Perl WWW::Mechanize不处理撇号或破折号

Perl WWW::Mechanize不处理撇号或破折号,perl,unicode,utf-8,www-mechanize,Perl,Unicode,Utf 8,Www Mechanize,我一直在努力从Metacritic中提取信息,但现在遇到了一个问题,即无法提取带有撇号或破折号的干净文本 以下代码说明了此问题: use WWW::Mechanize; $reviewspage = ''; $Review = 'In the end Death triumphs, but its allure and obsession remain a my



use WWW::Mechanize;
 $reviewspage = '';
 $Review = 'In the end Death triumphs, but its allure and obsession remain a mystery.';
 $l = WWW::Mechanize->new();
    $k = $l->content;
    @Review = $k =~ m{$Review.*?<div class="review_body">(.*?)</div>}s;
    print "@Review\n";

<div class="review_body">
                                Too much of the doc takes our taste for granted; Alice Cooper, Henry Rollins and others won’t persuade you that Death could have been huge, nor does a clichéd last-act reunion show. But the film’s alternating inquiry — into family love, slow compromise and, yes, death — resonates strongly.




<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">



use v5.12 ;
use utf8 ;
use open qw( :encoding(UTF-8) :std ) ;

use WWW::Mechanize ;
 my $reviewspage = '' ;
 my $Review = 'In the end Death triumphs, but its allure and obsession remain a mystery.' ;
 my $l = WWW::Mechanize->new() ;
    $l->get($reviewspage) ;   
    my $k = $l->content ;   
    my @Review = $k =~ m{$Review.*?<div class="review_body">(.*?)</div>}s ;
    print "@Review\n" ;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;

use WWW::Mechanize;

binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';   # output should be in UTF-8

my $url = '';
my $Review = 'In the end Death triumphs, but its allure and obsession remain a mystery.';

my $lwp = WWW::Mechanize->new();
my $data = $lwp->content;

if ($data =~ m{$Review.*?<div class="review_body">(.*?)</div>}s) {
    print "$1\n";
} else {
    warn "Review not found";
Too much of the doc takes our taste for granted; Alice Cooper, Henry Rollins
and others won’t persuade you that Death could have been huge, nor does a
clichéd last-act reunion show. But the film’s alternating inquiry — into
family love, slow compromise and, yes, death — resonates strongly.
use v5.12 ;
use utf8 ;
use open qw( :encoding(UTF-8) :std ) ;

use WWW::Mechanize ;
 my $reviewspage = '' ;
 my $Review = 'In the end Death triumphs, but its allure and obsession remain a mystery.' ;
 my $l = WWW::Mechanize->new() ;
    $l->get($reviewspage) ;   
    my $k = $l->content ;   
    my @Review = $k =~ m{$Review.*?<div class="review_body">(.*?)</div>}s ;
    print "@Review\n" ;
                                    Too much of the doc takes our taste for granted; Alice Cooper, Henry Rollins and others won’t persuade you that Death could have been huge, nor does a clichéd last-act reunion show. But the film’s alternating inquiry — into family love, slow compromise and, yes, death — resonates strongly.