Python 如何解决这个问题;智囊团;猜谜游戏?

Python 如何解决这个问题;智囊团;猜谜游戏?,python,algorithm,Python,Algorithm,您将如何创建一个算法来解决以下难题“智囊团” 你的对手从六种颜色中选择了四种不同的颜色(黄色、蓝色、绿色、红色、橙色、紫色)。你必须猜出他们选择了哪一个,顺序是什么。每次猜测后,你的对手都会告诉你,你猜到的颜色中有多少(但不是哪一种)在正确的位置[“黑色”]是正确的颜色,有多少(但不是哪一种)在错误的位置[“白色”]。游戏结束时,你猜对了(4个黑人,0个白人) 例如,如果你的对手选择了(蓝色、绿色、橙色、红色),你猜(黄色、蓝色、绿色、红色),你将得到一个“黑色”(红色),两个白色(蓝色和绿色)





  • 清晰(容易理解)
  • 简明的
  • 高效(猜得快)
  • 有效(解决难题的猜测次数最少)
  • 灵活(可以轻松回答有关算法的问题,例如,最坏的情况是什么?)
  • 一般(可以很容易地适应除智囊团以外的其他类型的谜题)
  • 我对一个非常有效但效率不高的算法感到满意(前提是它不仅实现得很差!);然而,一个非常高效的算法是没有用的




    首先,我需要几个标准模块和未来的导入(我使用Python 2.6)


    Pegs = collections.namedtuple('Pegs', 'black white')
    def mastermindScore(g1,g2):
      matching = len(set(g1) & set(g2))
      blacks = sum(1 for v1, v2 in itertools.izip(g1,g2) if v1 == v2)
      return Pegs(blacks, matching-blacks)



    def entropy(P):
      total = sum(P)
      return -sum(p*math.log(p, 2) for p in (v/total for v in P if v))

    def decisionEntropy(V, g, score):
      return entropy(collections.Counter(score(gi, g) for gi in V).values())

