Python 如何从Jupyter笔记本将PdfileWriter()写入硬盘

Python 如何从Jupyter笔记本将PdfileWriter()写入硬盘,python,pdf,jupyter-notebook,Python,Pdf,Jupyter Notebook,下面的程序适用于我需要它做的事情,那就是在一个包含多个页面的PDF中阅读,将其拆分为单独的页面,并根据我的贷款编号列表重命名它们。然而,目前新的PDF文件位于我的Jupyter笔记本文件目录中。我需要他们去我的C驱动器,并最终到一个sharepoint网站。有人能帮我吗?下面是函数。我应该将输出路径放在哪里 output_path = 'C:/output' import os from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter #counter =


output_path = 'C:/output'

import os
from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter
#counter = 0
def pdf_splitter(path):
    fname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0]#grab the name of the input file, minus the extension.
    counter = 0
    pdf = PdfFileReader(path)  #open the PDF up and create a reader object. 
    for page in range(pdf.getNumPages()):  #loop over all the pages using the reader object’s getNumPages method.
        pdf_writer = PdfFileWriter()  #create an instance of PdfFileWriter. 
        pdf_writer.addPage(pdf.getPage(page))  #add a page to our writer object using its addPage method which accespts a page 
        #object, so we call the reader object's getPage method. Now we have added one page to our writer object. 
        output_filename = '{}_Loan Number_{}.pdf'.format(  #create a unique file name which we do by using the original file name plus
            #the word "loan number" plus iterate over loanNumber number list. Page will increment since it's the control variable. 
            fname, loanNumber[page])
        with open(output_filename, 'wb') as out:  #open the new file name in write-binary mode and use the PDF writer object’s write 
            #method to write the object’s contents to disk.
        print('Created: {}'.format(output_filename))
        counter += 1
    print counter
if __name__ == '__main__':
    path = 'MSPimage.pdf'