Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/5/excel/24.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Loops VBA溢出似乎没有任何原因_Loops_Excel_Overflow_Vba - Fatal编程技术网

Loops VBA溢出似乎没有任何原因

Loops VBA溢出似乎没有任何原因,loops,excel,overflow,vba,Loops,Excel,Overflow,Vba,我试图将唯一值从一个documents k列写入另一个工作簿的ad列。 当我将I设置为字符串时,它会给出溢出错误;当我将I设置为字符串时,它会给出错误1004:应用程序定义的错误或对象定义的错误。对于含有CarID Cellsi+1,11的线,两者都适用。 即使我不使用循环直到,但我使用退出做。 这一部分是必需的,因为read列包含大约10个实例的相同数据。不完全是,每个值都会发生变化。 对于前3个值,该代码正常工作,然后被卡住并出现错误。我尝试将值更改为a。Bc同样的问题也存在。 感谢您的帮助

我试图将唯一值从一个documents k列写入另一个工作簿的ad列。 当我将I设置为字符串时,它会给出溢出错误;当我将I设置为字符串时,它会给出错误1004:应用程序定义的错误或对象定义的错误。对于含有CarID Cellsi+1,11的线,两者都适用。 即使我不使用循环直到,但我使用退出做。 这一部分是必需的,因为read列包含大约10个实例的相同数据。不完全是,每个值都会发生变化。 对于前3个值,该代码正常工作,然后被卡住并出现错误。我尝试将值更改为a。Bc同样的问题也存在。 感谢您的帮助,以下是代码:

Sub PrintCarID()

Dim ABC_App As Excel.Application
Dim carPath As String
Dim carWBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim MigrationDocument As Excel.Workbook

Dim CarID As String
Dim i As Long
Dim n As Integer
i = 0
n = 1

Set MigrationDocument = ActiveWorkbook       'activeworkbook is the document we need to print in
carPath = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 29).Value    'the path and filename for the read document
Set carWBook = Workbooks.Open(carPath)
Set ABC_App = carWBook.Parent
ABC_App.Visible = True

i = i + 1
CarID = Cells(i, 11).Value

Loop Until CarID <> Cells(i + 1, 11)

Cells(n, 30).Value = CarID
n = n + 1

Loop Until CarID = ""

End Sub





Dim ABC_App As Excel.Application

Set ABC_App = carWBook.Parent
ABC_App.Visible = True













Option Explicit
Sub PrintCarID()

  ' * I name my constant and variables using a sequence of keywords.
  ' * The first keyword identifies the type of information.  For example:
  '   Wsht for worksheet, Wbk for workbook, Row for row, Col for column and
  '   Rng for range.
  ' * Each subsequent keyword narrows the constant or variable down until
  '   I hsve a name that is unique within the macro or project.
  ' * If I have more than one workbook, the keyword following Wbk will identify
  '   the workbook. I know nothing about your workbooks and worksheets so have
  '   named them Source and Destination and have used keywords Src and Dest.
  ' * This is my system which you may not like.  If you do not like mine,
  '   invent your own.  Naming your constants and variables makes large macro
  '   much easier to follow particularly if you return to one after 6 or 12
  '   months.

  ' * 11 and 30 in your code are what I call magic numbers.  You say "Abracadabra!"
  '   and good (or bad) things happen but you do not know why.  Replacing 11 and 30
  '   with names makes the code easier to understand and easier to maintain.
  Const ColSrcId As Long = 11
  Const ColDestId As Long = 30

  ' * I do not like using the cell that was active when the macro was called
  '   unless this is important to how the user controls the macro. Switch
  '   back to your approach if necessary.
  Const RngWbkSrcName As String = "AC1"

  ' Chamge these values if you add header rows
  Const RowSrcDataFirst As Long = 1
  Const RowDestDataFirst As Long = 1

  ' * You use the active worksheet in the workbook containing the macro and the
  '   worksheet active when the source worksheet was saved.  This may be
  '   necessary for your macro but I have coded on the assumption it is not.
  '   Switch back to ActiveWorkbook if necessary.  Better replace "Destination"
  '   and "Source" with your names.
  Const WshtDestName As String = "Destination"
  Const WshtSrcName As String = "Source"

  Dim CarIdLast As String
  Dim Path As String
  Dim RowDestCrnt As Long
  Dim RowSrcCrnt As Long
  Dim RowSrcLast As Long
  Dim WbkDest As Workbook
  Dim WbkSrc As Workbook
  Dim WbkSrcName As String
  Dim WshtDest As Worksheet
  Dim WshtSrc As Worksheet

  ' * ThisWorkbook explicitly identifies the workbook containing the macro
  '   It is possible to execute a macro in a non-active workbook so ActiveWorkbook
  '   is not necessarily the workbook containing the macro
  Set WbkDest = ThisWorkbook        ' The workbook containing the macro

