
在Python中合并两个xml文件并保留注释,python,xml,merge,Python,Xml,Merge,我试图用下面的代码在python中合并两个xml文件。我在另一个线程中发现: 该代码非常适合合并两个xml文件,但是我也希望合并文件中的注释。我是新手,不知道如何不仅合并xml,而且合并文件中的注释。Per:“注意:并非xml输入的所有元素都将作为解析树的元素。当前,此模块跳过输入中的任何xml注释、处理说明和文档类型声明…”您必须尝试找到一个包含注释的解析器。 import sys from xml.etree import ElementTree as et class hashable



import sys
from xml.etree import ElementTree as et

class hashabledict(dict):
    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(tuple(sorted(self.items())))

class XMLCombiner(object):
    def __init__(self, filenames):
        assert len(filenames) > 0, 'No filenames!'
        # save all the roots, in order, to be processed later
        self.roots = [et.parse(f).getroot() for f in filenames]

    def combine(self):
      for r in self.roots[1:]:
        # combine each element with the first one, and update that
        self.combine_element(self.roots[0], r)
    # return the string representation
      return et.ElementTree(self.roots[0])

    def combine_element(self, one, other):
    This function recursively updates either the text or the children
    of an element if another element is found in `one`, or adds it
    from `other` if not found.
    # Create a mapping from tag name to element, as that's what we are fltering with
    mapping = {(el.tag, hashabledict(el.attrib)): el for el in one}
    for el in other:
        if len(el) == 0:
            # Not nested
                # Update the text
                mapping[(el.tag, hashabledict(el.attrib))].text = el.text
            except KeyError:
                # An element with this name is not in the mapping
                mapping[(el.tag, hashabledict(el.attrib))] = el
                # Add it
                # Recursively process the element, and update it in the same way
                self.combine_element(mapping[(el.tag, hashabledict(el.attrib))], el)
            except KeyError:
                # Not in the mapping
                mapping[(el.tag, hashabledict(el.attrib))] = el
                # Just add it

if __name__ == '__main__':

  r = XMLCombiner(sys.argv[1:-1]).combine()
  print '-'*20
  print et.tostring(r.getroot())
  r.write(sys.argv[-1], encoding="iso-8859-1", xml_declaration=True)