
在golang中解析JSON的一个子段,json,go,Json,Go,我有一个接收JSON消息的应用程序。JSON有各种“部分”(下面的示例)。每个部分都有一个名称,但除此之外,每个部分的结构完全不同 我要做的是遍历各个部分,并为每个部分解组相应的对象。但奇怪的是,我发现这很困难,因为似乎您可以将整个JSON解组到一个对象中,或者您可以得到一个通用的map[string]接口{}。我找到的所有示例代码都涉及到类型切换和手动分配变量……我希望直接将neato解组处理到对象中 有没有办法将JSON的一个子集提供给解组器?我自己也可以对字节[]进行切分,但这似乎很可怕…





package main

import "encoding/json"

type Book struct {
    Author string
    Title  string
    Price  float64

type Movie struct {
    Title  string
    Year   float64
    Stars  float64
    Format string

var sections map[string]interface{}

func main() {

     * "Book" and "Movie" are "sections".
     * There are dozens of possible section types,
     * and which are present is not known ahead of time

    incoming_msg_string := `
    "Book" : {
        "Author" : "Jack Kerouac",
        "Title" : "On the Road",
        "Price" : 5.99
    "Movie" : {
        "Title" : "Sherlock Holmes vs. the Secret Weapon",
        "Year" : 1940,
        "Stars" : 2.5,
        "Format" : "DVD"

     * this code gets me a list of sections

    var f interface{}
    err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(incoming_msg_string), &f)
    if err != nil {

    var list_of_sections []string
    for section_type, _ := range f.(map[string]interface{}) {
        list_of_sections = append(list_of_sections, section_type)

       * next I would like to take the JSON in the "book" section
       * and unmarshal it into a Book object, then take the JSON
       * in the "movie" section and unmarshal it into a Movie object,
       * etc.
       * https://blog.golang.org/json-and-go has an example on
       * decoding arbitrary data, but there's only one Unmarshaling.
       * json.RawMessage has an example in the docs but it assumes
       * the objects are the same type (I think).  My attempts to use
       * it with a two-field struct (section name, and a raw message)
       * gave runtime errors.  Likewise unmarshaling into a 
       * []json.RawMessage gave "panic: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type []json.RawMessage"
       * What I'm looking for is something like:
       *   json.Unmarshal(some_json["a certain section"],&object)


