Python 有没有办法缩短if语句?

Python 有没有办法缩短if语句?,python,function,loops,if-statement,Python,Function,Loops,If Statement,我让用户输入一个过敏症状,告诉用户该症状是过敏症状,如果症状在元组中,如果不是,那么它将告诉用户不是过敏症状。我曾尝试使用一个元组,并编写了if user\u input==tuple\u name:,但它不起作用。有办法做到这一点吗?如果元组不起作用,有没有办法缩短If-else语句 这是迄今为止的一个小程序: # most common questions asked by patients at pharmacy # allergy treatment def symptoms(aller

我让用户输入一个过敏症状,告诉用户该症状是过敏症状,如果症状在元组中,如果不是,那么它将告诉用户不是过敏症状。我曾尝试使用一个元组,并编写了if user\u input==tuple\u name:,但它不起作用。有办法做到这一点吗?如果元组不起作用,有没有办法缩短If-else语句


# most common questions asked by patients at pharmacy
# allergy treatment
def symptoms(allergies):
while True:
    user_input = input("enter symptom: ")
    if user_input == "runny nose":
        print("allergy symptom")
    elif user_input == "itchy throat":
        print("allergy symptom")
    elif user_input == "watery eyes":
        print("allergy symptom")
    elif user_input == "itchy nose":
        print("allergy symptom")
    elif user_input == "trouble breathing":
        print("this is a severe allergic reaction. Call 911!")
    elif user_input == "hives":
        print("this is an allergic reaction")
    elif user_input == "rash":
        print("this is an allergic reaction")
    elif user_input == "throat closing":
        print("this is a severe allergic reaction. Call 911!")
    elif user_input == "swelling":
        print("this is an allergic reaction")
        print("not an allergy symptom.")


# Rph recommended otc products for mild allergic reactions and for allergies
def allergy_otc():
while True:
    pt_otc_age = input("Is the patient younger than 12 years old? ")
    if pt_otc_age == "yes":
        print("Recommended: Children's Zyrtec, Claritin, Allegra, & Benadryl")
        print("Recommended: Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra, & Benadryl")
    pt_pregnancy_status = input("Is the patient pregnant? ")
    if pt_pregnancy_status == "yes":
        print("Recommended allergy medication for pregnant women would be Claritin.")


过敏症状= 流鼻涕, 喉咙痒, 水汪汪的眼睛, 鼻痒 过敏反应= 蜂箱, 皮疹 肿胀 的 严重不良反应= 呼吸困难, 咽喉闭合 如果用户输入过敏症状: 过敏症状 过敏反应中的elif用户输入: 这是过敏反应 严重不良反应中的elif用户输入: 这是一种严重的过敏反应。打911! 打破 其他: 这不是过敏症状。 in运算符检查序列中是否存在对象。因此:

过敏症状= 流鼻涕, 喉咙痒, 水汪汪的眼睛, 鼻痒 过敏反应= 蜂箱, 皮疹 肿胀 的 严重不良反应= 呼吸困难, 咽喉闭合 如果用户输入过敏症状: 过敏症状 过敏反应中的elif用户输入: 这是过敏反应 严重不良反应中的elif用户输入: 这是一种严重的过敏反应。打911! 打破 其他: 这不是过敏症状。
将一个列表中的症状和另一个列表中的反应分组,然后如果列表中存在x,则使用列表中的if x

症状=[流鼻涕,喉咙发痒,眼睛流泪] 用户输入=输入 如果用户输入症状: 你会死的 其他: 别担心,开心点
将一个列表中的症状和另一个列表中的反应分组,然后如果列表中存在x,则使用列表中的if x

症状=[流鼻涕,喉咙发痒,眼睛流泪] 用户输入=输入 如果用户输入症状: 你会死的 其他: 别担心,开心点

# You should generally avoid "magic values" by declaring them up-front. This
# prevents hard-to-find typing errors
SEVERE_REACTION = "this is a severe allergic reaction. Call 911!"

# define the dictionary outside the get_diagnosis function to avoid 
# re-calculating it every time
symptoms = {
    "runny nose": "allergy symptom",
    "itchy throat": "allergy symptom",
    "watery eyes": "allergy symptom",
    "itchy nose": "allergy symptom",
    "trouble breathing": SEVERE_REACTION,
    "hives": "this is an allergic reaction",
    "rash": "this is an allergic reaction",
    "throat closing": SEVERE_REACTION,
    "swelling": "this is an allergic reaction" }

def get_diagnosis(user_input):
        return symptoms[user_input]
    # if the user_input isn't in the dictionary, catch the exception and return
    # a message
    except KeyError:
        return "not an allergy symptom."

def symptoms(allergies):
while True:
    user_input = input("enter symptom: ")
    diagnosis = get_diagnosis(user_input)

    if diagnosis == SEVERE_REACTION:


# You should generally avoid "magic values" by declaring them up-front. This
# prevents hard-to-find typing errors
SEVERE_REACTION = "this is a severe allergic reaction. Call 911!"

# define the dictionary outside the get_diagnosis function to avoid 
# re-calculating it every time
symptoms = {
    "runny nose": "allergy symptom",
    "itchy throat": "allergy symptom",
    "watery eyes": "allergy symptom",
    "itchy nose": "allergy symptom",
    "trouble breathing": SEVERE_REACTION,
    "hives": "this is an allergic reaction",
    "rash": "this is an allergic reaction",
    "throat closing": SEVERE_REACTION,
    "swelling": "this is an allergic reaction" }

def get_diagnosis(user_input):
        return symptoms[user_input]
    # if the user_input isn't in the dictionary, catch the exception and return
    # a message
    except KeyError:
        return "not an allergy symptom."

def symptoms(allergies):
while True:
    user_input = input("enter symptom: ")
    diagnosis = get_diagnosis(user_input)

    if diagnosis == SEVERE_REACTION:
