Python 输入的数据成为for循环中的新数据

Python 输入的数据成为for循环中的新数据,python,loops,conditional-statements,Python,Loops,Conditional Statements,长话短说,我和我的朋友开了个玩笑。每当华盛顿足球队击败一支球队时,该队就成为“足球队”。第一周,足球队击败了老鹰队,所以现在他们被称为费城足球队。我被迷住了,我决定制作一个python程序来实现这一点 for i in range(17): city = "Washington" football_team = city + " Football Team" answer = input("Did the " +


for i in range(17):
    city = "Washington"
    football_team = city + " Football Team"
    answer = input("Did the " + football_team + " win today? ")
    if answer == "No":
        print("The team is the " + football_team)
    if answer == "Yes":
        city = input("Who did the " + football_team + " defeat? ")
        football_team = city + " Football Team"
        print("The new football team is the " + football_team)

city = "Washington" 



根据您的需要,可能有两种解决方案。如果这样的说法——“只要华盛顿足球队击败一支球队,该队就成为“足球队”。第一周,足球队击败了老鹰队,因此现在他们被称为费城足球队”——对新球队也是如此(如果老鹰队击败了某个钢人队,那么他们现在被称为匹兹堡足球队)然后选择解决方案1。 解决方案1

for i in range(5):
if i==0:
    city = "Washington"
football_team = city + " Football Team"
answer = input("Did the " + football_team + " win today? ")
if answer == "No":
    print("The team is the " + football_team)
if answer == "Yes":
    city = input("Who did the " + football_team + " defeat? ")
    football_team = city + " Football Team"
    print("The new football team is the " + football_team)
另一方面,如果标准始终是华盛顿足球队,那么选择解决方案2。 解决方案2:

for i in range(5):
if i==0:
    city = "Washington"
football_team = city + " Football Team"
answer = input("Did the " + "Washington Football Team" + " win today? ")
if answer == "No":
    print("The team is the " + football_team)
if answer == "Yes":
    city = input("Who did the " + "Washington Football Team" + " defeat? ")
    football_team = city + " Football Team"
    print("The new football team is the " + football_team)
Week 1
Washington defeated Philadelphia with the score of 27 - 17.
The football team is still the Washington Football Team.

Week 2
Arizona defeated Washington with the score of 30 - 15.
The new football team is the Arizona Football Team.

Week 3
Detroit defeated Arizona with the score of 26 - 23.
The new football team is the Detroit Football Team.

Week 4
New Orleans defeated Detroit with the score of 35 - 29.
The new football team is the New Orleans Football Team.



import requests
import operator

def diffr(items):
    return items[0] - sum(items[1:])

football_team_dict = {'city':'Washington','team':'Football Team'}

for i in range(1,18):
    url = '' %i
    jsonData = requests.get(url).json()['events']
    #Get Football Team game
    for game in jsonData:
        if football_team_dict['city'] in game['name']:
    if game['status']['type']['completed'] == True:
        print('Week %s'%i)
        #Check if Football Team won
        score_dict = {}
        for team in game['competitions'][0]['competitors']:
        winCity = max(score_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
        lossCity = min(score_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
        if diffr(list(score_dict.values())) == 0:
            print ('%s tied %s with the score of %s - %s.' %(game['competitions'][0]['competitors'][0]['team']['location'], game['competitions'][0]['competitors'][1]['team']['location'], score_dict[winCity], score_dict[lossCity]))
            winCity = football_team_dict['city']
            print ('%s defeated %s with the score of %s - %s.' %(winCity, lossCity, score_dict[winCity], score_dict[lossCity]))
        if winCity == football_team_dict['city']:
            print ('The football team is still the %s Football Team.\n' %football_team_dict['city'])
            print ('The new football team is the %s Football Team.\n' %football_team_dict['city'])

for i in range(5):
if i==0:
    city = "Washington"
football_team = city + " Football Team"
answer = input("Did the " + "Washington Football Team" + " win today? ")
if answer == "No":
    print("The team is the " + football_team)
if answer == "Yes":
    city = input("Who did the " + "Washington Football Team" + " defeat? ")
    football_team = city + " Football Team"
    print("The new football team is the " + football_team)
Week 1
Washington defeated Philadelphia with the score of 27 - 17.
The football team is still the Washington Football Team.

Week 2
Arizona defeated Washington with the score of 30 - 15.
The new football team is the Arizona Football Team.

Week 3
Detroit defeated Arizona with the score of 26 - 23.
The new football team is the Detroit Football Team.

Week 4
New Orleans defeated Detroit with the score of 35 - 29.
The new football team is the New Orleans Football Team.
