Linux 配置中的Endian属性。文件

Linux 配置中的Endian属性。文件,linux,file,benchmarking,configuration-files,file-conversion,Linux,File,Benchmarking,Configuration Files,File Conversion,我想通过simplescalar运行基准测试,但当我想通过以下命令运行基准测试时: ./sim-profile anagram.pisa-big words < > OUT 有人告诉我,我必须做到以下几点: fatal: PISA binary `anagram.pisa-big' has wrong endian format # load configuration from a file # -config # dum


./sim-profile anagram.pisa-big words < > OUT

fatal: PISA binary `anagram.pisa-big'  has wrong endian format
# load configuration from a file
# -config               

# dump configuration to a file
# -dumpconfig           

# print help message
# -h                          false 

# verbose operation
# -v                          false 

# enable debug message
# -d                          false 

# start in Dlite debugger
# -i                          false 

# random number generator seed (0 for timer seed)
-seed                             1 

# initialize and terminate immediately
# -q                          false 

# restore EIO trace execution from <fname>
# -chkpt                     <null> 

# redirect simulator output to file (non-interactive only)
# -redir:sim                 <null> 

# redirect simulated program output to file
# -redir:prog                <null> 

# simulator scheduling priority
-nice                             0 

# maximum number of inst's to execute
-max:inst                         0 

# enable all profile options
-all                          false 

# enable instruction class profiling
-iclass                       false 

# enable instruction profiling
-iprof                        false 

# enable branch instruction profiling
-brprof                       false 

# enable address mode profiling
-amprof                       false 

# enable load/store address segment profiling
-segprof                      false 

# enable text symbol profiling
-tsymprof                     false 

# enable text address profiling
-taddrprof                    false 

# enable data symbol profiling
-dsymprof                     false 

# include compiler-internal symbols during symbol profiling
-internal                     false 

# profile stat(s) against text addr's (mult uses ok)
# -pcstat                    <null> 
  • 运行
    /sim profile-confugdump config_new.cfg
  • 然后写入
    /sim profile-confugdump config_new.cfg
  • 更改属性并将endian属性更改为big endian
  • 但问题是我找不到做这件事的属性。打开此文件后,我有以下内容:

    fatal: PISA binary `anagram.pisa-big'  has wrong endian format
    # load configuration from a file
    # -config               
    # dump configuration to a file
    # -dumpconfig           
    # print help message
    # -h                          false 
    # verbose operation
    # -v                          false 
    # enable debug message
    # -d                          false 
    # start in Dlite debugger
    # -i                          false 
    # random number generator seed (0 for timer seed)
    -seed                             1 
    # initialize and terminate immediately
    # -q                          false 
    # restore EIO trace execution from <fname>
    # -chkpt                     <null> 
    # redirect simulator output to file (non-interactive only)
    # -redir:sim                 <null> 
    # redirect simulated program output to file
    # -redir:prog                <null> 
    # simulator scheduling priority
    -nice                             0 
    # maximum number of inst's to execute
    -max:inst                         0 
    # enable all profile options
    -all                          false 
    # enable instruction class profiling
    -iclass                       false 
    # enable instruction profiling
    -iprof                        false 
    # enable branch instruction profiling
    -brprof                       false 
    # enable address mode profiling
    -amprof                       false 
    # enable load/store address segment profiling
    -segprof                      false 
    # enable text symbol profiling
    -tsymprof                     false 
    # enable text address profiling
    -taddrprof                    false 
    # enable data symbol profiling
    -dsymprof                     false 
    # include compiler-internal symbols during symbol profiling
    -internal                     false 
    # profile stat(s) against text addr's (mult uses ok)
    # -pcstat                    <null> 
    -brprof false
    -dsymprof false


    你的二进制文件是错误的endian!您可能错误地配置了GCC、GAS或GLD,或者获取了错误的二进制版本。将编译器重新配置为相反的endian,或获得另一个二进制版本。要确定主机的endian,请运行SimpleScalar simulator目录中的“sysprobe-s”

    pisa big