Php )。 $step = 100; $itemCount = GetItemCountByAppId( $appId ); $loopsRequired = $itemCount / $step; $lo

Php )。 $step = 100; $itemCount = GetItemCountByAppId( $appId ); $loopsRequired = $itemCount / $step; $lo,php,asynchronous,Php,Asynchronous,)。 $step = 100; $itemCount = GetItemCountByAppId( $appId ); $loopsRequired = $itemCount / $step; $loopsRequired = ceil( $loopsRequired ); $process = array(); for( $a = 0; $a < $loopsRequired; $a++ ) {

    $step = 100;
    $itemCount = GetItemCountByAppId( $appId );
    $loopsRequired = $itemCount / $step;            
    $loopsRequired = ceil( $loopsRequired );

    $process = array();

    for( $a = 0; $a < $loopsRequired; $a++ )
        $items = GetItemsByAppId( $appId, array( 
            "amount" => $step, 
            "offset" => ( $step *  $a ) 
        ) );  

        foreach( $items[ "items" ] as $key => $item )
            foreach( $fieldsGroup as $fieldId => $fieldValues )
                $itemId = $item->__attributes[ "item_id" ];
                /*array_push( $process, array(
                    "itemId" => $itemId,
                    "fieldId" => $fieldId,
                ) );*/
                UpdateFieldValue( $itemId, $fieldId, $fieldValues );
                // This Update function is actually calling the server and I assume it must be waiting for a response... thus my code times out after 30 secs of execution

        //curl_post_async($url, $params);