Python 如何检查列表中的一组连续条目?

Python 如何检查列表中的一组连续条目?,python,list,Python,List,我正在经历一个代码学院的挑战,我打算定义一个功能,将电子邮件与“负面词语和短语”列表进行比较,当列表中的两个词语/短语出现在电子邮件中后,其余出现的词语/短语应该被审查 这就是我所处的位置: #Censors a list of negative words after the second appearance of a word from the list def censor3(email): negative_words = [ 'concerned', 'beh



#Censors a list of negative words after the second appearance of a word from the list
def censor3(email):
    negative_words = [
        'concerned', 'behind', 'dangerous',
        'alarming', 'alarmed', 'out of control',
        'help', 'unhappy', 'bad',
        'upset', 'awful', 'broken',
        'damage', 'damaging', 'dismal',
        'distressed', 'distressing', 'concerning',
        'horrible', 'horribly', 'questionable',
    ecensored3s = re.split('(\W)', email)
    negative_count = 0
    for i in range(len(ecensored3s)):
        word = ecensored3s[i]
        if word in negative_words or word.lower() in negative_words:
            negative_count += 1
            if negative_count > 2:
                ecensored3s[i] = 'REDACTED'
    ecensored3 = "".join(ecensored3s)
    return (ecensored3)


Board of Investors,

Things have taken a concerning turn down in the Lab.  Helena (she has insisted on being called  Helena, we're unsure how she came to that moniker) is still 
progressing at a rapid rate. Every day we see new developments in her thought patterns, but recently those developments have been more alarming than 

Let me give you one of the more distressing examples of this.  We had begun testing hypothetical humanitarian crises to observe how Helena determines 
best solutions. One scenario involved a famine plaguing an unresourced country.

Horribly, Helena quickly recommended a course of action involving culling more than 60% of the local population. When pressed on reasoning, she stated 
that this method would maximize "reduction in human suffering."

This dangerous line of thinking has led many of us to think that we must have taken some wrong turns when developing some of the initial learning 
algorithms. We are considering taking Helena offline for the time being before the situation can spiral out of control.

More updates soon,
Francine, Head Scientist




import re, pprint

text = '''
Board of Investors,

Things have taken a concerning turn down in the Lab.  Helena (she has insisted on being called  Helena, we're unsure how she came to that moniker) is still 
progressing at a rapid rate. Every day we see new developments in her thought patterns, but recently those developments have been more alarming than 

Let me give you one of the more distressing examples of this.  We had begun testing hypothetical humanitarian crises to observe how Helena determines 
best solutions. One scenario involved a famine plaguing an unresourced country.

Horribly, Helena quickly recommended a course of action involving culling more than 60% of the local population. When pressed on reasoning, she stated 
that this method would maximize "reduction in human suffering."

This dangerous line of thinking has led many of us to think that we must have taken some wrong turns when developing some of the initial learning 
algorithms. We are considering taking Helena offline for the time being before the situation can spiral out of control.

More updates soon,
Francine, Head Scientist

negative_phrases = [
    'concerned', 'behind', 'dangerous',
    'alarming', 'alarmed', 'out of control',
    'help', 'unhappy', 'bad',
    'upset', 'awful', 'broken',
    'damage', 'damaging', 'dismal',
    'distressed', 'distressing', 'concerning',
    'horrible', 'horribly', 'questionable',

# mark occurrences of all negative phrases
occurrences = []
for phrase in negative_phrases:
    search_result = [(,m.start(0),m.end(0)) for m in re.finditer(r'\b'+phrase+r'\b', text, re.IGNORECASE)]
    if search_result:
        occurrences += search_result

occurrences.sort(key=lambda match: match[1])
pprint.pprint (occurrences)

# skip the first two
occurrences = occurrences[2:]

# remove the remaining phrases from the text -- this must be done in reverse!
for _,start,end in reversed(occurrences):
    text = text[:start]+'REDACTED'+text[end:]

print (text)

[('concerning', 42, 52),
 ('alarming', 314, 322),
 ('distressing', 372, 383),
 ('Horribly', 572, 580),
 ('dangerous', 794, 803),
 ('out of control', 1040, 1054)]

Board of Investors,

Things have taken a concerning turn down in the Lab.  Helena (she has insisted on being called  Helena, we're unsure how she came to that moniker) is still 
progressing at a rapid rate. Every day we see new developments in her thought patterns, but recently those developments have been more alarming than 

Let me give you one of the more REDACTED examples of this.  We had begun testing hypothetical humanitarian crises to observe how Helena determines 
best solutions. One scenario involved a famine plaguing an unresourced country.

REDACTED, Helena quickly recommended a course of action involving culling more than 60% of the local population. When pressed on reasoning, she stated 
that this method would maximize "reduction in human suffering."

This REDACTED line of thinking has led many of us to think that we must have taken some wrong turns when developing some of the initial learning 
algorithms. We are considering taking Helena offline for the time being before the situation can spiral REDACTED.

More updates soon,
Francine, Head Scientist

negative\u words
为i,枚举中的单词(ecensered3s):。电子邮件示例:谢谢,这是非常有趣的,我开始倾诉它,但你会不会有一个建议,如何找到一个短语,而不是在分裂列表?你的方法显然是优越的,而且“环”更少,但我希望我的答案尽可能接近我已经学会的方法。你的代码有足够的方法,我从来没有见过,我只是想你的答案。@ JoaaNeMm:如果你想继续使用<代码>分裂< /代码>,考虑替换“失控”的空间(和其他多字危险字)与另一个符号。无论是在列表中还是在文本本身中。然后split将它们放在一起,您可以将它们与您的列表进行比较。