如何在MAC中的php GD库中启用Webp支持

如何在MAC中的php GD库中启用Webp支持,php,macos,homebrew,Php,Macos,Homebrew,我已经使用自制软件安装了PHP7.2.0beta3。 phpinfo显示已启用webmp支持, 但是,当我尝试使用a转换图像时,会显示以下错误: 未捕获错误:调用/Users/rakibtg/Projects/PHP ImageTowBP/ImageTowBP.PHP:37堆栈跟踪中未定义的函数imagewebp() 如何使用自制php安装环境在macOS中启用webp支持?请尝试以下操作: brew reinstall php72 --with-webp 否则,请尝试: brew rm p



未捕获错误:调用/Users/rakibtg/Projects/PHP ImageTowBP/ImageTowBP.PHP:37堆栈跟踪中未定义的函数imagewebp()



brew reinstall php72 --with-webp

brew rm php72
brew install webp
brew install php72 --with-webp


brew options <PACKAGENAME>

    Include libargon2 password hashing support
    Enable building of the CGI executable (implies --without-fpm)
    Compile with debugging symbols
    Build with enchant support
    Build with gmp support
    Include Curl support via Homebrew
    Include LibreSSL instead of OpenSSL via Homebrew
    Include Libxml2 support via Homebrew
    Include LibXSLT support via Homebrew
    Enable building of shared Apache Handler module
    Include IMAP extension
    Include (old-style) libmysql support instead of mysqlnd
    Include MSSQL-DB support
    Include Oracle databases (requries ORACLE_HOME be set)
    Build with PEAR
    Enable building of the phpdbg SAPI executable
    Build with postgresql support
    Build with thread safety
    Build with webp support
    Build without bz2 support
    Disable building of the fpm SAPI executable
    Build without LDAP support
    Do not include the deprecated mysql_ functions
    Build without libsodium support
    Remove MySQL/MariaDB support
    Build without Process Control support
    Build without unixODBC support
    Install HEAD version

你在那个列表上看到了WebP吗?WBMP≠ 是的,这就是我所问的,它不再工作了,不能在PHP7.1.31上使用WebP,我不知道如何启用它it@AmauryLeproux看看这里。。。哼,没有sudo,我不能rm我的版本,也不能使用PECL,甚至尝试sudo都失败了。WEBP仍然不被称为函数:/
    Include libargon2 password hashing support
    Enable building of the CGI executable (implies --without-fpm)
    Compile with debugging symbols
    Build with enchant support
    Build with gmp support
    Include Curl support via Homebrew
    Include LibreSSL instead of OpenSSL via Homebrew
    Include Libxml2 support via Homebrew
    Include LibXSLT support via Homebrew
    Enable building of shared Apache Handler module
    Include IMAP extension
    Include (old-style) libmysql support instead of mysqlnd
    Include MSSQL-DB support
    Include Oracle databases (requries ORACLE_HOME be set)
    Build with PEAR
    Enable building of the phpdbg SAPI executable
    Build with postgresql support
    Build with thread safety
    Build with webp support
    Build without bz2 support
    Disable building of the fpm SAPI executable
    Build without LDAP support
    Do not include the deprecated mysql_ functions
    Build without libsodium support
    Remove MySQL/MariaDB support
    Build without Process Control support
    Build without unixODBC support
    Install HEAD version