html) {
    var $html = $(html);                       // Wrap HTML in jQuery object.
    $("#content").append($html);               // Add created object.

    $html.preloader_index();                   // Use the same object.
    $html.gridB();                             // Call gridB using the same object.

preload\u index()
success: function(html) {
    var $html = $(html);                       // Wrap HTML in jQuery object.
    $("#content").append($html);               // Add created object.

    $html.preloader_index();                   // Use the same object.
    $html.gridB();                             // Call gridB using the same object.