Linux 如何使用csplit命令按天拆分日志文件?

Linux 如何使用csplit命令按天拆分日志文件?,linux,csplit,Linux,Csplit,我有一个类似于bellow的日志文件: Jan 01 This the log of this day. Jan 01 This the log of this day. Jan 01 This the log of this day. Jan 01 This the log of this day. Jan 01 This the log of this day. Jan 01 This the log of this day. Jan 01 This the log of th


Jan 01  This the log of this day.
Jan 01  This the log of this day.
Jan 01  This the log of this day.
Jan 01  This the log of this day.
Jan 01  This the log of this day.
Jan 01  This the log of this day.
Jan 01  This the log of this day.
Jan 01  This the log of this day.
Jan 01  This the log of this day.
Jan 01  This the log of this day.
Jan 02  This the log of this day.
Jan 02  This the log of this day.
Jan 02  This the log of this day.
Jan 02  This the log of this day.
Jan 02  This the log of this day.
Jan 02  This the log of this day.
Jan 02  This the log of this day.
Jan 02  This the log of this day.
Jan 02  This the log of this day.
Jan 02  This the log of this day.
Jan 02  This the log of this day.
Jan 03  This the log of this day.
Jan 03  This the log of this day.
Jan 03  This the log of this day.
Jan 03  This the log of this day.
Jan 03  This the log of this day.
Jan 03  This the log of this day.
Jan 03  This the log of this day.
Jan 03  This the log of this day.
Jan 03  This the log of this day.
Jan 03  This the log of this day.
Jan 03  This the log of this day.



csplit: /*Jan: closing delimiter '/' missing



csplit log '/*Jan 01*/' '/*Jan 02*/' '/*Jan 03*/'