Python 熊猫-高亮显示列中的第n个后续相等值

Python 熊猫-高亮显示列中的第n个后续相等值,python,pandas,Python,Pandas,我试图找出如何突出显示Pandas数据帧中的第n个后续值(以及以下值),以获得如下结果: Example 1: highlight 3rd subsequent equal value in Column A: Column A | Desired_output 1 | 0 1 | 0 1 | 1 1 | 1 1 | 1 1 | 1 0 | 0 0 | 0 E


 Example 1: highlight 3rd subsequent equal value in Column A:

 Column A | Desired_output
 1        | 0
 1        | 0
 1        | 1
 1        | 1
 1        | 1
 1        | 1
 0        | 0
 0        | 0

 Example 2: highlight 5th subsequent equal value in Column A:

 Column A | Desired_output
 1        | 0
 1        | 0
 1        | 0
 1        | 0
 1        | 1
 1        | 1
 0        | 0
 0        | 0


import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0]})

# set n as the number of repetitions to highlight:
n=3 #or n=5

特殊情况 它可以解决您的特定问题(它要求您的列只包含1和0),并且需要numpy:

import numpy as np

df['Desired Output']=np.where(df.rolling(n).sum()%n==0, True, False)
一般情况 它允许您解决行之间不同类型的比较(不仅仅是检查相等性),如下所示:

comparison = True

for i in range(n):
    comparison &= df['A'] == df['A'].shift(i)

df['Desired Output'] = comparison
# consider that in this scenario, a sequence of zeros it will be flagged with 1
df['Desired Output']=np.where(df.rolling(n).sum()%n==0, 1, 0)
df['Desired Output'] = comparison.astype(int)
两种情况的结果 对于n=3,您将有:

    A   Desired Output
0   1   False
1   1   False
2   1   True
3   1   True
4   1   True
5   1   True
6   0   False
7   0   False
    A   Desired Output
0   1   False
1   1   False
2   1   False
3   1   False
4   1   True
5   1   True
6   0   False
7   0   False

    A   Desired Output
0   1   False
1   1   False
2   1   True
3   1   True
4   1   True
5   1   True
6   0   False
7   0   False
    A   Desired Output
0   1   False
1   1   False
2   1   False
3   1   False
4   1   True
5   1   True
6   0   False
7   0   False
格式: 如果您需要使用1和0的新列,使用特殊的案例方法,您可以在创建列时使用1和0而不是True和False,如下所示:

comparison = True

for i in range(n):
    comparison &= df['A'] == df['A'].shift(i)

df['Desired Output'] = comparison
# consider that in this scenario, a sequence of zeros it will be flagged with 1
df['Desired Output']=np.where(df.rolling(n).sum()%n==0, 1, 0)
df['Desired Output'] = comparison.astype(int)

comparison = True

for i in range(n):
    comparison &= df['A'] == df['A'].shift(i)

df['Desired Output'] = comparison
# consider that in this scenario, a sequence of zeros it will be flagged with 1
df['Desired Output']=np.where(df.rolling(n).sum()%n==0, 1, 0)
df['Desired Output'] = comparison.astype(int)
