
MySQL查询员工的可用性,mysql,sql,Mysql,Sql,我有一张员工表,所有员工都可以在多个部门工作。但是,一旦某个区段在该日期被预订,则无法在该日期的其他区段中预订该区段 员工表为Employees id_resources id_sections EmployeeName Section 28 25 Mark Section Two 28 26 Mark Section Three 28



id_resources    id_sections EmployeeName    Section
28                25          Mark          Section Two
28                26          Mark          Section Three
28                28          Mark          Section Four
28                29          Mark          Section Five
28                53          Mark          Section Six
28                64          Mark          Section Seven
28                74          Mark          Section Eight
28                76          Mark          Section Nine
29                30          Blair         Section One
29                47          Blair         Section Two
29                49          Blair         Section Three
30                82          Sam           Section One
30                25          Sam           Section Two
30                28          Sam           Section Three
30                29          Sam           Section Four
31                18          David         Section Eleven
31                19          David         Section One
31                22          David         Section Two
31                25          David         Section Three
id_resources    id_sections startdate   enddate
28                 25      2016-09-09   2016-09-09
28                 26      2016-09-20   2016-09-20
28                 28      2016-10-17   2016-10-17
30                 82      2016-10-18   2016-10-18
30                 25      2016-10-28   2016-10-28
29                 30      2016-11-02   2016-11-02
29                 47      2016-11-07   2016-11-07
29                 49      2016-11-01   2016-11-01
29                 58      2017-01-09   2017-01-09

id_resources    id_sections EmployeeName    Section
28                25          Mark          Section Two
28                26          Mark          Section Three
28                28          Mark          Section Four
28                29          Mark          Section Five
28                53          Mark          Section Six
28                64          Mark          Section Seven
28                74          Mark          Section Eight
28                76          Mark          Section Nine
29                30          Blair         Section One
29                47          Blair         Section Two
29                49          Blair         Section Three
30                82          Sam           Section One
30                25          Sam           Section Two
30                28          Sam           Section Three
30                29          Sam           Section Four
31                18          David         Section Eleven
31                19          David         Section One
31                22          David         Section Two
31                25          David         Section Three
id_resources    id_sections startdate   enddate
28                 25      2016-09-09   2016-09-09
28                 26      2016-09-20   2016-09-20
28                 28      2016-10-17   2016-10-17
30                 82      2016-10-18   2016-10-18
30                 25      2016-10-28   2016-10-28
29                 30      2016-11-02   2016-11-02
29                 47      2016-11-07   2016-11-07
29                 49      2016-11-01   2016-11-01
29                 58      2017-01-09   2017-01-09



Select *
FROM employees
LEFT JOIN bookings on employees.id_resources = bookings.id_resources
   (Select..... and i get lost here



SELECT employees.*
FROM employees
    LEFT OUTER JOIN bookings 
    ON employees.id_resources = bookings.id_resources 
        AND (
        (startdate BETWEEN $start_range AND $end_range)
        (enddate BETWEEN $start_range AND $end_range)
WHERE bookings.id_resources IS NULL


SELECT employees.*
FROM employees
    INNER JOIN bookings 
    ON employees.id_resources = bookings.id_resources 
        AND (startdate BETWEEN $start_range AND $end_range)
        AND (enddate BETWEEN $start_range AND $end_range)

