
如何在python中使字符串的每个字母都成为变量,python,encoding,decoding,Python,Encoding,Decoding,我正在尝试用python制作一个编码器 这是到目前为止的代码。它工作正常,但我想将字符串中的每个字母都更改为相应的数字,例如:a=1,b=2。所以它最终会变成一个数字句子。我的目标是有两个程序,一个用于编码,一个用于解码 print "Welcome to the encoder" Letter1 = raw_input ("Please input the first letter of the word: ") Letter2 = raw_input ("Please input the s



print "Welcome to the encoder"
Letter1 = raw_input ("Please input the first letter of the word: ")
Letter2 = raw_input ("Please input the second letter of the word: ")
Letter3 = raw_input ("Please input the third letter of the word: ")
Letter4 = raw_input ("Please input the fourth letter of the word: ")
Letter5 = raw_input ("Please input the fifth letter of the word: ")
Letter6 = raw_input ("Please input the sixth letter of the word: ")
Letter7 = raw_input ("Please input the seventh letter of the word: ")
Letter8 = raw_input ("Please input the eighth letter of the word: ")
Letter9 = raw_input ("Please input the ninth letter of the word: ")
Letter10 = raw_input ("Please input the tenth letter of the word: ")
Letter11 = raw_input ("Please input the eleventh letter of the word: ")
Letter12 = raw_input ("Please input the twelvth letter of the word: ")
print "Your code is " + Letter3 + Letter2 + Letter1 + Letter6 + Letter5 
+ Letter4 + Letter9 + Letter8 + Letter7 + Letter12 + Letter11 + 

word = raw_input()

print('Your code is\n')
for letter in word:
    print ord(letter)-96

word = raw_input()

print('Your code is\n')
for letter in word:
    print ord(letter)-96


print "Welcome to the encoder"
code_length = 12
code = []
for index in xrange(0, code_length):
    letter = raw_input  ("Please input letter " + str(index) + " of the word: ")
    ordinal = ord(letter) - 96

print ' '.join(code)


print "Welcome to the encoder"
code_length = 12
code = []
for index in xrange(0, code_length):
    letter = raw_input  ("Please input letter " + str(index) + " of the word: ")
    ordinal = ord(letter) - 96

print ' '.join(code)


# define the dictionary
encoder = {"a":"1", "b":"2", "c":"3", "d":"4", "e":"5"}

# take your input
Letter1 = raw_input ("Please input the first letter of the word: ")
Letter2 = raw_input ("Please input the first letter of the word: ")
Letter3 = raw_input ("Please input the first letter of the word: ")

# print out the encoded version
print encoder[Letter1] + encoder[Letter2] + encoder[Letter3]


# define the dictionary
encoder = {"a":"1", "b":"2", "c":"3", "d":"4", "e":"5"}

# take your input
Letter1 = raw_input ("Please input the first letter of the word: ")
Letter2 = raw_input ("Please input the first letter of the word: ")
Letter3 = raw_input ("Please input the first letter of the word: ")

# print out the encoded version
print encoder[Letter1] + encoder[Letter2] + encoder[Letter3]

Welcome to the encoder
Please input the first letter of the word:  asdf
Please input the second letter of the word:  b
Please input the third letter of the word:  g
Please input the fourth letter of the word:  r
Please input the fifth letter of the word:  d
Please input the sixth letter of the word:  w
Please input the seventh letter of the word:  r
Please input the eighth letter of the word:  c
Please input the ninth letter of the word:  g
Please input the tenth letter of the word:  d
Please input the eleventh letter of the word:  s
Please input the twelvth letter of the word:  c
Your code is 72119462341873183194
Your code is gbasdfwdrgcrcsd

Welcome to the encoder
Please input the first letter of the word:  asdf
Please input the second letter of the word:  b
Please input the third letter of the word:  g
Please input the fourth letter of the word:  r
Please input the fifth letter of the word:  d
Please input the sixth letter of the word:  w
Please input the seventh letter of the word:  r
Please input the eighth letter of the word:  c
Please input the ninth letter of the word:  g
Please input the tenth letter of the word:  d
Please input the eleventh letter of the word:  s
Please input the twelvth letter of the word:  c
Your code is 72119462341873183194
Your code is gbasdfwdrgcrcsd

print ord(letter)-96,
print ord(letter)-96,