Mysql node.js套接字io';错误:未定义客户端';

Mysql node.js套接字io';错误:未定义客户端';,mysql,node.js,amazon-ec2,,Mysql,Node.js,Amazon Ec2,,我正在学习一个教程,并尝试使用mysql和Ec2实例创建一个简单的node.js服务器。问题是,我一直收到错误'node.js:201' 抛出e;//process.nextTick错误,或第一次勾选时的“error”事件 ^ ReferenceError:未定义客户端 反对。(/var/www/app.js:28:3) 我不知道它为什么这么做。我已将正确的文件加载到我的index.html中: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>

我正在学习一个教程,并尝试使用mysql和Ec2实例创建一个简单的node.js服务器。问题是,我一直收到错误'node.js:201' 抛出e;//process.nextTick错误,或第一次勾选时的“error”事件 ^ ReferenceError:未定义客户端 反对。(/var/www/app.js:28:3)


<!DOCTYPE html>


        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>


        <script type="text/javascript">

        $(document).ready(function() {
  var socket  = io.connect('');

 $('#save').click(function() {
    if ($('#employee_name').val() == '' || $('#employee_salary').val() == '') {
      return alert('Please enter both name/salary!');
    var data = {
      name: $('#employee_name').val(),
      salary: $('#employee_salary').val()
    socket.emit('add employee', data);

 socket.on('populate', function(data) {
    var out = "";
    $.each(data, function(i, obj) {
      out += "<li>"" is making "+obj.salary+"</li>";


<b>Create new employee</b>
<div>Name: <input id="employee_name" value="" type="text"></div>
<div>Salary: <input id="employee_salary" value="" type="text"></div>
<div><input value="Save" id="save" type="button"></div>

<b>List of Employees:</b>
<ul id="employees"></ul>


var mysql = require('mysql');
var MYSQL_USERNAME = 'root';
var MYSQL_PASSWORD = 'RMWpsu@13';

var client = mysql.createConnection({
  password: MYSQL_PASSWORD,

// destroy old db
client.query('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mynode_db', function(err) {
  if (err) { throw err; }

// create database
client.query('CREATE DATABASE mynode_db', function(err) {
  if (err) { throw err; }
console.log('database mynode_db is created.');
client.query('USE mynode_db');

// create table
var sql = ""+
"create table employees("+
" id int unsigned not null auto_increment,"+
" name varchar(50) not null default 'unknown',"+
" salary dec(10,2) not null default 100000.00,"+
" primary key (id)"+
client.query(sql, function(err) {
  if (err) { throw err; }
console.log('table employees is created.');

// function to create employee
exports.add_employee = function(data, callback) {
 client.query("insert into employees (name, salary) values (?,?)", [, data.salary], function(err, info) {
    // callback function returns last insert id
    console.log('Employee '' has salary '+data.salary);


io.sockets.on('connection', function(client) {
  console.log('Client connected');

  // populate employees on client
  db_helper.get_employees(function(employees) {
    client.emit('populate', employees);

  // client add new employee
  client.on('add employee', function(data) {
    // create employee, when its done repopulate employees on client
    db_helper.add_employee(data, function(lastId) {
      // repopulate employees on client
      db_helper.get_employees(function(employees) {
        client.emit('populate', employees);

io.sockets.on('connection', function(client) {
  console.log('Client connected');

  // populate employees on client
  db_helper.get_employees(function(employees) {
    client.emit('populate', employees);

  // client add new employee
  client.on('add employee', function(data) {
    // create employee, when its done repopulate employees on client
    db_helper.add_employee(data, function(lastId) {
      // repopulate employees on client
      db_helper.get_employees(function(employees) {
        client.emit('populate', employees);