Python 在dhangoforms中隐藏从模型生成的字段并将其保存在数据库中

Python 在dhangoforms中隐藏从模型生成的字段并将其保存在数据库中,python,django,google-app-engine,Python,Django,Google App Engine,1] 我有以下型号: class UserReportedData(db.Model): #country selected by the user, this will also populate the drop down list on the html page country = db.StringProperty(default='Afghanistan',choices=['Afghanistan']) #city selected by the user city

1] 我有以下型号:

class UserReportedData(db.Model):
  #country selected by the user, this will also populate the drop down list on the html page
  country = db.StringProperty(default='Afghanistan',choices=['Afghanistan'])
  #city selected by the user
  city = db.StringProperty()
  user_reported_boolean = db.BooleanProperty() # value that needs to be hidden from the display 
  date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

class UserReportedDataForm(djangoforms.ModelForm):

  class Meta:
    model = UserReportedData
2] 决定布尔值“user\u reported\u boolean”的html代码如下所示

 '<input type="submit" name="report_up" value= "Report Up">'
 '<input type="submit" name="report_down" value= "Report Down">'
class UserReporting(webapp.RequestHandler):

  def post(self):
    #get the data that the user put in the django form UserReportForm
    data = UserReportedDataForm(data=self.request.POST)

    #need to find whether user hit the button with the name "report_up" or "report_down"
    # this is not working either
    if 'report_up' in self.request.POST:
        data.user_reported_boolean = True
    elif 'report_down' in self.request.POST:
        data.user_reported_boolean = False    

    if data.is_valid():
        # Save the data, and redirect to the view page
        entity =

1] 如何隐藏字段“user\u reported\u boolean”不显示在html表单上

2] 如何在数据库中保存此字段“user\u reported\u boolean”

1:从模型表单中排除此字段。 2:在未保存的模型实例中,您可以通过

您希望字段处于表单中,但在显示时隐藏,还是不希望它处于表单中?@anand,是的,我希望字段“user\u reported\u boolean”出现在模型中,但不希望显示。@anand,我尝试了下面@Yuji Tomita给出的响应,并成功地从html页面中隐藏了模型中的一个字段。谢谢@Yuji Tomita,这很有效。再次感谢您的详细回复
class MyModelForm(ModelForm):
    class Meta:
         model = Foo
         exclude = ('myfield',)
entity =
entity.user_reported_boolean = True # False, whatever.