Matlab 如何将每个结果作为向量?

Matlab 如何将每个结果作为向量?,matlab,Matlab,我想我总是遇到同样的问题,向量、数组和单元数组,通过这次讨论,我可以解决我的第一个问题。然而,我仍然需要数据中的每个结果都必须是e向量才能对其进行加密 fid = fopen('file.txt', 'r'); alldata = textscan(fid, '%s'); tmp = reshape(alldata{1}, 16, []).'; tmp = arrayfun(@(x)strjoin(tmp(x,:)), 1:size(tmp, 1), 'uniformoutput', false


fid = fopen('file.txt', 'r');
alldata = textscan(fid, '%s');
tmp = reshape(alldata{1}, 16, []).';
tmp = arrayfun(@(x)strjoin(tmp(x,:)), 1:size(tmp, 1), 'uniformoutput', false)
data= (cat(1, tmp{:}))

for i= 1:rows(data)
  Matrix(i, :)= hex_keys([data(i,1:15), data(i,16)])
  chiffrement (Matrix(i,:), key,1)

我的错误是:错误:纯文本必须是包含16个元素的向量(而不是单元格数组)。 如果你能帮助我,我将非常感激


60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81 60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81


data =

60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81
60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81
60 3d eb 10 15 ca 71 be 2b 73 ae f0 85 7d 77 81


fid = fopen('file.txt', 'r');
alldata = textscan(fid, '%s');
tmp = reshape(alldata{1}, 16, []).'; % here we still parse 16 hex for every row using your function call
tmp = cellfun(@hex2dec,tmp,'un',0) % now we use cellfun to convert all your hex to numbers
Matrix = cell2mat(tmp)

Matrix =

96    61   235    16    21   202   113   190    43   115   174   240   133   125   119   129
96    61   235    16    21   202   113   190    43   115   174   240   133   125   119   129
96    61   235    16    21   202   113   190    43   115   174   240   133   125   119   129

whos Matrix

Name        Size            Bytes  Class     Attributes

Matrix      3x16              384  double        



fid = fopen('file.txt', 'r');
alldata = textscan(fid, '%s');
tmp = reshape(alldata{1}, 16, []).'; % here we still parse 16 hex for every row using your function call
tmp = cellfun(@hex2dec,tmp,'un',0) % now we use cellfun to convert all your hex to numbers
Matrix = cell2mat(tmp)

Matrix =

96    61   235    16    21   202   113   190    43   115   174   240   133   125   119   129
96    61   235    16    21   202   113   190    43   115   174   240   133   125   119   129
96    61   235    16    21   202   113   190    43   115   174   240   133   125   119   129

whos Matrix

Name        Size            Bytes  Class     Attributes

Matrix      3x16              384  double        

