Python 如何在docx中读取和更新多个表?

Python 如何在docx中读取和更新多个表?,python,docx,python-docx,Python,Docx,Python Docx,我想更新word中多个表中第一列的单元格。我有一个在单个巨型表上工作的现有代码,现在同一个表正以不同的顺序拆分为多个表。我如何在多个具有相同内容的表上更新它? 这是用于更新一个表的代码的一部分 def update_list(self, save_path: str, list_docx: str = None): if list_docx is not None: self.list_docx = list_docx elif self.list_docx is

我想更新word中多个表中第一列的单元格。我有一个在单个巨型表上工作的现有代码,现在同一个表正以不同的顺序拆分为多个表。我如何在多个具有相同内容的表上更新它? 这是用于更新一个表的代码的一部分

def update_list(self, save_path: str, list_docx: str = None):
    if list_docx is not None:
        self.list_docx = list_docx
    elif self.list_docx is None:
        raise ValueError('list is not given')

    tracker = self.bill_compare()[0]
    all_updates, removed = tracker.combine_found(), tracker.not_found_to_df()
    docEdit = docEditor(self.list_docx)
    self._updates_only(docEdit, all_updates)
    self._removed_only(docEdit, removed)

def _updates_only(self, docEdit, all_updates):
    for table in docEdit.tables:
        for row in range(len(table.rows)):
        partnum = table.get_text(row, 0)
        if partnum in all_updates['old_partnum'].to_list():
            to_update = all_updates.loc[pn == all_updates['old_partnum']].values[0]
            # previous formatting
            bold = table.isbold(row, 0)
            # Update fields
            self._update_partnum(row, to_update, table)
            self._update_descript(row, to_update, table)
            self._update_manufacturer(row, to_update, table)
            self._update_model(row, to_update, table)
            if bold:
            self._match_conditions(row, table, to_update)
            # Remove updated from df
            all_updates = all_updates[all_updates.old_idx != to_update[0]]

class docEditor:
        document: the word document containing the list
        table: the table within the word document containing the list

    All functions require a row number for the row to be modified.
    Funcitons ending with XXXX_row means the entire row will be modified,
    while others will modify only modify one specific cell.
    def __init__(self, docx_path):
        self.document = Document(docx_path)
        self.table = self.document.tables[]

    def get_text(self, row, column):
        return self.table.rows[row].cells[column].text

    def set_text(self, row, column, new_string):
        self.table.rows[row].cells[column].text = new_string

    def set_bold(self, row, column):
        for paragraph in self.table.rows[row].cells[column].paragraphs:
            for run in paragraph.runs:
                run.font.bold = True

    def bold_row(self, row):
        for cell in self.table.rows[row].cells:
            for paragraph in cell.paragraphs:
                for run in paragraph.runs:
                    run.font.bold = True

    def isbold(self, row, column):
        for paragraph in self.table.rows[row].cells[column].paragraphs:
            for run in paragraph.runs:
                if run.font.bold:
                    return True
        return False

    def set_italic(self, row, column):
        for paragraph in self.table.rows[row].cells[column].paragraphs:
            for run in paragraph.runs:
                run.font.italic = True

    def italic_row(self, row):
        for cell in self.table.rows[row].cells:
            for paragraph in cell.paragraphs:
                for run in paragraph.runs:
                    run.font.italic = True

    def isitalic(self, row, column):
        for paragraph in self.table.rows[row].cells[column].paragraphs:
            for run in paragraph.runs:
                if run.font.italic:
                    return True
        return False

    def set_highlight(self, row, column, colour):
        for paragraph in self.table.rows[row].cells[column].paragraphs:
            for run in paragraph.runs:
                run.font.highlight_color = getattr(WD_COLOR_INDEX, colour)

    def highlight_row(self, row, colour):
        for cell in self.table.rows[row].cells:
            for paragraph in cell.paragraphs:
                for run in paragraph.runs:
                    run.font.highlight_color = getattr(WD_COLOR_INDEX, colour)

    def set_colour(self, row, column, r, g, b):
        for paragraph in self.table.rows[row].cells[column].paragraphs:
            for run in paragraph.runs:
                run.font.color.rgb = RGBColor(r, g, b)

    def colour_row(self, row, r, g, b):
        for cell in self.table.rows[row].cells:
            for paragraph in cell.paragraphs:
                for run in paragraph.runs:
                    run.font.color.rgb = RGBColor(r, g, b)

    def get_font(self, row, column):
        return self.table.rows[row].cells[column].paragraphs[0].runs[0]

    def set_font(self, row, column, font):
        for paragraph in self.table.rows[row].cells[column].paragraphs:
            for run in paragraph.runs:
       = font

    def font_row(self, row, font):
        for cell in self.table.rows[row].cells:
            for paragraph in cell.paragraphs:
                for run in paragraph.runs:
           = font

    def set_fontsize(self, row, column, size):
        for paragraph in self.table.rows[row].cells[column].paragraphs:
            for run in paragraph.runs:
                run.font.size = Pt(size)

    def fontsize_row(self, row, size):
        for cell in self.table.rows[row].cells:
            for paragraph in cell.paragraphs:
                for run in paragraph.runs:
                    run.font.size = Pt(size)

    def get_justification(self, row, column):
        return self.table.rows[row].cells[column].paragraphs[0].alignment

    def set_justification(self, row, column, justification):
        # just = {'left': 0, 'center': 1, 'right': 3, 'distribute': 4}
        for paragraph in self.table.rows[row].cells[column].paragraphs:
            paragraph.alignment = justification

    def set_strike(self, row, column):
        for paragraph in self.table.rows[row].cells[column].paragraphs:
            for run in paragraph.runs:
                run.font.strike = True

    def strike_row(self, row):
        for cell in self.table.rows[row].cells:
            for paragraph in cell.paragraphs:
                for run in paragraph.runs:
                    run.font.strike = True

    def save(self, path):
