Node.js 无法使用nodejs SDK提交事务建议

Node.js 无法使用nodejs SDK提交事务建议,node.js,hyperledger-fabric,Node.js,Hyperledger Fabric,问题: 我启动了网络并安装了链码,并在cli容器中成功地完成了事务。但我尝试使用node SDK进行此操作,但失败了,然后我将控制台记录建议响应,然后在终端中留下类似这样的错误 [ { Error: 2 UNKNOWN: Stream removed at Object.exports.createStatusError (C:\Users\tharindusa\Desktop\fabric-samples\myapp\app\node_modules\fabric-client\nod


我启动了网络并安装了链码,并在cli容器中成功地完成了事务。但我尝试使用node SDK进行此操作,但失败了,然后我将控制台记录建议响应,然后在终端中留下类似这样的错误

[ { Error: 2 UNKNOWN: Stream removed
    at Object.exports.createStatusError (C:\Users\tharindusa\Desktop\fabric-samples\myapp\app\node_modules\fabric-client\node_modules\grpc\src\common.js:87:15)
    at Object.onReceiveStatus (C:\Users\tharindusa\Desktop\fabric-samples\myapp\app\node_modules\fabric-client\node_modules\grpc\src\client_interceptors.js:1188:28)
    at InterceptingListener._callNext (C:\Users\tharindusa\Desktop\fabric-samples\myapp\app\node_modules\fabric-client\node_modules\grpc\src\client_interceptors.js:564:42)
    at InterceptingListener.onReceiveStatus (C:\Users\tharindusa\Desktop\fabric-samples\myapp\app\node_modules\fabric-client\node_modules\grpc\src\client_interceptors.js:614:8)
    at callback (C:\Users\tharindusa\Desktop\fabric-samples\myapp\app\node_modules\fabric-client\node_modules\grpc\src\client_interceptors.js:841:24)
    code: 2,
    metadata: Metadata { _internal_repr: {} },
    details: 'Stream removed' } ]
Transaction proposal was bad

"use strict";
 * Copyright IBM Corp All Rights Reserved
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Chaincode Invoke

var Fabric_Client = require("fabric-client");
var path = require("path");
var util = require("util");
var os = require("os");

var fabric_client = new Fabric_Client();

// setup the fabric network
var channel = fabric_client.newChannel("mychannel");
var peer = fabric_client.newPeer("grpc://localhost:7051");
channel.addPeer(peer, "Org1MSP");
var order = fabric_client.newOrderer("grpc://localhost:7050");
channel.addOrderer(order, true);

var member_user = null;
var store_path = path.join(__dirname, "hfc-key-store");
console.log("Store path:" + store_path);
var tx_id = null;

// create the key value store as defined in the fabric-client/config/default.json 'key-value-store' setting
Fabric_Client.newDefaultKeyValueStore({ path: store_path })
  .then(state_store => {
    // assign the store to the fabric client
    var crypto_suite = Fabric_Client.newCryptoSuite();
    // use the same location for the state store (where the users' certificate are kept)
    // and the crypto store (where the users' keys are kept)
    var crypto_store = Fabric_Client.newCryptoKeyStore({ path: store_path });

    // get the enrolled user from persistence, this user will sign all requests
    return fabric_client.getUserContext("TharinduSA", true);
  .then(user_from_store => {
    if (user_from_store && user_from_store.isEnrolled()) {
      console.log("Successfully loaded user1 from persistence");
      member_user = user_from_store;
    } else {
      throw new Error("Failed to get user1.... run registerUser.js");

    // get a transaction id object based on the current user assigned to fabric client
    tx_id = fabric_client.newTransactionID();
    console.log("Assigning transaction_id: ", tx_id._transaction_id);

    // createCar chaincode function - requires 5 args, ex: args: ['CAR12', 'Honda', 'Accord', 'Black', 'Tom'],
    // changeCarOwner chaincode function - requires 2 args , ex: args: ['CAR10', 'Dave'],
    // must send the proposal to endorsing peers
    var request = {
      //targets: peer,
      chaincodeId: "fabcar",
      fcn: "invoke",
      args: ["queryCar", "CAR0"],
      txId: tx_id

