Python 如何在multivariable/3D中实现核密度估计

Python 如何在multivariable/3D中实现核密度估计,python,numpy,machine-learning,scikit-learn,kernel-density,Python,Numpy,Machine Learning,Scikit Learn,Kernel Density,我的数据集如下fromat和im试图找出具有最佳带宽的内核密度估计 data = np.array([[1, 4, 3], [2, .6, 1.2], [2, 1, 1.2], [2, 0.5, 1.4], [5, .5, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 4, 3], [5, .5, 0], [2, .5, 1.2]]) 但我不知道该怎么做。还有如何找到矩阵∑ 更新 我尝试了scikit学习工具包中的KDE函数,以找出单变量(1D)KDE 有谁能帮我把


data = np.array([[1, 4, 3], [2, .6, 1.2], [2, 1, 1.2],
         [2, 0.5, 1.4], [5, .5, 0], [0, 0, 0],
         [1, 4, 3], [5, .5, 0], [2, .5, 1.2]])





  • 继续使用scikit学习
  • 使用不同的库。例如,如果您感兴趣的内核是高斯型的,那么您可以使用更容易理解/应用的内核。这项技术有一个很好的例子
  • 从第一原则出发,推出自己的产品。这是非常困难的,我不建议这样做
  • 详细介绍了内核密度估计(KDE)的各种库实现的相对优点



    import numpy as np
    from scipy import stats
    data = np.array([[1, 4, 3], [2, .6, 1.2], [2, 1, 1.2],
             [2, 0.5, 1.4], [5, .5, 0], [0, 0, 0],
             [1, 4, 3], [5, .5, 0], [2, .5, 1.2]])
    data = data.T #The KDE takes N vectors of length K for K data points
                  #rather than K vectors of length N
    kde = stats.gaussian_kde(data)
    # You now have your kde!!  Interpreting it / visualising it can be difficult with 3D data
    # You might like to try 2D data first - then you can plot the resulting estimated pdf
    # as the height in the third dimension, making visualisation easier.
    # Here is the basic way to evaluate the estimated pdf on a regular n-dimensional mesh
    # Create a regular N-dimensional grid with (arbitrary) 20 points in each dimension
    minima = data.T.min(axis=0)
    maxima = data.T.max(axis=0)
    space = [np.linspace(mini,maxi,20) for mini, maxi in zip(minima,maxima)]
    grid = np.meshgrid(*space)
    #Turn the grid into N-dimensional coordinates for each point
    #Note - coords will get very large as N increases...
    coords = np.vstack(map(np.ravel, grid))
    #Evaluate the KD estimated pdf at each coordinate
    density = kde(coords)
    #Do what you like with the density values here..
    #plot them, output them, use them elsewhere...



  • 随着维度数量的增加,你想要的观测数据点的数量将呈指数增长-你的3维中9个点的样本数据非常稀疏-尽管我假设这些点表明事实上你还有更多

  • 如正文中所述-带宽是以特定方式选择的-这可能会导致估计pdf的过度(或可以想象但不太可能欠)平滑

  • 我想知道我是否能帮上忙,但我需要多了解一点。我可以看到每个数据点都有三个值,但按照您编写的方式,这些三元组进一步分组为三个组。输入数据分组两次是否有原因?还要再次检查一下∑矩阵的含义。我假设你指的是估计的数据协方差-所以你可以使用∑^(-1/2)的经验法则带宽?如果是的话,你是打算在这里开始带宽优化,还是代替优化?我的回答有帮助吗?如果没有-请随意添加一些注释,因为我可能会根据您的需要对其进行调整。@JRichardSnape您是对的,我以错误的方式对数据进行分组,实际上在我的代码中,它就像您实现的一样,但当复制代码时,我弄糟了。是的,∑是指协方差矩阵。但我仍然不确定我下面的答案是否有帮助——这能满足你的需求吗?或者你的问题还有别的吗?如果你想输出协方差矩阵,我可以加上。非常感谢你的帮助。这很有帮助。我还有两个问题,希望你能帮我解决。(1) 我如何使用我自己的带宽,就像我们在sklearn.kde(gridcrossover)(2)中所做的那样,正如你所说,先在2d中绘制,然后在3d中绘制高度,你能告诉我如何在这里做我尝试过的吗?我会在有时间的时候看看这些问题。对不起,我没有机会看这个。1) 您可以设置自己的带宽:我没有使用过这个,示例似乎适用于1D情况。在可视化方面——我建议从2D输入数据开始,而不是3D。你放在那个链接上的代码没有正确的导入等等,所以根本不会运行。嗨,你能帮我从你的代码中显示带宽矩阵吗。。我试过kde.factor,但它给了我一个浮点数。但对于多变量情形(3d),它不应该显示3x3带宽矩阵吗。谢谢你还需要看看kde.协方差
    import numpy as np
    from scipy import stats
    data = np.array([[1, 4, 3], [2, .6, 1.2], [2, 1, 1.2],
             [2, 0.5, 1.4], [5, .5, 0], [0, 0, 0],
             [1, 4, 3], [5, .5, 0], [2, .5, 1.2]])
    data = data.T #The KDE takes N vectors of length K for K data points
                  #rather than K vectors of length N
    kde = stats.gaussian_kde(data)
    # You now have your kde!!  Interpreting it / visualising it can be difficult with 3D data
    # You might like to try 2D data first - then you can plot the resulting estimated pdf
    # as the height in the third dimension, making visualisation easier.
    # Here is the basic way to evaluate the estimated pdf on a regular n-dimensional mesh
    # Create a regular N-dimensional grid with (arbitrary) 20 points in each dimension
    minima = data.T.min(axis=0)
    maxima = data.T.max(axis=0)
    space = [np.linspace(mini,maxi,20) for mini, maxi in zip(minima,maxima)]
    grid = np.meshgrid(*space)
    #Turn the grid into N-dimensional coordinates for each point
    #Note - coords will get very large as N increases...
    coords = np.vstack(map(np.ravel, grid))
    #Evaluate the KD estimated pdf at each coordinate
    density = kde(coords)
    #Do what you like with the density values here..
    #plot them, output them, use them elsewhere...