Python 皮亚杰将球传给球门

Python 皮亚杰将球传给球门,python,python-3.x,pygame,Python,Python 3.x,Pygame,我正在尝试使用pygame在球类游戏中传球,但一旦我第一次通过在所需方向单击鼠标传球,球将不会在击中队友2后再次单击鼠标重定向。我正在努力使球能够在队友之间来回传递,但是传球方面给了我困难。有什么建议可以让我用鼠标点击来传球吗 import sys import pygame import characters import math width = 600 height = 730 win = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) clock =


import sys
import pygame
import characters
import math

width = 600
height = 730

win = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
bg = pygame.image.load("backgroundCY300.jpg")
win.blit(bg, (-150, -140))

game_over = False
ballsleft = 3
hit = False
isFalling = True
run = True
click = False
click2 = False
scored = False

font = pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans', 50)

def redrawGameWin():  
    win.blit(text, (300, 100)) 
    win.blit(bg, (-150, -140))

def passing(dest_x, dest_y):
    if click == True:
        ball.floating_point_x = ball.x
        ball.floating_point_y = ball.y

        dest_x += ball.x
        dest_y += ball.y

        x_diff = dest_x - ball.x
        y_diff = dest_y - ball.y
        angle = math.atan2(y_diff, x_diff)

        ball.change_x = math.cos(angle) * ball.vel_x
        ball.change_y = math.sin(angle) * ball.vel_y

        ball.floating_point_y += ball.change_y
        ball.floating_point_x += ball.change_x
        ball.y = int(ball.floating_point_y)
        ball.x = int(ball.floating_point_x)

ball = characters.ball(50, 50, 12)
teammate1 = characters.teammate(50, 150, 20)
teammate2 = characters.teammate(390, 500, 20)
goalie = characters.defense(300, 650, 400, 20, 20)
defense = characters.defense(100, 300, 400, 20, 20)
bound1 = characters.boundry(350, 400, 400, 20, 10)
reflector1 = characters.reflector(50, 500, 200, 10, 12)
while run == True:
    for event in pygame.event.get():
        if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:  
            mouse_x = event.pos[0] 
            mouse_y = event.pos[1]
            click = True
    if click == True:
        passing(mouse_x, mouse_y)
    if click2 == True:
        ball.y += 15
    characters.defense.mover_t_l(goalie, win)
    characters.defense.mover_t_l(defense, win)
    if ball.y <= 0:
        hit = True
    if ball.y >= height and ball.x < 200 or ball.y >= height and ball.x > 400:
        hit = True
        done = False    
    if ball.x >= 600 or ball.x <= 0:
        ball.vel_x = -ball.vel_x
    if ball.y < reflector1.hitbox[1] + reflector1.hitbox[3] and ball.y > reflector1.hitbox[1]:
        if ball.x > reflector1.hitbox[0] and ball.x < reflector1.hitbox[0] + reflector1.hitbox[2]:
            ball.vel_y = -ball.vel_y
    if ball.y < goalie.hitbox[1] + goalie.hitbox[3] and ball.y > goalie.hitbox[1]:
        if ball.x > goalie.hitbox[0] and ball.x < goalie.hitbox[0] + goalie.hitbox[2]:
            hit = True
            done = False
    if ball.y < defense.hitbox[1] + defense.hitbox[3] and ball.y > defense.hitbox[1]:
        if ball.x > defense.hitbox[0] and ball.x < defense.hitbox[0] + defense.hitbox[2]:
            hit = True
            done = False
    if ball.y < bound1.hitbox[1] + bound1.hitbox[3] and ball.y > bound1.hitbox[1]:
        if ball.x > bound1.hitbox[0] and ball.x < bound1.hitbox[0] + bound1.hitbox[2]:
            hit = True
            done = False
    *if ball.y < teammate1.hitbox[1] + teammate1.hitbox[3] and ball.y > teammate1.hitbox[1]:
        if ball.x > teammate1.hitbox[0] and ball.x < teammate1.hitbox[0] + teammate1.hitbox[2]:
            isFalling = False
    if ball.y < teammate2.hitbox[1] + teammate2.hitbox[3] and ball.y > teammate2.hitbox[1]:
        if ball.x > teammate2.hitbox[0] and ball.x < teammate2.hitbox[0] + teammate2.hitbox[2]:
            click = False
            isFalling = False
            click2 = True*
    if ball.y >= height and 200 <= ball.x <= 400:
        scored = True
    if scored == True:
        run = False
        done = False
    if hit == True:
        run = False
        game_over = True
        done = False
    if isFalling == True:
        ball.y += 15
    if ballsleft > 0:
        text = font.render("Balls: " + str(ballsleft), 1, (0, 0, 0))