    // send the transaction proposal to the peers
    return channel.sendTransactionProposal(request, 3000);
  .then(results => {
    var proposalResponses = results[0];
    var proposal = results[1];
    let isProposalGood = false;
    if (
      proposalResponses &&
      proposalResponses[0].response &&
      proposalResponses[0].response.status === 200
    ) {
      isProposalGood = true;
      console.log("Transaction proposal was good");
    } else {
      console.error("Transaction proposal was bad");
    if (isProposalGood) {
          'Successfully sent Proposal and received ProposalResponse: Status - %s, message - "%s"',

      // build up the request for the orderer to have the transaction committed
      var request = {
        proposalResponses: proposalResponses,
        proposal: proposal

      // set the transaction listener and set a timeout of 30 sec
      // if the transaction did not get committed within the timeout period,
      // report a TIMEOUT status
      var transaction_id_string = tx_id.getTransactionID(); //Get the transaction ID string to be used by the event processing
      var promises = [];

      var sendPromise = channel.sendTransaction(request);
      promises.push(sendPromise); //we want the send transaction first, so that we know where to check status

      // get an eventhub once the fabric client has a user assigned. The user
      // is required bacause the event registration must be signed
      let event_hub = fabric_client.newEventHub();

      // using resolve the promise so that result status may be processed
      // under the then clause rather than having the catch clause process
      // the status
      let txPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let handle = setTimeout(() => {
          resolve({ event_status: "TIMEOUT" }); //we could use reject(new Error('Trnasaction did not complete within 30 seconds'));
        }, 3000);
          (tx, code) => {
            // this is the callback for transaction event status
            // first some clean up of event listener

            // now let the application know what happened
            var return_status = {
              event_status: code,
              tx_id: transaction_id_string
            if (code !== "VALID") {
              console.error("The transaction was invalid, code = " + code);
              resolve(return_status); // we could use reject(new Error('Problem with the tranaction, event status ::'+code));
            } else {
                "The transaction has been committed on peer " +
          err => {
            //this is the callback if something goes wrong with the event registration or processing
            reject(new Error("There was a problem with the eventhub ::" + err));

      return Promise.all(promises);
    } else {
        "Failed to send Proposal or receive valid response. Response null or status is not 200. exiting..."
      throw new Error(
        "Failed to send Proposal or receive valid response. Response null or status is not 200. exiting..."
  .then(results => {
      "Send transaction promise and event listener promise have completed"
    // check the results in the order the promises were added to the promise all list
    if (results && results[0] && results[0].status === "SUCCESS") {
      console.log("Successfully sent transaction to the orderer.");
    } else {
        "Failed to order the transaction. Error code: " + response.status

    if (results && results[1] && results[1].event_status === "VALID") {
        "Successfully committed the change to the ledger by the peer"
    } else {
        "Transaction failed to be committed to the ledger due to ::" +
  .catch(err => {
    console.error("Failed to invoke successfully :: " + err);



当您使用nodejs SDK时,您可以通过在代码中将grpc更改为grpc来更正它。如果您这样做,您将发现PEM错误。要更正它,您应该向newPeer添加其他参数。。。功能



var fs=要求“fs”; var firstnetwork_path=path.resolve“..”、“..”、“first network”; var org1tlscacert_path=path.resolvefirstnetwork_path,'crypto config','peerOrganizations','','tlsca',''; var org1tlscacert=fs.readFileSyncorg1tlscacert_路径“utf8”; var peer=fabric_client.newPeer'grpcs://localhost:7051“,{'ssl目标名称覆盖':'',pem:org1tlscacert};
您看过Fabric 1.4的新编程模型吗?Invoke的代码要简单得多。最新的教程介绍了Fabcar示例的新模型:@Rhatcher我尝试过它,但在创建用户身份时出现了问题。