
mercurial存储库已损坏-无法更新,mercurial,corrupt,Mercurial,Corrupt,我想我已经设法破坏了mercurial的一个仓库,有没有办法恢复损失?尝试将回购更新为默认分支时收到的消息是: PS C:\wco\projects\ims\code> hg up -C default abort: data/Trunk/application/models/priority_model.php.i@83dbdfb60981: no match found! 运行hg verify时,我会得到以下报告: PS C:\wco\projects\ims\code> h


PS C:\wco\projects\ims\code> hg up -C default
abort: data/Trunk/application/models/priority_model.php.i@83dbdfb60981: no match found!
运行hg verify时,我会得到以下报告:

PS C:\wco\projects\ims\code> hg verify
checking changesets
checking manifests
crosschecking files in changesets and manifests
checking files
 data/.buildpath.i@0: missing revlog!
 0: empty or missing .buildpath
 .buildpath@0: daf15acb5273 in manifests not found
 data/.project.i@0: missing revlog!
 0: empty or missing .project
 .project@0: e8b25997d6d1 in manifests not found
 Rawlings IMS/index.html@3: empty or missing copy source revlog index.html:b8b2b36a6eea
 Rawlings IMS/index.php@3: empty or missing copy source revlog index.php:a5f76bf232e9
 Rawlings IMS/index_backup.php@3: empty or missing copy source revlog index_backup.php:a5f76bf232e9
 Rawlings IMS/index_this_hold.html@3: empty or missing copy source revlog index_this_hold.html:b8b2b36a6eea
 Rawlings IMS/testera.php@3: empty or missing copy source revlog testera.php:6e9e3666c1bc
 Trunk/application/models/priority_model.php@32: 83dbdfb60981 in manifests not found
 data/index.html.i@0: missing revlog!
 0: empty or missing index.html
 index.html@0: b8b2b36a6eea in manifests not found
 data/index.php.i@0: missing revlog!
 0: empty or missing index.php
 index.php@0: a5f76bf232e9 in manifests not found
 data/index_backup.php.i@0: missing revlog!
 0: empty or missing index_backup.php
 index_backup.php@0: a5f76bf232e9 in manifests not found
 data/index_this_hold.html.i@0: missing revlog!
 0: empty or missing index_this_hold.html
 index_this_hold.html@0: b8b2b36a6eea in manifests not found
 data/nbproject/ missing revlog!
 14: empty or missing nbproject/
 nbproject/ 1efa3074378b in manifests not found
 data/nbproject/project.xml.i@14: missing revlog!
 14: empty or missing nbproject/project.xml
 nbproject/project.xml@14: 52689bf2b35a in manifests not found
 data/rcrawley/.buildpath.i@9: missing revlog!
 9: empty or missing rcrawley/.buildpath
 rcrawley/.buildpath@9: 2c6411d4fcff in manifests not found
 data/rcrawley/.project.i@9: missing revlog!
 9: empty or missing rcrawley/.project
 rcrawley/.project@9: cb4b1495acab in manifests not found
 data/rcrawley/assets/images/ajax-loader.gif.i@9: missing revlog!
 9: empty or missing rcrawley/assets/images/ajax-loader.gif
 rcrawley/assets/images/ajax-loader.gif@9: 8ef26516c7da in manifests not found
 data/rcrawley/index.html.i@9: missing revlog!
 9: empty or missing rcrawley/index.html
 rcrawley/index.html@9: 545246299dee in manifests not found
 data/rcrawley/index.php.i@9: missing revlog!
 9: empty or missing rcrawley/index.php
 rcrawley/index.php@9: 66eac798ed6d in manifests not found
 data/rcrawley/index_backup.php.i@9: missing revlog!
 9: empty or missing rcrawley/index_backup.php
 rcrawley/index_backup.php@9: 93971228fbf5 in manifests not found
 data/rcrawley/system/index.html.i@9: missing revlog!
 9: empty or missing rcrawley/system/index.html
 rcrawley/system/index.html@9: 17360d3b566e in manifests not found
 data/rcrawley/testera.php.i@9: missing revlog!
 9: empty or missing rcrawley/testera.php
 rcrawley/testera.php@9: 7d9bd5196740 in manifests not found
 data/testera.php.i@0: missing revlog!
 0: empty or missing testera.php
 testera.php@0: 6e9e3666c1bc in manifests not found
1646 files, 59 changesets, 1897 total revisions
57 integrity errors encountered!
(first damaged changeset appears to be 0)


您的回购协议看起来很失败-并将此作为错误报告发布给Mercurial bug tracker&与Mercurial irc聊天室上的


