Python 如果满足语句,则代码不会运行

Python 如果满足语句,则代码不会运行,python,python-3.x,Python,Python 3.x,在我的代码中,if语句要求匹配以使其运行的两个变量似乎相等,但被跳过 # This program will play the classic game of "Hangman", with a certain amount of times you can fail, in the end telling the user if they have failed or succeeded in guessing the word # Creating variables for the num


# This program will play the classic game of "Hangman", with a certain amount of times you can fail, in the end telling the user if they have failed or succeeded in guessing the word
# Creating variables for the number of times players can guess and establishing lists for storing letters they have guessed and lists for what they have successfully guessed so far.
lives = 6
word = 'banana'
listGuess = []
wordAsList = list(word)
blanks = '_'*len(word)
blankList = list(blanks)
blankReference = list(blanks)
print('Word: ')
#Printing the blanks in accordance with the number of letters in the word. 
print(' '.join(blanks) +
#Creating a loop that allows the player to continue guessing, (or failing).
while lives != 0 :
    guess = input('Your guess: ')
#Creating certain things the user cannot input.    
    if len(guess.lower()) > 1 :
        print('\n' + 'Try entering only one character.')
        print(' '.join(blankList) + '\n')
    elif guess.lower() == '' or guess.lower() == ' ' :
        print('\n' + 'Try entering a character, you know. From the alphabet.')
        print(' '.join(blankList) + '\n')
    elif guess.lower() in listGuess :
        print('\n' + 'You\'ve already guessed that letter, genius. -1 life.')
        lives = lives - 1
        print('You have', lives, 'lives remaining.')
        print(' '.join(blankList) + '\n')
#Replacing the black dashes with the succefully guessed letter, in a list by comparing it to a list of guessed letters.
    else :
        count = 0
        for letter in word :
            if guess == wordAsList[count] :
                blankList[count] = wordAsList[count]
            count = count + 1
#Telling the user whether their guess was in the word and showing them an updated version of the blanks, containing guessed characters if availible. Also finds if the user successfully guessed the word, or if they failed.
        if blankList == blankReference :
            print('\n' + 'Bad luck. Your guess was not in the word.')
            lives = lives - 1
            print('You have', lives, 'tries remaining.')
            print(' '.join(blankList) + '\n')
        elif word != ''.join(blankReference) :
            count = 0
            for item in blankReference :
                item = blankList[count]
                count = count + 1
            if ''.join(blankList) == word :
                print('\n' + ' '.join(blankList))
                print('Congratulations, you have successfully guessed the word and saved the convicted man.')
            else :
                print('\n' + 'Your guess was in the word!')
                print(' '.join(blankList) + '\n')
print('Bad luck! The man is dead. ')

# This program will play the classic game of "Hangman", with a certain amount of times you can fail, in the end telling the user if they have failed or succeeded in guessing the word
# Creating variables for the number of times players can guess and establishing lists for storing letters they have guessed and lists for what they have successfully guessed so far.
lives = 6
word = 'banana'
listGuess = []
wordAsList = list(word)
blanks = '_'*len(word)
blankList = list(blanks)
blankReference = list(blanks)
print('Word: ')
#Printing the blanks in accordance with the number of letters in the word. 
print(' '.join(blanks) +
#Creating a loop that allows the player to continue guessing, (or failing).
while lives != 0 :
    guess = input('Your guess: ')
#Creating certain things the user cannot input.    
    if len(guess.lower()) > 1 :
        print('\n' + 'Try entering only one character.')
        print(' '.join(blankList) + '\n')
    elif guess.lower() == '' or guess.lower() == ' ' :
        print('\n' + 'Try entering a character, you know. From the alphabet.')
        print(' '.join(blankList) + '\n')
    elif guess.lower() in listGuess :
        print('\n' + 'You\'ve already guessed that letter, genius. -1 life.')
        lives = lives - 1
        print('You have', lives, 'lives remaining.')
        print(' '.join(blankList) + '\n')
#Replacing the black dashes with the succefully guessed letter, in a list by comparing it to a list of guessed letters.
    else :
        count = 0
        for letter in word :
            if guess == wordAsList[count] :
                blankList[count] = wordAsList[count]
            count = count + 1
#Telling the user whether their guess was in the word and showing them an updated version of the blanks, containing guessed characters if availible. Also finds if the user successfully guessed the word, or if they failed.
        if val == 0 :
            print('\n' + 'Bad luck. Your guess was not in the word.')
            lives = lives - 1
            print('You have', lives, 'tries remaining.')
            print(' '.join(blankList) + '\n')
        elif word != ''.join(blankReference) :
            count = 0
            for item in blankReference :
                item = blankList[count]
                count = count + 1
            if ''.join(blankList) == word :
                print('\n' + ' '.join(blankList))
                print('Congratulations, you have successfully guessed the word and saved the convicted man.')
            else :
                print('\n' + 'Your guess was in the word!')
                print(' '.join(blankList) + '\n')
print('Bad luck! The man is dead. ')



count = 0
for letter in word :
    if guess == wordAsList[count] :
        blankList[count] = wordAsList[count]
    count = count + 1




lives = 6
word = 'banana'
listGuess = []
wordAsList = list(word)
blanks = '_'*len(word)
blankList = list(blanks)
print(' '.join(blanks) +
while lives != 0 :
    guess = input('Your guess: ')
    if len(guess.lower()) > 1:
        print('\n' + 'Try entering only one character.')
        print(' '.join(blankList) + '\n')
    elif guess.lower() == '' or guess.lower() == ' ':
        print('\n' + 'Try entering a character, you know. From the alphabet.')
        print(' '.join(blankList) + '\n')
    elif guess.lower() in listGuess:
        print('\n' + 'You\'ve already guessed that letter, genius. -1 life.')
        lives = lives - 1
        print('You have', lives, 'lives remaining.')
        print(' '.join(blankList) + '\n')
        correct_guess = False
        for i in range(len(word)):
            if guess == wordAsList[i] :
                blankList[i] = wordAsList[i]
                blankList_new = blankList
                correct_guess = True

        if correct_guess == False:
            print('\n' + 'Bad luck. Your guess was not in the word.')
            lives = lives - 1
            if lives == 0:
                print('Bad luck! The man is dead. ')
                print('You have', lives, 'tries remaining.')
                print(' '.join(blankList) + '\n')
        elif word == ''.join(blankList):
            print('\n' + ' '.join(blankList))
            print('Congratulations, you have successfully guessed the word and saved the convicted man.')
            print('\n' + 'Your guess was in the word!')
            print(' '.join(blankList) + '\n')