    def bestDecision(V, G, score):
      return max((decisionEntropy(V, g, score), g in V, g) for g in G)[2]
    def entropy(P):
      total = sum(P)
      return -sum(p*math.log(p, 2) for p in (v/total for v in P if v))
    def decisionEntropy(V, g, score):
      return entropy(collections.Counter(score(gi, g) for gi in V).values())
    def bestDecision(V, G, score):
      return max((decisionEntropy(V, g, score), g in V, g) for g in G)[2]
    Node = collections.namedtuple('Node', 'decision branches')
    Branch = collections.namedtuple('Branch', 'result subtree')
    def lazySolutionTree(G, V, score, endstates, **kwargs):
      decision = bestDecision(V, G, score)
      branches = (Branch(result, None if result in endstates else
                       lazySolutionTree(G, pV, score=score, endstates=endstates))
                  for (result, pV) in partition(V, score, decision).iteritems())
      yield Node(decision, branches) # Lazy evaluation
    def solver(scorer, **kwargs):
      lazyTree = lazySolutionTree(**kwargs)
      steps = []
      while lazyTree is not None:
        t = # Evaluate node
        result = scorer(t.decision)
        steps.append((t.decision, result))
        subtrees = [b.subtree for b in t.branches if b.result == result]
        if len(subtrees) == 0:
          raise Exception("No solution possible for given scores")
        lazyTree = subtrees[0]
      assert(result in endstates)
      return steps
    def allSolutions(**kwargs):
      def solutions(lazyTree):
        return ((((t.decision, b.result),) + solution
                 for t in lazyTree for b in t.branches
                 for solution in solutions(b.subtree))
                if lazyTree else ((),))
      return solutions(lazySolutionTree(**kwargs))
    def worstCaseSolution(**kwargs):
      return max((len(s), s) for s in allSolutions(**kwargs)) [1]
    def solutionLengthDistribution(**kwargs):
      return collections.Counter(len(s) for s in allSolutions(**kwargs))
    def solutionExists(maxsteps, G, V, score, **kwargs):
      if len(V) == 1: return True
      partitions = [partition(V, score, g).values() for g in G]
      maxSize = max(len(P) for P in partitions) ** (maxsteps - 2)
      partitions = (P for P in partitions if max(len(s) for s in P) <= maxSize)
      return any(all(solutionExists(maxsteps-1,G,s,score) for l,s in
                     sorted((-len(s), s) for s in P)) for i,P in
                 sorted((-entropy(len(s) for s in P), P) for P in partitions))
    def lowerBoundOnWorstCaseSolution(**kwargs):
      for steps in itertools.count(1):
        if solutionExists(maxsteps=steps, **kwargs):
          return steps
    Comparison = collections.namedtuple('Comparison', 'less greater equal')
    def twoDScorer(x, y):
      return Comparison(all(r[0] <= r[1] for r in zip(x, y)),
                        all(r[0] >= r[1] for r in zip(x, y)),
                        x == y)
    def twoD():
      G = set(itertools.product(xrange(5), repeat=2))
      return dict(G = G, V = G, score = twoDScorer,
                  endstates = set(Comparison(True, True, True)))
    def score(this, that):
        '''Simple "Master Mind" scoring function'''
        exact = len([x for x,y in zip(this, that) if x==y])
        ### Calculating "other" (white pegs) goes here:
        ### ...
        return (exact,other)
    other = 0
    x = sorted(this)   ## Implicitly converts to a list!
    y = sorted(that)
    while len(x) and len(y):
        if x[0] == y[0]:
            other += 1
        elif x[0] < y[0]:
    other -= exact
    other = 0
    counters = dict()
    for i in this:
        counters[i] = counters.get(i,0) + 1
    for i in that:
        if counters.get(i,0) > 0:
            other += 1
            counters[i] -= 1
    other -= exact
    from itertools import product, tee
    from random import choice
    COLORS = 'red ', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow', 'purple', 'pink'#, 'grey', 'white', 'black', 'orange', 'brown', 'mauve', '-gap-'
    HOLES = 4
    def random_solution():
        """Generate a random solution."""
        return tuple(choice(COLORS) for i in range(HOLES))
    def all_solutions():
        """Generate all possible solutions."""
        for solution in product(*tee(COLORS, HOLES)):
            yield solution
    def filter_matching_result(solution_space, guess, result):
        """Filter solutions for matches that produce a specific result for a guess."""
        for solution in solution_space:
            if score(guess, solution) == result:
                yield solution
    def score(actual, guess):
        """Calculate score of guess against actual."""
        result = []
        #Black pin for every color at right position
        actual_list = list(actual)
        guess_list = list(guess)
        black_positions = [number for number, pair in enumerate(zip(actual_list, guess_list)) if pair[0] == pair[1]]
        for number in reversed(black_positions):
            del actual_list[number]
            del guess_list[number]
        #White pin for every color at wrong position
        for color in guess_list:
            if color in actual_list:
                #Remove the match so we can't score it again for duplicate colors
        #Return a tuple, which is suitable as a dictionary key
        return tuple(result)
    def minimal_eliminated(solution_space, solution):
        """For solution calculate how many possibilities from S would be eliminated for each possible colored/white score.
        The score of the guess is the least of such values."""
        result_counter = {}
        for option in solution_space:
            result = score(solution, option)
            if result not in result_counter.keys():
                result_counter[result] = 1
                result_counter[result] += 1
        return len(solution_space) - max(result_counter.values())
    def best_move(solution_space):
