Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/2/csharp/335.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Objective c 是否将NSString中的第一个数字转换为整数?_Objective C_Cocoa_Cocoa Touch_Nsstring - Fatal编程技术网

Objective c 是否将NSString中的第一个数字转换为整数?

Objective c 是否将NSString中的第一个数字转换为整数?,objective-c,cocoa,cocoa-touch,nsstring,Objective C,Cocoa,Cocoa Touch,Nsstring,我有这样一个字符串: @"200hello" 或 我希望能够做的是获取NSString中第一个出现的数字,并将其转换为int 因此,"200hello"将变成int=200 并且@“0something”将变成int=0。我可能会使用正则表达式(用stellar实现)。那就有点像: #import "RegexKitLite.h" NSString * original = @"foo 220hello"; NSString * number = [original stringByMatch







#import "RegexKitLite.h"
NSString * original = @"foo 220hello";
NSString * number = [original stringByMatching:@"[^\\d]*(\\d+)" capture:1];
return [number integerValue];


NSCharacterSet* nonDigits = [[NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet] invertedSet];
int value = [[@"adfsdg1000safkaj" stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:nonDigits] intValue];


NSString *string = @"123hello";
int myInt = [string intValue];

Steve Ciarcia曾经说过,一个测量结果胜过一百个工程师的意见。第一个也是最后一个“如何从NSString中获取int值”开始了



NSString *myString = @"21sss";
int numberAtStart = [[myString substringToIndex:2] intValue];

NSString *myString = @"sss22";
int numberAtEnd = [[myString substringFromIndex:3] intValue];

仅当数字是字符串的第一部分时,此选项才有效。诚然,示例似乎暗示了这一点,但即使数字前面有字母,我的答案也会有效。您的答案不会有效。=)对于之前和之后的角色,这是一个很好的解决方法。我不知道NSCharacterSet上的-invertedSet方法。+1现在我对否决你的答案感到很难过。你总是可以“取消否决投票”他的回答是再次点击向下箭头。好的,取消向下投票,你说服了我。但是当人们在iPhone电池电量不足的情况下开始建造核电站时,不要抱怨。我不会向下投票,因为你的项目中可能有RegexKitLite,但出于我的目的,是的,这有点太多了。无论如何,谢谢+1这里没有否决票,但我同意NSScanner是一种更干净的方法。特别是因为你必须为不同的数字类型编写一个新的正则表达式,在NSScanner中,你可以切换到scanFloat:或scanDouble:等@Quinn当我看到这个问题时,我也立即想到了NSScanner。在阅读答案之前是。-)同样,就像@Nikiolai Ruhe的答案一样,只有在数字前没有字母时,这才有效。可能是这样,但问题是“第一个出现的数字”,这意味着前面可能有字母是的,但是询问者的例子总是在开头显示数字。从技术上讲,提问者混淆了“int”和“Integer”,因此他可能还想使用-[NSString integerValue]来代替。哇,非常感谢您为衡量性能所做的努力+1或者您可以使用我刚才添加的我自己的答案的结果进行更新。另外,请添加您为执行基准测试而编写的代码。
characterSet   time: 1.36803us 12.5 / 1.00 memory: 64 bytes (via Nikolai Ruhe)
original RKL   time: 1.20686us 11.0 / 0.88 memory: 16 bytes (via Dave DeLong)
modified RKL   time: 1.07631us  9.9 / 0.78 memory: 16 bytes (me, changed regex to \d+)
scannerScanInt time: 0.49951us  4.6 / 0.36 memory: 32 bytes (via Nikolai Ruhe)
intValue       time: 0.16739us  1.5 / 0.12 memory:  0 bytes (via zpasternack)
rklIntValue    time: 0.10925us  1.0 / 0.08 memory:  0 bytes (me, modified RKL example)
characterSet   time: 1.36803us 12.5 / 1.00 memory: 64 bytes (via Nikolai Ruhe)
original RKL   time: 0.58446us  5.3 / 0.43 memory: 16 bytes (via Dave DeLong)
modified RKL   time: 0.54628us  5.0 / 0.40 memory: 16 bytes (me, changed regex to \d+)
scannerScanInt time: 0.49951us  4.6 / 0.36 memory: 32 bytes (via Nikolai Ruhe)
intValue       time: 0.16739us  1.5 / 0.12 memory:  0 bytes (via zpasternack)
rklIntValue    time: 0.10925us  1.0 / 0.08 memory:  0 bytes (me, modified RKL example)
original RKL   time: 0.51188us  4.7 / 0.37 memory: 16 bytes using intValue
modified RKL   time: 0.47665us  4.4 / 0.35 memory: 16 bytes using intValue
original RKL   time: 0.44337us  4.1 / 0.32 memory: 16 bytes using rklIntValue
modified RKL   time: 0.42128us  3.9 / 0.31 memory: 16 bytes using rklIntValue
shell% gcc -DNS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS -mdynamic-no-pic -std=gnu99 -O -o stackOverflow stackOverflow.m RegexKitLite.m -framework Foundation -licucore -lauto
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <objc/objc-auto.h>
#include <malloc/malloc.h>

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "RegexKitLite.h"

static double cpuTimeUsed(void);
static double cpuTimeUsed(void) {
  struct rusage currentRusage;

  getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &currentRusage);
  double userCPUTime   = ((((double)currentRusage.ru_utime.tv_sec) * 1000000.0) + ((double)currentRusage.ru_utime.tv_usec)) / 1000000.0;
  double systemCPUTime = ((((double)currentRusage.ru_stime.tv_sec) * 1000000.0) + ((double)currentRusage.ru_stime.tv_usec)) / 1000000.0;
  double CPUTime = userCPUTime + systemCPUTime;

