Python 数据操作-添加额外的索引列并按字母顺序排序索引

Python 数据操作-添加额外的索引列并按字母顺序排序索引,python,pandas,sorting,dataframe,indexing,Python,Pandas,Sorting,Dataframe,Indexing,在我上一个问题中成功实现了索引操作之后,请参见下面的链接,我希望列按字母数字排序 我想用一个附加/二级索引安排数据框-客户类别,并按字母顺序对每个类别中的客户名称进行排序 我在考虑创建一个字典,将每个客户的名字映射到一个特定的类别,然后按字母顺序排序。不确定这是否有效或如何实现 我想先按字母顺序对两个idx排序,然后按名称排序 这是当前代码: df = df.pivot_table(index=['name'], columns=['Duration'],




我想先按字母顺序对两个idx排序,然后按名称排序 这是当前代码:

df = df.pivot_table(index=['name'], columns=['Duration'],
                                        aggfunc={'sum': np.sum}, fill_value=0)

# Sort Index Values - Duration
c = df_with_col_arg.columns.levels[1]
c = sorted(ns.natsorted(c), key=lambda x: not x.isdigit())

# Reindex Maturity values after Sorting
df_ = df.reindex_axis(pd.MultiIndex.from_product([df.columns.levels[0], c]), axis=1)

map_dict = {
            'Invoice A': 'A1. Retail',
            'Invoice B': 'A1. Retail',
            'Invoice Z': 'A1. Retail',
            'Invoice C': 'C1. Plastics',
            'Invoice F': 'C1. Plastics',
            'Invoice D': 'C2. Electronics',
            'Invoice J': 'C2. Electronics'

# New Column - later to be converted to a secondary index
df['two_idx'] = df.index.to_series().map(map_dict)
df = df.sort_values(['two_idx'], ascending=[False]).set_index(['two_idx', 'name'])


Duration                            2          2Y         3         3Y   
two_idx           name                                                                     
A1. Retail        Invoice A      25.50        0.00      0.00       20.00   
A1. Retail        Invoice B      50.00        25.00     -10.50     0.00
C1. Plastics      Invoice C      125.00       0.00      11.20      0.50
C2. Electronics   Invoice D       0.00        15.00      0.00       80.10

Duration                            2          2Y         3         3Y   
two_idx           name                                                                     
A1. Retail        Invoice A      25.50        0.00      0.00       20.00   
A1. Retail        Invoice B      50.00        25.00     -10.50     0.00
C1. Plastics      Invoice C      125.00       0.00      11.20      0.50
C2. Electronics   Invoice D       0.00        15.00      0.00       80.10
import natsort as ns

#add parameter values for remove MultiIndex in columns
df = df.pivot_table(index='name', 

c = sorted(ns.natsorted(df.columns), key=lambda x: not x.isdigit())
df = df.reindex(c, axis=1)
map_dict = {
            'Invoice A': 'A1. Retail',
            'Invoice B': 'A1. Retail',
            'Invoice Z': 'A1. Retail',
            'Invoice C': 'C1. Plastics',
            'Invoice F': 'C1. Plastics',
            'Invoice D': 'C2. Electronics',
            'Invoice J': 'C2. Electronics'

#create new level of MultiIndex and assign back
df.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays([df.rename(map_dict).index, 
                                      df.index], names=['name','one'])

#sorting index
df = df.sort_index()
print (df)
                               2     3    2Y    3Y
name            one                               
A1. Retail      Invoice A   25.5   0.0   0.0  20.0
                Invoice B   50.0 -10.5  25.0   0.0
C1. Plastics    Invoice C  125.0  11.2   0.0   0.5
C2. Electronics Invoice D    0.0   0.0  15.0  80.1