
在PHP中读取文件时,仅从段落开头删除空间,php,file-handling,removing-whitespace,Php,File Handling,Removing Whitespace,朋友们好,我正在阅读一个文件夹,其中有许多PHP文本文件,我需要删除文本文件中每个段落开头的所有空格。但当我读取文件并试图删除空格时,它不起作用,就像我尝试了TRIM函数LTRIM和REGEX“/\s+$/”一样,但都不起作用。但是当我使用正则表达式时,它会删除所有的空格。我只需要删除段落开头的空格。请提供任何帮助。下面是我正在尝试的代码 if ($dh = opendir($folder_path)){ while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false)


if ($dh = opendir($folder_path)){
    while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
        $path_parts = pathinfo($file);
        if ($path_parts['extension'] === 'txt' && $file1 = fopen($folder_path . '/' . $file, "r")) {
            $cleanStr ="";
            while(!feof($file1)) {
                $line = trim(fgets($file1));
                if ( trim($line)!="" ){
                    $str = preg_replace("/\s+$/", " ", ltrim($line));
                    echo $str;die;
    echo "Process finished..." . PHP_EOL;


$str = preg_replace("/^\s+/", "", $line);

file\u put\u contents
echo introde(PHP\u EOL,$content)



    /* find all files in chosen folder */
    $col=glob( $folder_path . '\*.*' );

    /* filter only text files for processing */
    $col=preg_grep( '@(\.txt$)@i', $col );

    /* Proceed if there are text files only */
    if( !empty( $col ) && count( $col ) > 0 ){

        /* iterate through collection */
        foreach( $col as $index => $filepath ){

            /* read file contents into an array */
            $lines=file( $filepath );

            /* store altered lines in temp array */

            /* trim the start of each line & store into temp array */
            foreach( $lines as $line )if( !empty( $line ) ) $content[]=ltrim( $line );

            /* output file contents */
            file_put_contents( $filepath, implode( PHP_EOL, $content ) );
            echo file_get_contents( $filepath ) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
        printf( "finito! %d files processed",count( $col ) );
    } else {
        echo "nothing to process";



    /* find all files in chosen folder */
    $col=glob( $folder_path . '\*.*' );

    /* filter only text files for processing */
    $col=preg_grep( '@(\.txt$)@i', $col );

    /* Proceed if there are text files only */
    if( !empty( $col ) && count( $col ) > 0 ){

        /* iterate through collection */
        foreach( $col as $index => $filepath ){

            /* read file contents into an array */
            $lines=file( $filepath );

            /* store altered lines in temp array */

            /* trim the start of each line & store into temp array */
            foreach( $lines as $line )if( !empty( $line ) ){
                $content[]=$trim( $line );

            /* write content back to file */
            #file_put_contents( $filepath, implode( PHP_EOL, $data ) );
            echo "<pre>" . implode( PHP_EOL, $content ) . "</pre>";
        printf( "finito! %d files processed",count( $col ) );
    } else {
        echo "nothing to process";



    /* find all files in chosen folder */
    $col=glob( $folder_path . '\*.*' );

    /* filter only text files for processing */
    $col=preg_grep( '@(\.txt$)@i', $col );

    /* Proceed if there are text files only */
    if( !empty( $col ) && count( $col ) > 0 ){

        /* iterate through collection */
        foreach( $col as $index => $filepath ){

            /* read file contents into an array */
            $lines=file( $filepath );

            /* store altered lines in temp array */

            /* trim the start of each line & store into temp array */
            foreach( $lines as $line )if( !empty( $line ) ) $content[]=ltrim( $line );

            /* output file contents */
            file_put_contents( $filepath, implode( PHP_EOL, $content ) );
            echo file_get_contents( $filepath ) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
        printf( "finito! %d files processed",count( $col ) );
    } else {
        echo "nothing to process";


    /* find all files in chosen folder */
    $col=glob( $folder_path . '\*.*' );

    /* filter only text files for processing */
    $col=preg_grep( '@(\.txt$)@i', $col );

    /* Proceed if there are text files only */
    if( !empty( $col ) && count( $col ) > 0 ){

        /* iterate through collection */
        foreach( $col as $index => $filepath ){

            /* read file contents into an array */
            $lines=file( $filepath );

            /* store altered lines in temp array */

            /* trim the start of each line & store into temp array */
            foreach( $lines as $line )if( !empty( $line ) ) $content[]=ltrim( $line );

            /* output file contents */
            file_put_contents( $filepath, implode( PHP_EOL, $content ) );
            echo file_get_contents( $filepath ) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
        printf( "finito! %d files processed",count( $col ) );
    } else {
        echo "nothing to process";