        """Determine the best move in the solution space, being the one that restricts the number of hits the most."""
        elim_for_solution = dict((minimal_eliminated(solution_space, solution), solution) for solution in solution_space)
        max_elimintated = max(elim_for_solution.keys())
        return elim_for_solution[max_elimintated]
    def main(actual = None):
        """Solve a game of mastermind."""
        #Generate random 'hidden' sequence if actual is None
        if actual == None:
            actual = random_solution()
        #Start the game of by choosing n unique colors
        current_guess = COLORS[:HOLES]
        #Initialize solution space to all solutions
        solution_space = all_solutions()
        guesses = 1
        while True:
            #Calculate current score
            current_score = score(actual, current_guess)
            #print '\t'.join(current_guess), '\t->\t', '\t'.join(current_score)
            if current_score == tuple(['black'] * HOLES):
                print guesses, 'guesses for\t', '\t'.join(actual)
                return guesses
            #Restrict solution space to exactly those hits that have current_score against current_guess
            solution_space = tuple(filter_matching_result(solution_space, current_guess, current_score))
            #Pick the candidate that will limit the search space most
            current_guess = best_move(solution_space)
            guesses += 1
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        print max(main(sol) for sol in all_solutions())
    import random
    def main():
        userAns = raw_input("Enter your tuple, and I will crack it in six moves or less: ")
    def play(ans=(6,1,3,5),guess=(0,0,0,0),previousGuess=[]):
           guess = genGuess(guess,ans)
            checker = -1
                guess,checker = genLogicalGuess(guess,previousGuess,ans)
        print guess, ans
        if not(guess==ans):
            base = check(ans,guess)
            print "Found it!"
    def genGuess(guess,ans):
        guess = []
        for i in range(0,len(ans),1):
        return tuple(guess)
    def genLogicalGuess(guess,previousGuess,ans):
        newGuess = list(guess)
        count = 0
        #Generate guess
        for i in range(0,len(newGuess),1):
        for item in previousGuess:
            for i in range(0,len(newGuess),1):
                if((newGuess[i]==item[i]) and (newGuess[i]!=ans[i])):
            return guess,-1
            guess = tuple(newGuess)
            return guess,0
    def check(ans,guess):
        base = []
        for i in range(0,len(zip(ans,guess)),1):
            if not(zip(ans,guess)[i][0] == zip(ans,guess)[i][1]):
        return tuple(base)
    import random
    from itertools import izip, imap
    digits = 4
    fmt = '%0' + str(digits) + 'd'
    searchspace = tuple([tuple(map(int,fmt % i)) for i in range(0,10**digits)])
    def compare(a, b, imap=imap, sum=sum, izip=izip, min=min):
        count1 = [0] * 10
        count2 = [0] * 10
        strikes = 0
        for dig1, dig2 in izip(a,b):
            if dig1 == dig2:
                strikes += 1
            count1[dig1] += 1
            count2[dig2] += 1
        balls = sum(imap(min, count1, count2)) - strikes
        return (strikes, balls)
    def rungame(target, strategy, verbose=True, maxtries=15):
        possibles = list(searchspace)
        for i in xrange(maxtries):
            g = strategy(i, possibles)
            if verbose:
                print "Out of %7d possibilities.  I'll guess %r" % (len(possibles), g),
            score = compare(g, target)
            if verbose:
                print ' ---> ', score
            if score[0] == digits:
                if verbose:
                    print "That's it.  After %d tries, I won." % (i+1,)
            possibles = [n for n in possibles if compare(g, n) == score]
        return i+1
    def strategy_allrand(i, possibles):
        return random.choice(possibles)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        hidden_code = random.choice(searchspace)
        rungame(hidden_code, strategy_allrand)
    Out of   10000 possibilities.  I'll guess (6, 4, 0, 9)  --->  (1, 0)
    Out of    1372 possibilities.  I'll guess (7, 4, 5, 8)  --->  (1, 1)
    Out of     204 possibilities.  I'll guess (1, 4, 2, 7)  --->  (2, 1)
    Out of      11 possibilities.  I'll guess (1, 4, 7, 1)  --->  (3, 0)
    Out of       2 possibilities.  I'll guess (1, 4, 7, 4)  --->  (4, 0)
    That's it.  After 5 tries, I won.
    # SET UP
    import random
    import itertools
    colors = ('red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'indigo', 'violet', 'ultra')
    def EvaluateCode(guess, secret_code):
        key = []
        for i in range(0, 4):
            for j in range(0, 4):
                if guess[i] == secret_code[j]:
                    key += ['black'] if i == j else ['white']    
        return key
    # choose secret code
    secret_code = random.sample(colors, 4)
    print ('(shh - secret code is: ', secret_code, ')\n', sep='')
    # create the full list of permutations
    full_code_list = list(itertools.permutations(colors, 4))
    N_guess = 0
    while True:
        N_guess += 1
        print ('Attempt #', N_guess, '\n-----------', sep='')
        # make a random guess
        guess = random.choice(full_code_list)
        print ('guess:', guess)
        # evaluate the guess and get the key
        key = EvaluateCode(guess, secret_code)
        print ('key:', key)
        if key == ['black', 'black', 'black', 'black']:
        # remove codes from the code list that don't match the key
        full_code_list2 = []
        for i in range(0, len(full_code_list)):
            if EvaluateCode(guess, full_code_list[i]) == key:
                full_code_list2 += [full_code_list[i]]
        full_code_list = full_code_list2
        print ('N remaining: ', len(full_code_list), '\n', full_code_list, '\n', sep='')
    print ('\nMATCH after', N_guess, 'guesses\n')