Php 未找到删除包的brew公式错误

Php 未找到删除包的brew公式错误,php,macos,homebrew,Php,Macos,Homebrew,我每次在mac中打开终端时都会收到此消息 Error: No available formula for php55 Please tap it and then try again: brew tap josegonzalez/php 我的系统上没有安装php,当我尝试清除卸载时,会出现错误 Anadis-MacBook-Pro:vagrant-vms anadi$ brew rm php55 Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/php55 Anad


Error: No available formula for php55 
Please tap it and then try again: brew tap josegonzalez/php

Anadis-MacBook-Pro:vagrant-vms anadi$ brew rm php55
Error: No such keg: /usr/local/Cellar/php55
Anadis-MacBook-Pro:vagrant-vms anadi$ brew cleanup php55
Error: No available formula for php55 
Anadis-MacBook-Pro:vagrant-vms anadi$ brew cleanup php
Error: No available formula for php 