Matlab CSV excel文件写入

Matlab CSV excel文件写入,matlab,Matlab,我在CSV excel文件中有以下格式的数据: Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4 23 45 67 56 34 456 54 58 56 32 53 56 我想再添加一列,即第5列,仅包含1或0个值: Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4

我在CSV excel文件中有以下格式的数据:

Column1    Column2    Column3    Column4
   23         45         67         56 
   34         456        54         58
   56         32         53         56

Column1    Column2    Column3    Column4    Column5
   23         45         67         56         0
   34         456        54         58         0
   56         32         53         56         1

h = actxserver('Excel.Application');  % Open Activex Server
e = h.Workbooks.Open('test.csv');     % Open file
% Give full path if your path is not set like this: 'D:\Assignment\test.csv'

e.ActiveSheet.Range('E1:E3').Value = round(rand(3,1)); %Writing required data
e.Save           % Saving the changes
e.Close(false)   % Closing the file
h.Quit           % Quitting the Activex server

