rPi Python,seatalk1至nmea 0183

rPi Python,seatalk1至nmea 0183,python,parsing,Python,Parsing,你好,我是编程新手 下面的数据报来自 这些是我必须翻译成nmea0183的一些样本。 有人能用python做一些解析吗 最终程序将在发送时获取seatalk1数据,并将其转换为nmea0183,然后在屏幕上显示。 seatalk1数据将来自 多谢各位 00 02 YZ XX XX Depth below transducer: XXXX/10 feet Flags in Y: Y&8 = 8: Anchor Alarm is active


下面的数据报来自 这些是我必须翻译成nmea0183的一些样本。 有人能用python做一些解析吗

最终程序将在发送时获取seatalk1数据,并将其转换为nmea0183,然后在屏幕上显示。 seatalk1数据将来自 多谢各位

 00  02  YZ  XX XX  Depth below transducer: XXXX/10 feet
                   Flags in Y: Y&8 = 8: Anchor Alarm is active
                              Y&4 = 4: Metric display units or
                                       Fathom display units if followed by command 65
                              Y&2 = 2: Used, unknown meaning
                  Flags in Z: Z&4 = 4: Transducer defective
                              Z&2 = 2: Deep Alarm is active
                              Z&1 = 1: Shallow Depth Alarm is active
                Corresponding NMEA sentences: DPT, DBT


## AWS, Apparent Wind Speed  
                    elif st_header == '11':
                            a1,a2,a3,a4,a5 = st_data.split(',')
                        except ValueError: a1="none"
                            xx = int(a4, 16)
                            y = (int(a5, 16)) & 15 # 0Y - & with 0x0F (15) to ensure that we get rid of first octet, it might be unnecessary 
                            isInKnots = (xx & 128 == 128)
                            speed = float(xx & 127) + y/10
                            if (isInKnots) :
                                aws_read = speed * 0.514444691
                            else :
                                aws_read =  speed
 11  01  XX  0Y  Apparent Wind Speed: (XX & 0x7F) + Y/10 Knots
             Units flag: XX&0x80=0    => Display value in Knots
                         XX&0x80=0x80 => Display value in Meter/Second
             Corresponding NMEA sentence: MWV
 50  Z2  XX  YY  YY  LAT position: XX degrees, (YYYY & 0x7FFF)/100 minutes
                 MSB of Y = YYYY & 0x8000 = South if set, North if cleared
                 Z= 0xA or 0x0 (reported for Raystar 120 GPS), meaning unknown
                 Stable filtered position, for raw data use command 58
                 Corresponding NMEA sentences: RMC, GAA, GLL
 53  U0  VW      Course over Ground (COG) in degrees:
             The two lower  bits of  U * 90 +
                the six lower  bits of VW *  2 +
                the two higher bits of  U /  2 =
                (U & 0x3) * 90 + (VW & 0x3F) * 2 + (U & 0xC) / 8
             The Magnetic Course may be offset by the Compass Variation (see datagram 99) to get the Course Over Ground (COG).
             Corresponding NMEA sentences: RMC, VTG
## AWS, Apparent Wind Speed  
                    elif st_header == '11':
                            a1,a2,a3,a4,a5 = st_data.split(',')
                        except ValueError: a1="none"
                            xx = int(a4, 16)
                            y = (int(a5, 16)) & 15 # 0Y - & with 0x0F (15) to ensure that we get rid of first octet, it might be unnecessary 
                            isInKnots = (xx & 128 == 128)
                            speed = float(xx & 127) + y/10
                            if (isInKnots) :
                                aws_read = speed * 0.514444691
                            else :
                                aws_read =  speed