  With WbkDest

    Set WshtDest = Worksheets(WshtDestName)

    With WshtDest

      ' * carPath may be a meaningful name for you but I have used my own naming
      '   convention.  If "car" is meaningful, I would use a name like WbkCarName
      '   or WbkCarPath.
      WbkSrcName = .Range(RngWbkSrcName).Value

    End With
  End With

  If WbkSrcName = "" Then
    Call MsgBox("The name of the source workbook is missing.", vbOKOnly)
    Exit Sub
  End If

  ' * I like to place all linked workbooks and files in the same folder
  '   since this makes it easier to handle them. With your approach the
  '   user has to include the full path within the workbook name. With
  '   my approach the user only has to include specify the file name.
  Path = WbkDest.Path & "\"

  ' * Check the path and file exists.  I could check the path exists first
  '   but I doubt that would provide much extra help to the user
  If Dir$(Path & WbkSrcName) = "" Then
    Call MsgBox("I cannot find """ & Path & WbkSrcName & """.", vbOKOnly)
    Exit Sub
  End If

  ' * I have checked the file exists but the open may still fail because,
  '   for example, I may not have read permission.  There is little I can
  '   do to avoid such errors.  Te statements around the Workbook.Open
  '   switch off normal error processing so I can issue my own error
  '   message rather than have the VBA halt on the Workbook.Open statement.
  On Error Resume Next
  Set WbkSrc = Workbooks.Open(Path & WbkSrcName)
  On Error GoTo 0
  If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Call MsgBox("My attempt to open """ & Path & WbkSrcName & """failed. " & _
                "The reason I have been given is: " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly)
    Exit Sub
  End If

  ' * You step the source row number then check it but output to the destination
  '   row then step. I  like to be consistent unless there is good reason not to
  '   be consistent.  I step afterwards for both rows.
  ' * You do not allow for header rows.  This may be correct at the moment but
  '   will it always be correct.  I allow for header rows to be added easily
  '   by making the first data row a constant
  RowDestCrnt = RowDestDataFirst

  CarIdLast = ""        ' No last Car Id

  With WbkSrc

    ' * If I was particularly careful, I would check a worksheet with name
    '   WshtSrcName exists before trying this statement.
    Set WshtSrc = Worksheets(WshtSrcName)

    With WshtSrc

      ' * This gets the last used row in column ColSrcId.  This allows me to
      '   use a For-Loop which I find clearer.
      RowSrcLast = .Cells(Rows.Count, ColSrcId).End(xlUp).Row

      For RowSrcCrnt = RowSrcDataFirst To RowSrcLast
        If CarIdLast <> .Cells(RowSrcCrnt, ColSrcId).Value Then
          ' * New value for CarId
          If CarIdLast <> "" Then
            ' * Have a value to copy to the destination worksheet
            WshtDest.Cells(RowDestCrnt, ColDestId).Value = CarIdLast
            RowDestCrnt = RowDestCrnt + 1
          End If
          CarIdLast = .Cells(RowSrcCrnt, ColSrcId).Value
        End If
      ' * Output final value
      If CarIdLast <> "" Then
        ' * Have a value to copy to the destination worksheet
        WshtDest.Cells(RowDestCrnt, ColDestId).Value = CarIdLast
        RowDestCrnt = RowDestCrnt + 1
      End If

    End With

    ' * Close the source workbook without saving any changes.  There should not
    '   be any changes but best to be safe.  Without SaveChanges the user will
    '   be asked if changes are to be saved.
    .Close SaveChanges:=False

  End With

End Sub

移动第11列中的最终值后,可以从第一个空行设置CarID。然后循环,直到找到一个非空行。我猜字符串I被视为整数,并在32768处溢出。对于long i,当您试图访问不存在的行时会出现错误。最大行数取决于您的Excel版本。试试你的代码,当它失败时告诉我i的值。如果我的理论是正确的,我会
我用你的代码的正确版本发布一个答案。如果源数据有标题行,你可以使用字典,或者只是一个高级过滤器。你是对的,托尼,如果失败时是字符串,那么i的值是32767。我修改了代码,在嵌套循环中添加了exit do if carID=。然而,代码仍然只打印前三个唯一的值,即使文档中有大约8个,我正在与Tony一起测试代码,我不希望得到更详细、更广泛和更现成的答案。我正在阅读你的代码,我仍然看到一些我不熟悉的关键字,但我现在正在赶上这些,代码变得越来越清晰。我很喜欢你的命名惯例和提示。对于像我这样的新手来说,这是一个完美的答案和完美的态度。非常感谢。我很高兴我的回答很有帮助。请点击顶部的提纲勾号接受答案。