
在Python中添加和,python,sum,Python,Sum,我必须制作一个代码,用户输入的数字总和将达到1001。但它不能超过这个数字,否则它会重置为零。我遇到的唯一问题是获取它,这样当用户到达1001时,代码将打印一条祝贺消息。这是到目前为止我的代码 我是Python新手,非常感谢您提供的任何帮助 编辑 到目前为止,我有这个,它的工作,以增加总和 print ("Want to play a game? Add numbers until you reach 1001!") print ("Current total is 0!") total=0 w





print ("Want to play a game? Add numbers until you reach 1001!")
print ("Current total is 0!")
while total < 1001:
    store=raw_input("Enter a number!") 
    print total
print ("Congratulations! You won!") 

#sum is a function, so name it something else,  I chose sum_ for simplicity's sake
while sum_ != 1001:
    #instead of using an intermediate, I just combined the two lines
    num=int(raw_input("Enter a number!"))

    #This is equivalent to sum = sum + num
    sum_ += num
    print sum_

    #Need to reset if sum_ goes above 1001
    if sum_ > 1001:
        sum_ = 0

#By the time you get here, you know that _sum is equal to 1001
print ("Congratulations! You won!") 



print "Want to play a game? Add numbers until you reach 1001!"
print "Current total is 0!"
# Don't name a variable `sum` -- it overrides the built-in
total = 0
# This will loop until `total` equals 1001
while total != 1001:
    store = raw_input("Enter a number!") 
    num = int(store)
    # This is the same as `total=total+num`
    total += num
    print total
    # If we have gone over 1001, reset `total` to 0
    if total > 1001:
        print "Oops! Too Far! Start Again!"
        total = 0
# When we get here, the total will be 1001
print "Congratulations! You won!"

print "Want to play a game? Add numbers until you reach 1001!"
print "Current total is 0!"
# Don't name a variable `sum` -- it overrides the built-in
total = 0
# This will loop until `total` equals 1001
while total != 1001:
    store = raw_input("Enter a number!") 
    num = int(store)
    # This is the same as `total=total+num`
    total += num
    print total
    # If we have gone over 1001, reset `total` to 0
    if total > 1001:
        print "Oops! Too Far! Start Again!"
        total = 0
# When we get here, the total will be 1001
print "Congratulations! You won!"