Multithreading 如何删除none并将线程实现到所需的输出 我的目标 在raspberry init self和main变量上设置gpio 此循环获取a和b的状态比较、获取方向、计数和去Bounces 此循环获取a和b的状态比较、获取方向、计数和去Bounces 永远循环以从两个编码器获得连续计数 这个医生解释了我的问题 重置覆盆子上的gpio 启动程序 用于调用循环以启动 删除回溯错误消息

Multithreading 如何删除none并将线程实现到所需的输出 我的目标 在raspberry init self和main变量上设置gpio 此循环获取a和b的状态比较、获取方向、计数和去Bounces 此循环获取a和b的状态比较、获取方向、计数和去Bounces 永远循环以从两个编码器获得连续计数 这个医生解释了我的问题 重置覆盆子上的gpio 启动程序 用于调用循环以启动 删除回溯错误消息,multithreading,python-2.7,class,raspberry-pi,Multithreading,Python 2.7,Class,Raspberry Pi,我解决了第一个问题。这是怎么回事 因为有两个打印语句。第一个是内部功能,第二个是外部功能。当函数不返回任何东西时,它不返回任何值 我从循环中删除了打印,并替换了返回语句的位置 范例 打印自我计数器1和打印自我计数器2 我想知道是否可以对两个编码器使用相同的while循环您应该真正编辑您的问题,以便python代码上的缩进是有效的语法。 #!/usr/bin/env python import RPi.GPIO as GPIO from time import sleep """ this is



我从循环中删除了打印,并替换了返回语句的位置 范例



#!/usr/bin/env python
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from time import sleep
this is writen for the raspberry pi to get an input from two encoder and print a numberical
count. this will use with a telescope and stellarium
this need lot more work but just a beginner still
class EncoderSetup:
    def __init__(self, azm_a=27, azm_b=17, lat_a=20, lat_b=21, counter1=0, counter2=0):
        self.azm_a = azm_a
        self.azm_b = azm_b
        self.lat_a = lat_a
        self.lat_b = lat_b
        self.counter1 = counter1
        self.counter2 = counter2

        GPIO.setup(self.azm_a, GPIO.IN)
        GPIO.setup(self.azm_b, GPIO.IN)
        GPIO.setup(self.lat_a, GPIO.IN)
        GPIO.setup(self.lat_b, GPIO.IN)
class Azimuth(EncoderSetup):
    def azm_encoder(self):
        Last_RoB_Status = GPIO.input(self.azm_b)
        while not GPIO.input(self.azm_a):  # starts encoder loop
            Current_RoB_Status = GPIO.input(self.azm_b)
            dtState = GPIO.input(self.azm_a)
            if Current_RoB_Status != Last_RoB_Status:
                if dtState != Current_RoB_Status:
                    self.counter1 += 1
                    self.counter1 -= 1
                Last_RoB_Status = Current_RoB_Status # deboucing
                # sleep(0.01)
                return self.counter1
class Latitude(EncoderSetup):    
    def lat_encoder(self):
    Last_RoC_Status = GPIO.input(self.lat_a)
    while not GPIO.input(self.lat_b):
        Current_RoC_Status = GPIO.input(self.lat_a)
        dtState2 = GPIO.input(self.lat_b)
        if Current_RoC_Status != Last_RoC_Status:
            if dtState2 != Current_RoC_Status:
                self.counter2 += 1
                self.counter2 -= 1
            Last_RoC_Status = Current_RoC_Status # deboucing
            # sleep(0.01)
            return self.counter2
def loop():
    eset = EncoderSetup()
    azm = Azimuth()
    lat = Latitude()
    while True:
        print ('globalCounter1 = ' + str(azm.azm_encoder()) +
            '   globalCounter2 = ' + str(lat.lat_encoder()))
this is my problem i get a numerical output with none example
globalcounter1 = none   globalcounter2 none
globalcounter1 = 0      globalcounter2 none
globalcounter1 = none   globalcounter2 0
globalcounter1 = none   globalcounter2 none
globalcounter1 = 4      globalcounter2 -1      
globalcounter1 = 5      globalcounter2 none

the second problem is i got to turn lat_encoder first before 
i get and out from azm_encoder. i think i need to implement threading 
or the the same loop for both lat_encoder and azm_encoder
please help me i little lost at this point
def destroy(): 
if __name__ == '__main__':
   except KeyboardInterrupt: