
为动物熊创建一个PHP类,php,Php,我正在寻找一种名为“Bear”的单一类能够: 每两小时吃一次蜂蜜,记住他们上次吃蜂蜜的时间 决定他们是否需要睡觉 我想知道是否有一种方法可以做到这一点,而不必硬编码数组时间,也不必使用else语句来决定bear是否需要睡眠单独的函数会更好、更干净吗? class Bear { protected $name; protected $currentTime; public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } p


  • 每两小时吃一次蜂蜜,记住他们上次吃蜂蜜的时间
  • 决定他们是否需要睡觉
class Bear


protected $name;
protected $currentTime;

public function setName($name)
   $this->name = $name;

public function getName()
   return $this->name;

public function showLastFeedtime()
   $lastFed = strtotime('-2 hour', strtotime($this->currentTime));

   $newdate = date('H:i', $lastFed);

   echo $this->name." last ate at ".$newdate."<br/><br/>";   

public function checkFeedingTime($checkHours = array())
echo "It's ".$this->name."'s feeding time </br>";
echo "The time ".$this->currentTime. " is the time and I'm eating 
honey at right now. </br></br>";

echo "These are the times I eat</br>";

foreach($checkHours as $feedingTimes)
   echo $feedingTimes."</br>";    

echo "<hr>";

  echo "Barney is having a snooze";


public function getTime($currentTime)
   $this->currentTime = $currentTime;

public function setTime()
   return $this->currentTime;


//new instance of barney
$barney = new Bear();

//set the bears name

//get the bears name
$bigBear = $barney->getName();

//page info
echo "<h1>".$bigBear."'s profile page </h1>";
echo "<hr>";
echo "I am a bear and my name is {$bigBear} <br/>";
echo "<hr>";

//the current time
$currentTime = date('H:i');


//last feeding time

//ARRAY TIMES-barney eats every 2 hours
$checkHours = 

//call the feeding time function

”; } 公共函数checkFeedingTime($checkHours=array()) { if(在数组中($this->currentTime,$checkHours)) { 回显“这是“$this->name.”的喂食时间
”; 回声“时间”。$this->currentTime。“是时间,我正在吃东西。” 现在就吃蜂蜜。

“; echo“这是我吃饭的时候”
; foreach($checkHours作为$feedingTimes) { echo$feedingTimes.“
”; } 回声“
”; } 其他的 { //决定熊是否需要睡觉 echo“Barney正在打盹”; } } 公共函数getTime($currentTime) { $this->currentTime=$currentTime; } 公共函数设置时间() { 返回$this->currentTime; } } //巴尼的新实例 $barney=新熊(); //设定熊的名字 $barney->setName('barney'); //得到熊的名字 $bigBear=$barney->getName(); //页面信息 echo“$bigBear.”的个人资料页; 回声“
”; echo“我是一只熊,我的名字是{$bigBear}
”; 回声“
”; //当前时间 $currentTime=日期('H:i'); $barney->getTime($currentTime); //上次喂食时间 $barney->showLastFeedtime(); //数组乘以barney每2小时吃一次 $checkHours= 数组('00:00'、'02:00'、'04:00'、'06:00'、'08:00', '10:00','12:00','14:00','16:00','18:00','20:00','22:00'); //调用进给时间函数 $barney->checkFeedingTime($checkHours); ?>

// Ok, so we are in role of god and probably, we will want to create
// more animals than just bear, so we will prepare cheap interface for
// our creations
interface Animal {
    // we should be aware, if our lil beast is hungry
    public function isHungry(): bool;
    // and we should know, that we can feed it
    public function feed(): void;

    public function live(): void;

    public function isSleepy(): bool;

    public function sleep(): void;

class State {
    public $sleeping;

// Kay, now we can start with making our master beer
class Bear implements Animal {
     * He should have name
     * @var string
    private $name;

     * We would like to know, when our bearsir was eating last time
     * @var \DateTime
    private $lastEatingTime;

     * @var int 
    private $energy;

     * @var State
    private $state;

    // construction of bear, cause we can
    public function __construct(string $name, \DateTime $lastEatingTime)
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->lastEatingTime = $lastEatingTime;
        $this->energy = 100;
        $state = new State();
        $state->sleeping = false;
        $this->state = $state;
    // something like when you ask bear whats his name
    public function getName(): string
        return $this->name;
    // something like you get new bear and you wanna rename him
    public function setName(string $name): self
        $this->name = $name;
        return $this;
    // we have inteligent bear, so we can ask him about the last time of feeding
    public function getLastEatingTime(): \DateTime
        return $this->lastEatingTime;
    // we can also force him to think he ate before one minute even if its not true
    public function setLastEatingTime(\DateTime $lastEatingTime): self
        $this->lastEatingTime = $lastEatingTime;
        return $this;
    // we can determine if he is hungry or not by comparing current time and last time he ate
    public function isHungry(): bool
        $now = new \DateTime();
        return $now->diff($this->getLastEatingTime())->format('%h') >= 2;
    // give him food
    public function feed(): void
        $this->energy += 5;
        $this->setLastEatingTime(new \DateTime());

    public function isSleepy(): bool 
        return $this->energy < 20;

     * we will give him some rest
    public function sleep(): void
        $this->state->sleeping = true;
        $this->energy += rand(5, 20)/10;
        if ($this->energy >= 100) {

     * Hey, wake up bear!
    public function wakeUp(): void
        $this->state->sleeping = false;

     * Makes one lifecycle of bear
    public function live(): void
        $this->energy -= 1;
        if ($this->state->sleeping) {
            echo 'Im sleeping';
        } else {
            echo 'Im awake and ';
            if ($this->isSleepy()) {
                echo 'Im sleepy, so i go sleep';
            } else {
                if ($this->isHungry()) {
                    echo 'Im hungry, so im gonna eat some honey';
                } else {
                    echo 'im fine';
// lets make life
class Life {
    public function live(Animal $animal)
        // let life go on forever till some asteroid crashes our server
        while (true) {

$myBear = new Bear("Stanley", new \DateTime());
$life = new Life();

// Ok, so we are in role of god and probably, we will want to create
// more animals than just bear, so we will prepare cheap interface for
// our creations
interface Animal {
    // we should be aware, if our lil beast is hungry
    public function isHungry(): bool;
    // and we should know, that we can feed it
    public function feed(): void;

    public function live(): void;

    public function isSleepy(): bool;

    public function sleep(): void;

class State {
    public $sleeping;

// Kay, now we can start with making our master beer
class Bear implements Animal {
     * He should have name
     * @var string
    private $name;

     * We would like to know, when our bearsir was eating last time
     * @var \DateTime
    private $lastEatingTime;

     * @var int 
    private $energy;

     * @var State
    private $state;

    // construction of bear, cause we can
    public function __construct(string $name, \DateTime $lastEatingTime)
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->lastEatingTime = $lastEatingTime;
        $this->energy = 100;
        $state = new State();
        $state->sleeping = false;
        $this->state = $state;
    // something like when you ask bear whats his name
    public function getName(): string
        return $this->name;
    // something like you get new bear and you wanna rename him
    public function setName(string $name): self
        $this->name = $name;
        return $this;
    // we have inteligent bear, so we can ask him about the last time of feeding
    public function getLastEatingTime(): \DateTime
        return $this->lastEatingTime;
    // we can also force him to think he ate before one minute even if its not true
    public function setLastEatingTime(\DateTime $lastEatingTime): self
        $this->lastEatingTime = $lastEatingTime;
        return $this;
    // we can determine if he is hungry or not by comparing current time and last time he ate
    public function isHungry(): bool
        $now = new \DateTime();
        return $now->diff($this->getLastEatingTime())->format('%h') >= 2;
    // give him food
    public function feed(): void
        $this->energy += 5;
        $this->setLastEatingTime(new \DateTime());

    public function isSleepy(): bool 
        return $this->energy < 20;

     * we will give him some rest
    public function sleep(): void
        $this->state->sleeping = true;
        $this->energy += rand(5, 20)/10;
        if ($this->energy >= 100) {

     * Hey, wake up bear!
    public function wakeUp(): void
        $this->state->sleeping = false;

     * Makes one lifecycle of bear
    public function live(): void
        $this->energy -= 1;
        if ($this->state->sleeping) {
            echo 'Im sleeping';
        } else {
            echo 'Im awake and ';
            if ($this->isSleepy()) {
                echo 'Im sleepy, so i go sleep';
            } else {
                if ($this->isHungry()) {
                    echo 'Im hungry, so im gonna eat some honey';
                } else {
                    echo 'im fine';
// lets make life
class Life {
    public function live(Animal $animal)
        // let life go on forever till some asteroid crashes our server
        while (true) {

$myBear = new Bear("Stanley", new \DateTime());
$life = new Life();
