Php 我需要忽略数组的某些项,并从剩余项创建首字母

Php 我需要忽略数组的某些项,并从剩余项创建首字母,php,arrays,Php,Arrays,我需要避免从数组返回的CN=Users、DC=aab、DC=local值。然后将其余名称的首字母缩写保存到新数组中。任何帮助都将不胜感激。我只是不确定从哪里开始。 这就是我现在执行以下操作时它返回的方式 $reportees = $_SESSION["user"]->directreports; $reportees = implode(",", $reportees); CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=aab,DC=local,CN=Jane Ann Doe,CN=Us

我需要避免从数组返回的CN=Users、DC=aab、DC=local值。然后将其余名称的首字母缩写保存到新数组中。任何帮助都将不胜感激。我只是不确定从哪里开始。 这就是我现在执行以下操作时它返回的方式

$reportees = $_SESSION["user"]->directreports;
$reportees = implode(",", $reportees);

CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=aab,DC=local,CN=Jane Ann Doe,CN=Users,DC=aab,DC=local

您可以使用闭包筛选数组,并让它为不需要的项返回FALSE,以便可以使用array\u filter对其进行筛选


$values = array_map(
        /* Get a reportee, return the name or FALSE */
        function($reportee) {
            list($key, $value) = explode('=', $reportee);
            switch ($key) {
                case 'CN': // CN=Users or CN=Jane Ann Doe
                    if ('Users' === $value) {
                         return false;
                    // $value is now hopefully Jane Ann Doe.
                    return $value;
                default: // Anything else gets FALSEd.
                    return false;

// Eliminate unwanted results:
// [ 0 => false, 1 => false, 2 => false, 3 => 'Jane Ann Doe', 4 => false ]
$values = array_filter($values);

// $values should now be something like [ 3 => 'Jane Ann Doe' ]
// Get initials.
$values = array_map(
    /* input: "Jane Ann Doe"; output: "JAD" */
    function ($value) {
        $words = preg_split('#\\s+#', $value);
        $initials = array_map(
            function ($word) {
                return substr($word, 0, 1);
        return implode('', $initials);

// $values is now [ '3' => 'JAD' ].
// You can use array_values($values) to renumber the array.


string(10) "JD,B,JAD,B"


array (
  0 => 'J D',
  1 => 'J A D',
array (
  0 => 'JD',
  1 => 'JD',

string(10) "JD,B,JAD,B"
$in = ['CN=John Doe','CN=Users','DC=aab','DC=local','CN=Jane Ann Doe','CN=Users','DC=aab','DC=local'];

function initials_from_value($i) {
    strtok($i, '=');
    $i          = strtok('=');
    $names      = explode(' ', $i);
    $initials   = array_map(function ($i) { return substr($i, 0, 1); }, $names);

    return $initials;

$out = array();
foreach($in as $item) {
    if(strpos($item, 'CN=') === 0 && $item !== 'CN=Users') {
        $out[] = implode(' ', initials_from_value($item));

array (
  0 => 'J D',
  1 => 'J A D',
$out = array();
foreach($in as $item) {
    if(strpos($item, 'CN=') === 0 && $item !== 'CN=Users') {
        if( ($initials = initials_from_value($item)) && count($initials) >= 2) {
            $first = reset($initials);
            $last  = end($initials);
            $out[] = $first . $last;

array (
  0 => 'JD',
  1 => 'JD',