Operating system FIFO页面替换是如何工作的?

Operating system FIFO页面替换是如何工作的?,operating-system,page-replacement,Operating System,Page Replacement,我试图理解FIFO页面替换算法,但我能找到的所有信息都是下面的内容。您能否解释一下如何使用引用字符串来评估页面替换算法(使用FIFO的特定示例) 当必须替换页面时,将选择最旧的页面 在我们所有的示例中,引用字符串是 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 3帧(9页错误) 4帧(10页错误) 页面在队列中不可用时被替换 转到此链接 这里解释了所有页面的重新定位算法。很好的例子。您很容易理解。页面错误是指内存帧中不存在页面,因此必须向操作系统发送陷阱 页面必须添加到一




1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 3帧(9页错误) 4帧(10页错误)




页面错误是指内存帧中不存在页面,因此必须向操作系统发送陷阱 页面必须添加到一个框架中。如果没有空间,那么需要移除一些东西。 FIFO是确定将删除哪个页面的一种方法


1:  1      +1 fault
2:  1,2    +1 fault
3:  1,2,3  +1 fault
4:  2,3,4  +1 fault - 1 gets removed because it was the first added
1:  3,4,1  +1 fault - 2 gets removed because it was the first on the list
2:  4,1,2  +1 fault - 3 got removed..
5:  1,2,5  +1 fault - 4 got removed..
1:  1,2,5  No change - 1 is already present so no page fault was required
2:  1,2,5  No change - 2 is already present in the frame
3:  2,5,3  +1 fault - 1 was removed because it is first
4:  5,3,4  +1 fault - Now 2 got removed
5:  5,3,4  No change - No change because 5 is present in one of the frames.




Page no. 1 |   1 +1

Page no. 2 |   1 2 +1

Page no. 3 |   1 2 3 +1

Page no. 4 |   1 2 3 4 +1

Page no. 1 |  

Page no. 2 |  

Page no. 5 |   2 3 4 5 +1

Page no. 1 |   3 4 5 1 +1

Page no. 2 |   4 5 1 2 +1

Page no. 3 |   5 1 2 3 +1

Page no. 4 |   1 2 3 4 +1

Page no. 5 |   2 3 4 5 +1

Page Faults = 10
1:  1      +1 fault
2:  1,2    +1 fault
3:  1,2,3  +1 fault
4:  2,3,4  +1 fault - 1 gets removed because it was the first added
1:  3,4,1  +1 fault - 2 gets removed because it was the first on the list
2:  4,1,2  +1 fault - 3 got removed..
5:  1,2,5  +1 fault - 1 got removed..
1:  1,2,5  No change - 1 is already present so no page fault was required
2:  1,2,5  No change - 2 is already present in the frame
3:  2,5,3  +1 fault - 1 was removed because it is first
4:  5,3,4  +1 fault - Now 2 got removed
5:  5,3,4  No change - No change because 5 is present in one of the frames.