Python 上载表单plotly dash应用程序时无法访问数据帧

Python 上载表单plotly dash应用程序时无法访问数据帧,python,parsing,file-upload,split,plotly-dash,Python,Parsing,File Upload,Split,Plotly Dash,我不熟悉python,也不熟悉dash。 我正在尝试使用“隐藏Div”来存储数据帧,如短跑教程5中所建议的那样。 但我无法处理上传的文件 import base64 import io import dash from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html

我不熟悉python,也不熟悉dash。 我正在尝试使用“隐藏Div”来存储数据帧,如短跑教程5中所建议的那样。 但我无法处理上传的文件

    import base64
    import io
    import dash
    from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
    import dash_core_components as dcc
    import dash_html_components as html
    import dash_table
    import pandas as pd

    #global_df = pd.read_csv('...')

    app = dash.Dash(__name__)

    app.layout = html.Div([
                                        children=html.Div(['Drag and Drop or ',html.A('Select Files')]),

                            # Hidden div inside the app that stores the intermediate value
                            html.Div(id='intermediate-value', style={'display': 'none'})

    def parse_contents(contents, filename):
        content_type, content_string = contents.split(',') #line 28
        decoded = base64.b64decode(content_string)
        if 'csv' in filename:
            # Assume that the user uploaded a CSV file
            return pd.read_csv(
        elif 'xls' in filename:
            # Assume that the user uploaded an excel file
            return pd.read_excel(io.BytesIO(decoded))
        elif 'xlsx' in filename:
            # Assume that the user uploaded an excel file
            return pd.read_excel(io.BytesIO(decoded))

    @app.callback(Output('intermediate-value', 'children'), 
                  [Input('datatable-upload', 'contents')],
                  [State('datatable-upload', 'filename')])
    def update_output(contents, filename):
         # some expensive clean data step
        cleaned_df = parse_contents(contents, filename)

         # more generally, this line would be
         # json.dumps(cleaned_df)
        return cleaned_df.to_json(date_format='iso', orient='split')

    @app.callback(Output('graph', 'figure'), [Input('intermediate-value', 'children')])
    def update_graph(jsonified_cleaned_data):

        # more generally, this line would be
        # json.loads(jsonified_cleaned_data)
        dff = pd.read_json(jsonified_cleaned_data, orient='split')

        figure = create_figure(dff)
        return figure

    @app.callback(Output('table', 'children'), [Input('intermediate-value', 'children')])
    def update_table(jsonified_cleaned_data):
        dff = pd.read_json(jsonified_cleaned_data, orient='split')
        table = create_table(dff)
        return table

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        app.run_server(port=8050, host='')

文件“ipython-input-12-4bd6fe1b7399”,第28行,在parse_内容中 内容类型,内容字符串=contents.split(',')) AttributeError:“非类型”对象没有属性“拆分”