导入系统 导入pygame 导入字符 输入数学 宽度=600 高度=730 win=pygame.display.set_模式((宽度、高度)) clock=pygame.time.clock() pygame.font.init() bg=pygame.image.load(“backgroundCY300.jpg”) pygame.display.set_标题(“游戏”) 温·布利特(背景,(-150,-140)) 游戏结束=错误 鲍尔斯里夫特=3 命中=错误 是真的吗 运行=真 单击=False click2=错误 得分=错误 font=pygame.font.SysFont('Comic Sans',50) def重新绘制GameWin(): win.blit(文本,(300100)) 温·布利特(背景,(-150,-140)) 球。平局(胜利) 队友1.平局(获胜) 反射器1.平局(赢) 2.平局(获胜) 守门员。平局(获胜) 防守。平局(获胜) 边界1.平局(赢) pygame.display.update() def通过(目的地x、目的地y): 如果单击==True: ball.floating_point_x=ball.x ball.floating_point_y=ball.y dest_x+=ball.x dest_y+=ball.y x_diff=dest_x-ball.x y_diff=dest_y-ball.y 角度=数学atan2(y_diff,x_diff) ball.change_x=数学cos(角度)*ball.vel_x ball.change_y=math.sin(角度)*ball.vel_y ball.floating_point_y+=ball.change_y ball.floating_point_x+=ball.change_x ball.y=int(ball.floating\u point\u y) ball.x=int(ball.floating\u point\u x) ball=字符。ball(50,50,12) 队友1=角色。队友(50、150、20) 队友2=角色。队友(390、500、20) 守门员=角色。防守(300、650、400、20、20) 防御=角色。防御(1003004002020) bound1=字符。边界(350、400、400、20、10) 反射器1=字符。反射器(50、500、200、10、12) #主回路 当run==True时: pygame.时间延迟(100) 对于pygame.event.get()中的事件: 如果event.type==pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: 鼠标_x=事件位置[0] 鼠标_y=event.pos[1] 单击=真 如果单击==True: 传球(鼠标x,鼠标y) 如果click2==True: 球.y+=15 角色,防守,移动(守门员,胜利) 角色。防御。移动(防御,胜利) “死亡边界” 如果ball.y=高度和ball.x<200或ball.y>=高度和ball.x>400: 命中=正确 完成=错误 “弹性边界” 如果ball.x>=600或ball.x反射器1.hitbox[1]: 如果ball.x>reflector 1.hitbox[0]和ball.x守门员.hitbox[1]: 如果ball.x>守门员.hitbox[0]和ball.x<守门员.hitbox[0]+守门员.hitbox[2]: 命中=正确 完成=错误 如果ball.ydefence.hitbox[1]: 如果ball.x>defence.hitbox[0]和ball.xbound1.hitbox[1]: 如果ball.x>bound1.hitbox[0]和ball.x队友1.hitbox[1]: 如果ball.x>ambernate1.hitbox[0]和ball.x队友2.hitbox[1]: 如果ball.x>ambernate2.hitbox[0]和ball.x=高度和200