Parsing 小黄瓜不认识情景大纲的例子

Parsing 小黄瓜不认识情景大纲的例子,parsing,cucumber,gherkin,Parsing,Cucumber,Gherkin,我不熟悉用小黄瓜写功能,我的第一个场景提纲出现了一个错误 #language:en Feature: Create an account In order to become a member As a new user I can create an account Scenario Outline: View the account creation page Given I am at the "<page>" page And I



Feature: Create an account
    In order to become a member
    As a new user
    I can create an account

Scenario Outline: View the account creation page
    Given I am at the "<page>" page
    And I have selected "<lang>" language
    When I see the Sign Up link in my language
    And I click the "<size>" Sign Up link in my chosen language
    Then I see the User Account page in my chosen language
    And the Create New Account tab in my chosen language

        |page           |lang       |size   |
        |landing        |English    |large  |
        |landing        |English    |small  |
        |FAQ            |English    |large  |
        |Forums         |English    |small  |
        |landing        |Francais   |large  |
        |landing        |Espanol    |small  |
最初我把变量放在没有引号的尖括号中,并根据建议添加了引号,但遗憾的是,这对我的情况没有帮助。 知道我的错误是什么吗?

试着用blockNo dice(谢谢你的建议!你能分享一些支持你的功能文件的代码吗?我真的没有-我现在写这些是为了手动测试,最终它们将在behat中测试,但这还不存在。令人高兴(也令人沮丧)我发现了这个问题,它与小黄瓜无关……但它还是解决了:)感谢那些试图帮助我的人!我复制了您的代码,并使用eclipse进行了一个简单的测试,它可以正常工作,可能是原始文件中隐藏了一些奇怪的字符。
Missing Examples section for Scenario Outline at [filename].feature:8