Octave 如何计算一系列箱子的概率向量和观测计数向量?

Octave 如何计算一系列箱子的概率向量和观测计数向量?,octave,statistical-test,Octave,Statistical Test,我想检验一下假设,是否有30个事件符合泊松分布 #GNU Octave X = [8 0 0 1 3 4 0 2 12 5 1 8 0 2 0 1 9 3 4 5 3 3 4 7 4 0 1 2 1 2]; #30 observations bins = {0, 1, [2:3], [4:5], [6:20]}; #each bin can be single value or multiple values 我试图在这里使用Pearson的卡方统计,并对下面的函数进行编码。我想要一个泊松向量


#GNU Octave
X = [8 0 0 1 3 4 0 2 12 5 1 8 0 2 0 1 9 3 4 5 3 3 4 7 4 0 1 2 1 2]; #30 observations
bins = {0, 1, [2:3], [4:5], [6:20]}; #each bin can be single value or multiple values

function result= poissonGoodnessOfFit(bins, observed)
  assert(iscell(bins), "bins should be a cell array");
  assert(all(cellfun("ismatrix", bins)) == 1, "bin entries either scalars or matrices");
  assert(ismatrix(observed) && rows(observed) == 1, "observed data should be a 1xn matrix");
  lambda_head = mean(observed); #poisson lambda parameter estimate
  k = length(bins); #number of bin groups
  n = length(observed); #number of observations
  poisson_probability = []; #variable for poisson probability for each bin
  observations = []; #variable for observation counts for each bin
  for i=1:k
    if isscalar(bins{1,i}) #this bin contains a single value
      poisson_probability(1,i) = poisspdf(bins{1, i}, lambda_head);
      observations(1, i) = histc(observed, bins{1, i});
    else  #this bin contains a range of values
      inner_bins = bins{1, i}; #retrieve the range
      inner_bins_k = length(inner_bins); #number of values inside
      inner_poisson_probability = []; #variable to store individual probability of each value inside this bin
      inner_observations = []; #variable to store observation counts of each value inside this bin
      for j=1:inner_bins_k
        inner_poisson_probability(1,j) = poisspdf(inner_bins(1, j), lambda_head);
        inner_observations(1, j) = histc(observed, inner_bins(1, j)); 
      poisson_probability(1, i) = sum(inner_poisson_probability, 2); #assign over the sum of all inner probabilities
      observations(1, i) = sum(inner_observations, 2); #assign over the sum of all inner observation counts
  expected = n .* poisson_probability; #expected observations if indeed poisson using lambda_head
  chisq = sum((observations - expected).^2 ./ expected, 2); #Pearson Chi-Square statistics 
  pvalue = 1 - chi2cdf(chisq, k-1-1); 
  result = struct("actual", observations, "expected", expected, "chi2", chisq, "pvalue", pvalue); 






function Result = poissonGoodnessOfFit( BinGroups, Observations )
% POISSONGOODNESSOFFIT( BinGroups, Observations) calculates the [... etc, etc.]

  pkg load statistics; % only needed in octave; for matlab buy statistics toolbox.
  assert( iscell( BinGroups ),   'Bins should be a cell array' );
  assert( all( cellfun( @ismatrix, BinGroups ) ) == 1,   'Bin entries either scalars or matrices' );
  assert( ismatrix( Observations ) && rows( Observations ) == 1,   'Observed data should be a 1xn matrix' );

% Define helpful variables
  RangeMin       = min( cellfun( @min, BinGroups ) );
  RangeMax       = max( cellfun( @max, BinGroups ) );
  Domain         = RangeMin : RangeMax;
  LambdaEstimate = mean( Observations );
  NBinGroups     = length( BinGroups );
  NObservations  = length( Observations );

% Get expected and observed numbers per 'bin' (i.e. discrete value) over the *entire* domain.
  Expected_Domain = NObservations * poisspdf( Domain, LambdaEstimate );
  Observed_Domain = histc( Observations, Domain );

% Apply BinGroup values as indices
  Expected_byBinGroup = cellfun( @(c) sum( Expected_Domain(c+1) ), BinGroups );
  Observed_byBinGroup = cellfun( @(c) sum( Observed_Domain(c+1) ), BinGroups );

% Perform a Chi-Square test on the Bin-wise Expected and Observed outputs
  O = Observed_byBinGroup; E = Expected_byBinGroup ; df = NBinGroups - 1 - 1;
  ChiSquareTestStatistic = sum( (O - E) .^ 2 ./ E );

  PValue = 1 - chi2cdf( ChiSquareTestStatistic, df );
  Result = struct( 'actual', O, 'expected', E, 'chi2', ChiSquareTestStatistic, 'pvalue', PValue );

X = [8 0 0 1 3 4 0 2 12 5 1 8 0 2 0 1 9 3 4 5 3 3 4 7 4 0 1 2 1 2]; % 30 observations
bins = {0, 1, [2:3], [4:5], [6:20]}; % each bin can be single value or multiple values
Result = poissonGoodnessOfFit( bins, X )
% Result =
%  scalar structure containing the fields:
%    actual   = 6         5        8          6         5
%    expected = 1.2643    4.0037   13.0304    8.6522    3.0493
%    chi2 =  21.989
%    pvalue =  0.000065574


你离一个常见的嫌疑犯出现并从你的帖子中删除matlab标记只有几毫秒的距离。如果您确实关心文章标题中所暗示的matlab兼容性,请努力编写与matlab兼容的代码。@ABC:删除matlab标记是为了帮助您并防止潜在回答者打扰您。我已经看过很多次了,其中给出了一个MATLAB答案,OP是“哦,但我实际上使用的是倍频程,这在那里不起作用。”此外,如果你尝试在MATLAB中运行,你发布的代码会产生很多语法错误。仅仅因为Octave基于MATLAB语法,并且可以只使用两个软件包的一个子集编写代码,并不意味着这两个软件包是可交换的。@ABCAnalytics我也经常对删除MATLAB标记感到恼火,因为如果有人问(隐式或显式)MATLAB兼容的答案,那么我的观点是,这应该得到尊重,或者至少可以解释为什么matlab兼容性不是一个好主意。简单地删除matlab标签可能会很烦人,并且会对一些对matlab用户有用的好问题造成损害。然而,当移除器完全正确时,它同样令人恼火,就像本例中的Cris一样。如果您没有努力编写一个与matlab兼容的子集,那么这实际上与matlab无关。如果您将一个问题标记为“c或c++”,然后您的示例涉及c中不支持的代码,那么对于浪费时间阅读该问题的c用户来说,这将是非常恼人的。更重要的是,如果他们费心为你提供C兼容的答案,你回答“哦,我需要使用C++类感谢”。谢谢。让我花点时间研究一下你的代码。来自Java背景,我非常关注元素循环。我试着寻找像R的chisq.test(x,p=p)这样的东西,但是R函数使用bins-1表示df,因此df被估计的参数数关闭,我不知道如何使用Octave的chisquare\u test\u同质性(x,y,c)。