Python 从文本中提取国籍和国家

Python 从文本中提取国籍和国家,python,nlp,nltk,pos-tagger,Python,Nlp,Nltk,Pos Tagger,我想使用nltk从文本中提取所有国家和国籍,我使用词性标记提取所有GPE标记的标记,但结果并不令人满意 abstract="Thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TO) is an autoimmune-mediated orbital inflammation that can lead to disfigurement and blindness. Multiple genetic loci have been associated with Graves' di


 abstract="Thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TO) is an autoimmune-mediated orbital inflammation that can lead to disfigurement and blindness. Multiple genetic loci have been associated with Graves' disease, but the genetic basis for TO is largely unknown. This study aimed to identify loci associated with TO in individuals with Graves' disease, using a genome-wide association scan (GWAS) for the first time to our knowledge in TO.Genome-wide association scan was performed on pooled DNA from an Australian Caucasian discovery cohort of 265 participants with Graves' disease and TO (cases) and 147 patients with Graves' disease without TO (controls). "

  sent = nltk.tokenize.wordpunct_tokenize(abstract)
  pos_tag = nltk.pos_tag(sent)
  nes = nltk.ne_chunk(pos_tag)
  places = []
  for ne in nes:
      if type(ne) is nltk.tree.Tree:
         if (ne.label() == 'GPE'):
            places.append(u' '.join([i[0] for i in ne.leaves()]))
      if len(places) == 0:

['Thyroid', 'Australian', 'Caucasian', 'Graves']




看看Stanford NER tagger

from nltk.tag.stanford import NERTagger
import os
st = NERTagger('../ner-model.ser.gz','../stanford-ner.jar')
tagging = st.tag(text.split()) 

from geograpy import extraction

e = extraction.Extractor(text="Thyroid-associated orbitopathy (TO) is an autoimmune-
mediated orbital inflammation that can lead to disfigurement and blindness. 
Multiple genetic loci have been associated with Graves' disease, but the genetic 
basis for TO is largely unknown. This study aimed to identify loci associated with 
TO in individuals with Graves' disease, using a genome-wide association scan 
(GWAS) for the first time to our knowledge in TO.Genome-wide association scan was 
performed on pooled DNA from an Australian Caucasian discovery cohort of 265 
participants with Graves' disease and TO (cases) and 147 patients with Graves' 
disease without TO (controls).")

print e.places()



import spacy

nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

doc = nlp(u"Apple is opening its first big office in San Francisco and California.")
print([(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents])

pip install geography NLTK
,这对我来说很有用:虽然对于python3使用来说很旧,但是对于python3使用-pip3 install geography 3spacy非常棒,而且功能非常强大。我还建议您也可以使用Alchemy API。尽管对于大数据,最好使用sPacy,因为它没有对每个查询和结果施加交易成本。正如我们所知,spacy会将位置标记为{GPE}。在我的例子中,我有两个位置标记为GPE(例如印度、德里)。现在我的目标是确定哪个是城市和国家。请评论@Renaud