Python 列表中语法正确的人类可读字符串(带牛津逗号)

Python 列表中语法正确的人类可读字符串(带牛津逗号),python,list,human-readable,Python,List,Human Readable,我想要一个语法正确、可读的列表字符串表示形式。例如,列表['A',2,None',B,B',C,C']应该返回字符串A,2,None,B,B和C,C,C。这个人为的例子有些必要。请注意,此选项与此问题相关 我尝试了,'.join(seq),但这并没有产生上述示例的预期结果 请注意先前存在的类似问题: 与语法正确的人类可读字符串无关 这是没有的。那里的例子和答案相应地不同,它们不适用于我的问题 此功能的工作原理是处理小列表与处理大列表不同 from typing import Any, List




  • 与语法正确的人类可读字符串无关
  • 这是没有的。那里的例子和答案相应地不同,它们不适用于我的问题


from typing import Any, List

def readable_list(seq: List[Any]) -> str:
    """Return a grammatically correct human readable string (with an Oxford comma)."""
    # Ref:
    seq = [str(s) for s in seq]
    if len(seq) < 3:
        return ' and '.join(seq)
    return ', '.join(seq[:-1]) + ', and ' + seq[-1]


def readable_list(_s):
  if len(_s) < 3:
    return ' and '.join(map(str, _s))
  *a, b = _s
  return f"{', '.join(map(str, a))}, and {b}"

['', 'A', 'A and 2', 'A, None, and C', 'A, B,B, and C,C,C', 'A, B, C, and D']


"{} and {}".format(seq[0], seq[1]) if len(seq)==2 else ', '.join([str(x) if (y < len(seq)-1 or len(seq)<=1) else "and {}".format(str(x)) for x, y in zip(seq, range(len(seq)))])
“{}和{}”.format(seq[0],seq[1])如果len(seq)==2 else','.join([str(x)如果(y
from typing import List

def list_items_in_english(l: List[str], oxford_comma: bool = True) -> str:
    Produce a list of the items formatted as they would be in an English sentence.
    So one item returns just the item, passing two items returns "item1 and item2" and
    three returns "item1, item2, and item3" with an optional Oxford comma.
    return ", ".join(l[:-2] + [((oxford_comma and len(l) != 2) * ',' + " and ").join(l[-2:])])

哈?你为什么这么说?我想命令做了我认为OP想做的事。对不起,我误解了,我收回了旗帜。一切都很好:)@GiacomoCasoni Given
"{} and {}".format(seq[0], seq[1]) if len(seq)==2 else ', '.join([str(x) if (y < len(seq)-1 or len(seq)<=1) else "and {}".format(str(x)) for x, y in zip(seq, range(len(seq)))])
from typing import List

def list_items_in_english(l: List[str], oxford_comma: bool = True) -> str:
    Produce a list of the items formatted as they would be in an English sentence.
    So one item returns just the item, passing two items returns "item1 and item2" and
    three returns "item1, item2, and item3" with an optional Oxford comma.
    return ", ".join(l[:-2] + [((oxford_comma and len(l) != 2) * ',' + " and ").join(l[-2:])])