
使用多处理在Python进程之间共享数据的问题,python,subprocess,python-multiprocessing,Python,Subprocess,Python Multiprocessing,我看过好几篇关于这方面的文章,所以我知道这是相当简单的,但我似乎做得不够。我不确定是否需要创建工作池或使用队列类。基本上,我希望能够创建几个进程,每个进程都可以自主地进行操作(这就是为什么它们从代理超类继承) 在主循环的随机滴答声中,我想更新每个代理。我使用time.sleep在主循环和代理的运行循环中使用不同的值来模拟不同的处理器速度 这是我的代理超类: # Generic class to handle mpc of each agent class Agent(mpc.Process):




# Generic class to handle mpc of each agent
class Agent(mpc.Process):
  # initialize agent parameters
  def __init__(self,):
    # init mpc
    self.exit = mpc.Event()

  # an agent's main loop...generally should be overridden
  def run(self):
    while not self.exit.is_set():
    print "You exited!"

  # safely shutdown an agent
  def shutdown(self):
    print "Shutdown initiated"

  # safely communicate values to this agent
  def communicate(self,value):
    print value






  • 控制工人寿命的集中管理者/主流程
  • worker进程执行自包含的操作,然后向经理和其他进程报告结果


from ctypes import c_bool
from multiprocessing import Manager, Process, Array, Value
from pprint import pprint
from time import sleep, time

class Agent(Process):

    def __init__(self, name, shared_dictionary, delay=0.5):
        """My take on your Agent.

        Key difference is that I've commonized the run-loop and used
        a shared value to signal when to stop, to demonstrate it.
        super(Agent, self).__init__()
        self.name = name

        # This is going to be how we communicate between processes.
        self.shared_dictionary = shared_dictionary

        # Create a silo for us to use.
        shared_dictionary[name] = []
        self.should_stop = Value(c_bool, False)

        # Primarily for testing purposes, and for simulating 
        # slower agents.
        self.delay = delay

    def get_next_results(self):
        # In the real world I'd use abc.ABCMeta as the metaclass to do 
        # this properly.
        raise RuntimeError('Subclasses must implement this')

    def run(self):
        ii = 0
        while not self.should_stop.value:
            ii += 1
            # debugging / monitoring
            print('%s %s run loop execution %d' % (
                type(self).__name__, self.name, ii))

            next_results = self.get_next_results()

            # Add the results, along with a timestamp.
            self.shared_dictionary[self.name] += [(time(), next_results)]

    def stop(self):
        self.should_stop.value = True
        print('%s %s stopped' % (type(self).__name__, self.name))

class HVACAgent(Agent):
    def get_next_results(self):
        # This is where you do your work, but for the sake of
        # the example just return a constant dictionary.
        return {'temperature': 5, 'pressure': 7, 'humidity': 9}

class DumbReadingAgent(Agent):
    """A dumb agent to demonstrate workers reading other worker values."""

    def get_next_results(self):
        # get hvac 1 results:
        hvac1_results = self.shared_dictionary.get('hvac 1')
        if hvac1_results is None:
            return None

        return hvac1_results[-1][1]['temperature']

# Script starts.
results = {}

# The "with" ensures we terminate the manager at the end.
with Manager() as manager:

    # the manager is a subprocess in its own right. We can ask
    # it to manage a dictionary (or other python types) for us
    # to be shared among the other children.
    shared_info = manager.dict()

    hvac_agent1 = HVACAgent('hvac 1', shared_info)
    hvac_agent2 = HVACAgent('hvac 2', shared_info, delay=0.1)
    dumb_agent = DumbReadingAgent('dumb hvac1 reader', shared_info)

    agents = (hvac_agent1, hvac_agent2, dumb_agent)

    list(map(lambda a: a.start(), agents))


    list(map(lambda a: a.stop(), agents))
    list(map(lambda a: a.join(), agents))

    # Not quite sure what happens to the shared dictionary after
    # the manager dies, so for safety make a local copy.
    results = dict(shared_info)



  • 控制工人寿命的集中管理者/主流程
  • worker进程执行自包含的操作,然后向经理和其他进程报告结果


from ctypes import c_bool
from multiprocessing import Manager, Process, Array, Value
from pprint import pprint
from time import sleep, time

class Agent(Process):

    def __init__(self, name, shared_dictionary, delay=0.5):
        """My take on your Agent.

        Key difference is that I've commonized the run-loop and used
        a shared value to signal when to stop, to demonstrate it.
        super(Agent, self).__init__()
        self.name = name

        # This is going to be how we communicate between processes.
        self.shared_dictionary = shared_dictionary

        # Create a silo for us to use.
        shared_dictionary[name] = []
        self.should_stop = Value(c_bool, False)

        # Primarily for testing purposes, and for simulating 
        # slower agents.
        self.delay = delay

    def get_next_results(self):
        # In the real world I'd use abc.ABCMeta as the metaclass to do 
        # this properly.
        raise RuntimeError('Subclasses must implement this')

    def run(self):
        ii = 0
        while not self.should_stop.value:
            ii += 1
            # debugging / monitoring
            print('%s %s run loop execution %d' % (
                type(self).__name__, self.name, ii))

            next_results = self.get_next_results()

            # Add the results, along with a timestamp.
            self.shared_dictionary[self.name] += [(time(), next_results)]

    def stop(self):
        self.should_stop.value = True
        print('%s %s stopped' % (type(self).__name__, self.name))

class HVACAgent(Agent):
    def get_next_results(self):
        # This is where you do your work, but for the sake of
        # the example just return a constant dictionary.
        return {'temperature': 5, 'pressure': 7, 'humidity': 9}

class DumbReadingAgent(Agent):
    """A dumb agent to demonstrate workers reading other worker values."""