@interface NSString (IntConversion)

@implementation NSString (IntConversion)

  CFStringRef cfSelf = (CFStringRef)self;
  UInt8 buffer[64];
  const char *cptr, *optr;
  char c;

  if((cptr = optr = CFStringGetCStringPtr(cfSelf, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman)) == NULL) {
    CFRange range     = CFRangeMake(0L, CFStringGetLength(cfSelf));
    CFIndex usedBytes = 0L;
    CFStringGetBytes(cfSelf, range, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, '?', false, buffer, 60L, &usedBytes);
    buffer[usedBytes] = 0U;
    cptr = optr       = (const char *)buffer;

  while(((cptr - optr) < 60) && (!((((c = *cptr) >= '0') && (c <= '9')) || (c == '-') || (c == '+'))) ) { cptr++; }
  return((int)strtoimax(cptr, NULL, 0));


int main(int argc __attribute__((unused)), char *argv[] __attribute__((unused))) {
  NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

#ifdef __OBJC_GC__

  BOOL gcEnabled = ([objc_getClass("NSGarbageCollector") defaultCollector] != NULL) ? YES : NO;
  NSLog(@"Garbage Collection is: %@", gcEnabled ? @"ON" : @"OFF");
  NSLog(@"Architecture: %@", (sizeof(void *) == 4UL) ? @"32-bit" : @"64-bit");

  double      startTime = 0.0, csTime = 0.0, reTime = 0.0, re2Time = 0.0, ivTime = 0.0, scTime = 0.0, rklTime = 0.0;
  NSString   *valueString = @"foo 2020hello", *value2String = @"2020hello";
  NSString   *reRegex = @"[^\\p{DecimalNumber}]*(\\d+)", *re2Regex = @"\\d+";
  int         value = 0;
  NSUInteger  x = 0UL;

    NSCharacterSet *digits      = [NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet];
    NSCharacterSet *nonDigits   = [digits invertedSet];
    NSScanner      *scanner     = [NSScanner scannerWithString:value2String];
    NSString       *csIntString = [valueString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:nonDigits];
    NSString       *reString    = [valueString stringByMatching:reRegex capture:1L];
    NSString       *re2String   = [valueString stringByMatching:re2Regex];

    [scanner scanInt:&value];

    NSLog(@"digits      : %p, size: %lu", digits, malloc_size(digits));
    NSLog(@"nonDigits   : %p, size: %lu", nonDigits, malloc_size(nonDigits));
    NSLog(@"scanner     : %p, size: %lu, int: %d", scanner, malloc_size(scanner), value);
    NSLog(@"csIntString : %p, size: %lu, '%@' int: %d", csIntString, malloc_size(csIntString), csIntString, [csIntString intValue]);
    NSLog(@"reString    : %p, size: %lu, '%@' int: %d", reString, malloc_size(reString), reString, [reString intValue]);
    NSLog(@"re2String   : %p, size: %lu, '%@' int: %d", re2String, malloc_size(re2String), re2String, [re2String intValue]);
    NSLog(@"intValue    : %d", [value2String intValue]);
    NSLog(@"rklIntValue : %d", [valueString rklIntValue]);

  for(x = 0UL, startTime = cpuTimeUsed(); x < 100000UL; x++) { value = [[valueString stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[[NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet] invertedSet]] intValue]; } csTime = (cpuTimeUsed() - startTime) / (double)x;
  for(x = 0UL, startTime = cpuTimeUsed(); x < 100000UL; x++) { value =  [[valueString stringByMatching:reRegex capture:1L] intValue]; } reTime = (cpuTimeUsed() - startTime) / (double)x;
  for(x = 0UL, startTime = cpuTimeUsed(); x < 100000UL; x++) { value =  [[valueString stringByMatching:re2Regex] intValue]; } re2Time = (cpuTimeUsed() - startTime) / (double)x;
  for(x = 0UL, startTime = cpuTimeUsed(); x < 100000UL; x++) { value =  [valueString rklIntValue]; } rklTime = (cpuTimeUsed() - startTime) / (double)x;
  for(x = 0UL, startTime = cpuTimeUsed(); x < 100000UL; x++) { value = [value2String intValue]; } ivTime = (cpuTimeUsed() - startTime) / (double)x;
  for(x = 0UL, startTime = cpuTimeUsed(); x < 100000UL; x++) { [[NSScanner scannerWithString:value2String] scanInt:&value]; } scTime = (cpuTimeUsed() - startTime) / (double)x;

  NSLog(@"csTime : %.5lfus", csTime * 1000000.0);
  NSLog(@"reTime : %.5lfus", reTime * 1000000.0);
  NSLog(@"re2Time: %.5lfus", re2Time * 1000000.0);
  NSLog(@"scTime : %.5lfus", scTime * 1000000.0);
  NSLog(@"ivTime : %.5lfus", ivTime * 1000000.0);
  NSLog(@"rklTime: %.5lfus", rklTime * 1000000.0);

  [NSString clearStringCache];
  [pool release]; pool = NULL;

NSString *myString = @"21sss";
int numberAtStart = [[myString substringToIndex:2] intValue];
NSString *myString = @"sss22";
int numberAtEnd = [[myString substringFromIndex:3] intValue];
int i;
NSString* string;
i = [string intValue];