Python pip安装numpy不安装文件

Python pip安装numpy不安装文件,python,numpy,ssl,pip,conda,Python,Numpy,Ssl,Pip,Conda,在命令中,pip install numpy将出现此错误 Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certifica te verify failed: unable to get

在命令中,pip install numpy将出现此错误

  Retrying (Retry(total=4, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certifica
te verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1045)'))': /simple/numpy/
  Retrying (Retry(total=3, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certifica
te verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1045)'))': /simple/numpy/
  Retrying (Retry(total=2, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certifica
te verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1045)'))': /simple/numpy/
  Retrying (Retry(total=1, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certifica
te verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1045)'))': /simple/numpy/
  Retrying (Retry(total=0, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None)) after connection broken by 'SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certifica
te verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1045)'))': /simple/numpy/
  Could not fetch URL There was a problem confirming the ssl certificate: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /sim
ple/numpy/ (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1045)'))) - skipping
  Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement numpy (from versions: )
No matching distribution found for numpy
You are using pip version 10.0.1, however version 18.0 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'python -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.


打开anaconda nevigator并尝试从笔记本内部升级jupyternotebook和nevigator,否则您应该重新安装,事实上我也有这个问题。我在互联网上搜索了很多,但至少我卸载并重新安装了它,然后下载了所有的库,现在一切正常