    def get_next_results(self):
        # get hvac 1 results:
        hvac1_results = self.shared_dictionary.get('hvac 1')
        if hvac1_results is None:
            return None

        return hvac1_results[-1][1]['temperature']

# Script starts.
results = {}

# The "with" ensures we terminate the manager at the end.
with Manager() as manager:

    # the manager is a subprocess in its own right. We can ask
    # it to manage a dictionary (or other python types) for us
    # to be shared among the other children.
    shared_info = manager.dict()

    hvac_agent1 = HVACAgent('hvac 1', shared_info)
    hvac_agent2 = HVACAgent('hvac 2', shared_info, delay=0.1)
    dumb_agent = DumbReadingAgent('dumb hvac1 reader', shared_info)

    agents = (hvac_agent1, hvac_agent2, dumb_agent)

    list(map(lambda a: a.start(), agents))


    list(map(lambda a: a.stop(), agents))
    list(map(lambda a: a.join(), agents))

    # Not quite sure what happens to the shared dictionary after
    # the manager dies, so for safety make a local copy.
    results = dict(shared_info)


这是一个非常广泛的问题。据我所知,你基本上是在问“多进程之间共享数据有哪些方法?”(你读过吗?),然后是“我应该在我的应用程序中使用哪种方法?”。你能不能把范围缩小一点,即给出一个特定的期望行为?否则,我认为人们可能会留下一些通用的答案,而这些答案实际上可能对你没有多大帮助。实际上,这正是编辑应该涵盖的内容。根据我的具体实现,我需要一种共享数据的方法…我不知道队列、JoinableQueue或其他什么是最好的,但如果我使用mpc.Process.\uuuu init\uuuuuuuself)*多个消费者都读取相同的变量,我似乎无法想出如何共享数据这是一个非常广泛的问题。据我所知,你基本上是在问“多进程之间共享数据有哪些方法?”(你读过吗?),然后是“我应该在我的应用程序中使用哪种方法?”。你能不能把范围缩小一点,即给出一个特定的期望行为?否则,我认为人们可能会留下一些通用的答案,而这些答案实际上可能对你没有多大帮助。实际上,这正是编辑应该涵盖的内容。根据我的具体实现,我需要一种共享数据的方法…我不知道队列、JoinableQueue或其他什么是最好的,但如果我使用mpc.Process.\uuuu init\uuuuuuself)*多个消费者都在读同一个变量,我似乎不知道如何共享数据。好帖!在2.7中运行良好(我以前使用过2,因为在2和3中都有代码)。我可能会分别中断运行循环,因为这些代理中的每一个都应该完全自主地运行,因此它们将有非常不同的运行循环。但我确实喜欢共享字典的想法……它让我想起了一个干净的、能够修改它的单例实例。但问题是……如果
hvac\u agent1
hvac\u agent2
Initializing subsystems
Timestep 0
Measured [68] [56.948675]
heating 1
heating 2
Timestep 1
heating 3
heating 4
Timestep 2
heating 5
heating 6
from ctypes import c_bool
from multiprocessing import Manager, Process, Array, Value
from pprint import pprint
from time import sleep, time

class Agent(Process):

    def __init__(self, name, shared_dictionary, delay=0.5):
        """My take on your Agent.

        Key difference is that I've commonized the run-loop and used
        a shared value to signal when to stop, to demonstrate it.
        super(Agent, self).__init__()
        self.name = name

        # This is going to be how we communicate between processes.
        self.shared_dictionary = shared_dictionary

        # Create a silo for us to use.
        shared_dictionary[name] = []
        self.should_stop = Value(c_bool, False)

        # Primarily for testing purposes, and for simulating 
        # slower agents.
        self.delay = delay

    def get_next_results(self):
        # In the real world I'd use abc.ABCMeta as the metaclass to do 
        # this properly.
        raise RuntimeError('Subclasses must implement this')

    def run(self):
        ii = 0
        while not self.should_stop.value:
            ii += 1
            # debugging / monitoring
            print('%s %s run loop execution %d' % (
                type(self).__name__, self.name, ii))

            next_results = self.get_next_results()

            # Add the results, along with a timestamp.
            self.shared_dictionary[self.name] += [(time(), next_results)]

    def stop(self):
        self.should_stop.value = True
        print('%s %s stopped' % (type(self).__name__, self.name))

class HVACAgent(Agent):
    def get_next_results(self):
        # This is where you do your work, but for the sake of
        # the example just return a constant dictionary.
        return {'temperature': 5, 'pressure': 7, 'humidity': 9}

class DumbReadingAgent(Agent):
    """A dumb agent to demonstrate workers reading other worker values."""

    def get_next_results(self):
        # get hvac 1 results:
        hvac1_results = self.shared_dictionary.get('hvac 1')
        if hvac1_results is None:
            return None

        return hvac1_results[-1][1]['temperature']

# Script starts.
results = {}

# The "with" ensures we terminate the manager at the end.
with Manager() as manager:

    # the manager is a subprocess in its own right. We can ask
    # it to manage a dictionary (or other python types) for us
    # to be shared among the other children.
    shared_info = manager.dict()

    hvac_agent1 = HVACAgent('hvac 1', shared_info)
    hvac_agent2 = HVACAgent('hvac 2', shared_info, delay=0.1)
    dumb_agent = DumbReadingAgent('dumb hvac1 reader', shared_info)

    agents = (hvac_agent1, hvac_agent2, dumb_agent)

    list(map(lambda a: a.start(), agents))


    list(map(lambda a: a.stop(), agents))
    list(map(lambda a: a.join(), agents))

    # Not quite sure what happens to the shared dictionary after
    # the manager dies, so for safety make a local copy.
    results = dict(shared_info)
