Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/5/objective-c/22.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Objective c Cocos2d在其中一个';孩子们_Objective C_Delegates_Cocos2d Iphone_Protocols_Delegation - Fatal编程技术网

Objective c Cocos2d在其中一个';孩子们

Objective c Cocos2d在其中一个';孩子们,objective-c,delegates,cocos2d-iphone,protocols,delegation,Objective C,Delegates,Cocos2d Iphone,Protocols,Delegation,我正在为一个研究项目构建一个iPad游戏,我一直在尝试让我的一个对象(从CCSprite继承)调用CCLayer上的函数 情况: 我在我的CCLayer上有一个wordObject实例(继承自CCSprite)。当对象被触摸时,它会记录一些东西,并应该在其父对象CCLayer上执行一个函数,以创建一个新对象 到目前为止,我所做的是检测触摸并记录消息,但我找不到在CCLayer上执行该功能的方法,因此我提出了问题 当用另一种语言编程时,我只需将CCLayer指针作为参数传递给对象的init函数。我


情况: 我在我的CCLayer上有一个wordObject实例(继承自CCSprite)。当对象被触摸时,它会记录一些东西,并应该在其父对象CCLayer上执行一个函数,以创建一个新对象



//touch function
- (BOOL)ccTouchBegan:(UITouch *)touch withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
        CGPoint location = [touch locationInView: [touch view]];
        if (CGRectContainsPoint([self boundingBox], location)) {
            [parentLayer foundWord:@"test" atLocation:ccp(100.0f, 100.0f) withZValue:(int)1000 andPoints:100];
            CCLOG(@"Delegate should have executed");

            return YES;
        CCLOG(@"Touch detected, I'm located at %@ and the touch position is %@.", NSStringFromCGRect([self boundingBox]), NSStringFromCGPoint(location));
        return NO;

// Extended init function, I have no normal init function anymore (but I don't think I need that, tried it and it gave crashes
-(id)initWithSpriteFrame:(CCSpriteFrame*)spriteFrame andParent:(CCLayer *)layer{
        [super initWithSpriteFrame:spriteFrame];
        self = [super init];
        if(self != nil){
            parentLayer = layer;
        return self;


//CommonProtocols.h the file with the protocols. It is included in the CCLayer and in the object
@protocol GameplayScrollingLayerDelegate
-(void)foundWord:(NSString *)word atLocation:(CGPoint)location withZValue:(int)ZValue andPoints:(int)points;

//Layer.h, subscribing the class to the protocol so it knows where it should delegate to
@interface Layer : CCLayer <GameplayScrollingLayerDelegate>  {
    //some stuff omitted due to not being relevant.

//Layer.m, nothing done here, I've just added the function which I described in the protocol file
-(void)foundWord:(NSString *)word atLocation:(CGPoint)location withZValue:(int)ZValue andPoints:(int)points{
    // Function gibberish doing what I want it to do

//Object.h create the delegate
@interface Object : GameObject <CCTargetedTouchDelegate> {
    id <GameplayScrollingLayerDelegate> delegate;

@property (nonatomic,assign) id <GameplayScrollingLayerDelegate> delegate;

//Object.m synthesize the delegate and try to execute the function
@synthesize delegate
//... code omitted ...
    //default init stuff
    [delegate foundWord:@"test" atLocation:ccp(100.0f, 100.0f) withZValue:(int)1000 andPoints:100];
//... 代码省略。。。




CCLayer *layer = (CCLayer*) self.parent;